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Everything posted by TheEgo

  1. AVFC are now a club HAPPY to settle for middle table and just tick over. Well Done Randy, Bright **** future my ass.
  2. It will all end in tears.....................Trust me!
  3. Well today Apathy reigns for me. I give up and accept it's McCleish. Our board have settled for middle of the road and so now have I. I will support the team on the pitch, however I wont buy merchanise, spend money at the ground, simply just go and watch MY team play. I have given up hope that this board knows what it's doing. They haven't got a Scooby. No manger, no kit, no sponser, best players want out.......Bring back Doug
  4. It's great that he's a lovely, honest decent guy with balls of steel, however is he any GOOD?
  5. http://twitpic.com/5bzg1z Fans breached the gates and are now outside the Main Reception
  6. As you have repeatedly said General........AVFC is OUR club, well can we have it back please? Im not sure I trust you guys with it anymore. Please don't proclaim to know how I feel, you don't. You're not a FAN you may be a supporter, but one with an vested interest. I don't wish to be disrespectful and Im speaking to you as a board member who courts "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly" well you can't disappear and be selective with your posts now it has got ugly. I will support MY club, but won't support you and your board members if you naively appoint someone who is clearly not qualified or GOOD enough to manage our club. The day we appoint McLeish will be the day our dream dies. What a way to unite the whole city, BOTH sets of fans don't want this. For the life of me I see NO logic in this appointment. Good Luck, I think you're in for a bumpy ride. Edited for typo's
  7. Wow, I havent posted much over the last few days and just being watching this unfold............How the hell did we arrive at this point? Is McCleish really are ONLY option and the BEST man to give us a "Bright Future" I'll support Villa regardless of anything, however I will NOT be supporting the board if they make this appointment. All good faith is now out of the window and I see them on equal grounds to Deadly Doug. You're now judged on what happens on the pitch (all the moisacs, free scarves, Holte Pub mean nothing now) it's about WINNING on the pitch and being SUCCESSFUL. That is how I will judge this board. This appointment (if it happens) smacks of middle of the road. With this we've given up the dream and realise were now also rans. Sad day.............. As for McCleish and his credentails, whilst im sure he is a good man, he is not a good manager. Our board state he has proven he can manage at the top. Has he?? he spent 40 million and still relegated them TWICE. McCarthy and Martinez spent significently less and kept there teams in the PL, are they then more qualified? Is this what it has come to? shopping in the bargin basement? Proud History Insipid Future. Our board clearly don't get OUR club and they no longer have my support.
  8. Apparently Blues want to speak to Cotterill, dodn't waste much time considering how cross they are he left. Hope this doesnt free McCleish up to talk to us
  9. Is it? the link on that twitter post takes you to Martinez turns down Villa despite a treble your wage offer (or something like that) In a column on the right hand side. Thanks got it now, was kind of expecting a "breaking news" kind of story haha!
  10. Is it? the link on that twitter post takes you to Martinez turns down Villa despite a treble your wage offer (or something like that) In a column on the right hand side. Thanks got it now, was kind of expecting a "breaking news" kind of story haha!
  11. Is it? the link on that twitter post takes you to Martinez turns down Villa despite a treble your wage offer (or something like that)
  12. Is it? the link on that twitter post takes you to Martinez turns down Villa despite a treble your wage offer (or something like that)
  13. Hope to god they did a mail merge to cut down on the admin time. If not there TOTALLY amateurish!
  14. You as well That makes 2 of us who got phone calls at the same tiem Must be something in it Are you sure you weren't calling each other? :?
  15. Come on guys, lets not have pages and pages of. "I think its going to be page 345" it's difficult enough keeping up as it is.
  16. This was on H&V Quote from: MYSTERYMAN on Today at 08:25:41 AM Shaun nice bloke but on the wind up forget it Forget all your conspiracy theories. Nobodu knows anything.
  17. To turn us down , he would have had to of been offered the job. Not happened.
  18. Pellegrini is a lovely sparkling water, yummy and so refreshing....
  19. From the 9th MAY nothing to see here............
  20. So we release a statement stating we are saying nothing?? Great one PF haha!
  21. It's Rafa, signed sealed and just to be delivered..................
  22. It's Rafa, signed sealed and just to be delivered..................
  23. Well said Quinton. The thought of him managing us has got me close to tears and ready to explode! Do the people supporting him on here think our club has no identity of its own or do they want some sort of Villapool? Really? Really? Are you REALLY close to tears?? haha!!
  24. Apparently we've already met with Moyes/reps twice already. Who told you that Salifou ????????? Look at who else is on holiday with Rooney and Moyes..... ` Andy Carroll?? Wolverine?? :evil:
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