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Everything posted by TheEgo

  1. So now we have fans lying about hearing something on a radio station? Nice
  2. Did you not get the reaction you were after the first time? haha! he is the Swansea manager.
  3. Personally I think the only hint in his last post is "I dont have a **** clue, like everybody else" no disrespect to him.
  4. Think you answered your own question right there haha
  5. MatKendrick just tweeted this: "I understand that #avfc have sounded out Steve McClaren's representatives. Wheter SMc will be interviewed, I don't know" Fabulous news
  6. People you spoken to, are they sources connected with Villa or just people you know ? I would say other 'ITK' from other websites ;-)
  7. Martin Jol signed for Fulham for 2 years apparently. That will free up Hughes as they can't have 2 managers. Watch this space...............
  8. It's going to be a looooonnnnggg day. Could I sing 'someone like you'?
  9. Any paticular dog? I rather worryingly want to say a Basset hound?? :shock:
  10. Hahaha there is more chance of BFR coming back than MON, if he comes back, I'll smother my own b*llocks in dogshit and eat them.
  11. I would jump at the chance of us getting Villa Boas, has a certain poetry toit don't you think? not a cat in hells chance incidentally. Match made in heaven if ever there was one, oh and maybe David Villa up front...............If not Shtevie and Southgate dream ticket (that's for Valhalla)
  12. I think the guys profile pic kinda says he's on a wind up, kinda think it's quite funny, predictable but funny! if you dont want a reaction, ignore the blighter
  13. Steves club record is good, you could argue he has done a lot more than Hughes has. Yes most people would be against him at first but I think most would settle down and give him a chance. Steves record with Twente is good, his record with Boro is average at best. Despite the heavy backing he recieved as manager he achieved only one top ten finish, where as Hughes has never finished outside of the top ten when he has had a full season in charge at a club, with much smaller resources, Man City aside. So yes you could argue, but your case would be weak. Steve got England playing again,best football since 66 in my opinion. Borough fell apart after mclaren left. I think he over achieved there. Main thing I have against Hughes is his habit of walking out on clubs. We have already had one tosser do that and I wouldn't be keen on another. Steve would respect this job and be in it for the long term. You're brilliant, do you do requests??
  14. Can we please stop calling him Steve, like he's suddenly a pal? shudder!!! Lets stick to McClown or BrollyWally please folks
  15. Still had to get Deschamps in there huh? He's signed a new contract today. so won't be coming anywhere near B6. Want a hanky?
  16. One thing I do know is that all the 'ITK' people are full of sh*t hotels in brum, landing at airports, haha!! whatever!!
  17. Just went to place my bet only 2 are still on there. SP means suspended. I think people are getting a bit carried away with bets. They may be reconsidering odds, or the appointment may now be known???? Ancelotti is now 2-1 with sky bet! I know bookies stop taking bets at a certain time, but I've not seen the SP come up before. Mark Hughes was listed as SP for about 30 mins and then odds were available. Will know more when they all re-open in the morning I guess.
  18. Any ideas on the SP ref? on Oddschecker. Bookies is BETDAQ
  19. Because he hasn't got any coaching badges and doesn't want to be a coach yet? don't let that get in the way though.
  20. On Oddschecker there is a bookies where you cant get a price on Benitez or Carlo, yet you can all other managers, they have SP next to their name, whats that all about?
  21. The guy who has the above Twitter account. He is a blogger for the E&S I think?
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