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Everything posted by TheEgo

  1. Playing Devil's Adovcat for a minute, what else can they do? Suppose they have gone after there first choice/choices and for whatever reason, nothing is doing. Is it their fault? is it circumstances/timing etc? they now have to either appoint from the 'B list' or come out and say that their first choice wasn't available, so they will stick with KMac until further notice, what happens then? I'm tired of second guessing and now going to sit back and see what unfolds whilst hoping for a pleasant surprise.
  2. Did he actually refuse? what did he say when asked?
  3. There are. I think it would be good for the time being for the General to cut this line of communication and come back when all of this crap has died down. Its doing nobody any favours. I also liked the questions that were being posted before this crap kicked off. There were some genuinly interesting questions and responses. MattyB - where has this info on Klinsmann come from if you don't mind me asking? As I said in my previous post, just info passed on in good faith from a friend. It will either be right or not haha!!
  4. Please do elaborate good sir Not loads to say, just info that was mentioned to me from a close friend. It's a bit of a friend of a friend one, so whilst not doubting my friend for one second, it's reliant on others. This 'other' knew about the sponser early and other corporate stuff. Like I siad, let's wait and see. I stick a fiver on just in case, not holding my breath though haha!! like I said, I never have ITK so would be good to get something right.
  5. I think we've gone full circle now, new day = another name. Yep I agree, time will tell eh?!
  6. I have heard a little whisper that we may be in for Klinsmann after all. Don't shoot the messenger, just passing on what I heard. I'm not one to post 'ITK' BS however have reason to believe this to be accurate. Like I said though, just passing on what I have heard. Would do for me....
  7. I'll be completely honest with you, irrespective of age. Your post lost ALL credibility for me, the second you started using 'coz' instead of 'because' maybe petty, however if you can't be bothered to use credible english, then I can't see anybody taking you to seriously.
  8. Who said he was in Paris? don't make me trawl back through all the pages please
  9. Not told by anyone at all Quick question, thetrees. Why won't you reveal where he went? you normally withold info until he is in mid air or returned, so why not this time? what's changed? Good point. I think that the intimation was there this morning and someone else (who may be ITK) named the destination. I'm out of the loop for a few days now, so it should be sorted by my return Grrrrr I clearly have to read some of the posts from this morning, thought I had caught up with it all..... So he is in Paris and is still there? Oh I don't have a bloody clue.
  10. Not told by anyone at all Quick question, thetrees. Why won't you reveal where he went? you normally withold info until he is in mid air or returned, so why not this time? what's changed?
  11. Blues going to sign Hleb for around 5 million. Good signing for them and someone we should of been after.
  12. Sven hasn't moved much. He has shortened a little on betfair, maybe people offsetting other bets?
  13. Can someone please explain how betfair works? a pm would be good. To keep it remotely on topic, I stuck a tenner on Moyes earlier at 50-1 and someone mentioned offsetting it or something like that on betfair. Sorry not much of a gambler, infact today was my first bet outside of the grand national. Just couldn't resist the 50-1 price
  14. Give over about odds, eh? :winkold: Haha made me smile.
  15. Yep and he doesn't exactly rule himself out does he?!
  16. Maybe there is something in it? Like I said eariler, probably is all rubbish, however I wont discount it until there is a denial by either party.
  17. It would take a full denial for me to completely rule it out. Either Moyes or Villa need to deny this rumour now it has reached a few places in the media world, if not it will escalate further.
  18. I'm the ITK I probably started all this with my tenner bet at 50-1 ;-) ok maybe not and for the record, I know bog all
  19. How would this work mate? Let's say you've got a bet of £10 on Moyes at 50/1. I just checked and you'll get odds of 1/5 of Moyes not becoming manager. Thought they'd be better, but still you're guaranteed profit if you lay it off more than £50 of it. Depends if you're sure that the bet won't come off, or if you think his odds might come in a bit more yet. Don't know how much you would lay off if you want to make the same profit whether or not he becomes manager. Ive got him at 33's 10's and 7's bout 5k to lay... Can someone please explain this betfair lark to me? I have moyes at 50-1 for a tenner, so a potential 510 quid, what do I need to do on betfair? a pm would do if it's OT
  20. I'd be in for 510 quid. Get him in for this reason alone haha!!
  21. Irrespective of people not wanting to talk about odds. Got to admit it's a pretty spectacular drop in the space of an hour 50-1 to 7-2??? clearly a lot of money going on Moyes.
  22. Moyes down from 50-1 to 10-1 in the last 15 minutes (I just put a tenner on at 50-1)
  23. I think we need to be a little more physical anyway. Wouldn't mind seeing us kick a few of the opposition in the air, were far too 'nice'
  24. I just popped a tenner on Moyes at 50/1 with BetFred.
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