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Everything posted by Houseoftomorrow

  1. I've more or less been a supporter of Klinsmann with the USA National Team, but I think he'd be a terrible fit at Villa. He changes personnel and tactics way too frequently, and seems to care more about player fitness than developing a system for them to play in. He's also had some problems keeping his locker room together (probably because he loves to stir the pot, and get players out of their comfort zone), although nothing recently. I think he would be better suited for the job if he had the offseason to prepare, and the money to bring in some players. Just don't think he's a good fit for the situation we're in right now.
  2. I've been listening to David Bazan and the Passenger String Quartet all day. Saw they live last night and it's carried over. The song that I keep coming back to is "Lost My Shape." Kind of a haunting song, but it's an interesting arrangement with the strings added in (especially the second verse when they change to plucking). I can't embed the actual soundcloud, but here's the link
  3. (Also a rather large image when you click it)
  4. I'm new here on the inter-net. How did you work this piece of dark magic? It's a Japanese character. I just copy and paste it from google, since I'm not willing to type it into a Mac keyboard shortcut.
  5. The map would have been pretty similar for the white Democrat before the black guy I'd imagine. You were looking too deeply. The map says white American man tends to vote Republican, thats it Also, it only shows the electoral votes, which don't paint the whole picture. Yes, it certainly shows a trend, but very few states actually split their electoral votes. Example: if Tennessee votes Republican by one vote, all the electoral votes go to the Republicans. So, the map shows that 7% of the electoral college votes would've gone to Barrack, yet 39% of the votes made by white males were for Obama. Yeah, it's still not a high percentage, but it's also the same percentage that Bill Clinton received in 1992.
  6. I'm not sure that talking about maps in a thread about maps could be off topic. Ha, true! I meant the topic of the map itself. But yeah, probably didn't need to type that. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  7. That is a very interesting, depressing map. Enough to make you think there really might be something wrong with white men. You should see the people we elect to Congress.
  8. Mercator maps make New England look really...sad, I guess is how I'd describe it? Really any map that doesn't have curved latitude and longitude looks odd (I've always seen it projected further north, even though it's not). Don't know if it's because road atlases are always done a different way, or if I'm just used to looking at a globe. Sorry, completely off topic, but for some reason that really stood out when I looked at the map. Carry on.
  9. A few weird borders to jumpstart the thread. Ellis Island The Caribbean island of St. Martin And of course, the world's only third order enclave, Dahala Khagrabari (that's India inside Bangladesh, Bangladesh inside India, and India inside Bangladesh one more time)
  10. The New York Times has a new interactive map of the hardest places to live in the U.S.
  11. How much you would need to make in each state to be considered the top 1%
  12. A 16th century Ottoman map overlaid on a current one.
  13. European countries represented by football clubs with the most league titles
  14. Who would you replace for two more players? If my count is correct we have 27 players over 21, with Herd and Stevens likely not included we're still full at 25. Edit: Not a criticism, generally curious. It seems like we can't add anymore over 21 players without dropping a member of the squad.
  15. Southern Delaware has some decent beaches, but I-95 goes through Wilmington, which is a giant sewer. There's just nothing really worth going to Delaware for that the surrounding areas don't already have.
  16. A map of air traffic routing and holding during thunderstorms at the world's busiest airport (Atlanta).
  17. Edit: They just told someone on twitter that there will be a free stream of the match on FCDallas.com.
  18. Only update I've seen is another response on twitter saying "stay tuned ." That was about an hour ago. (Having trouble linking it on my phone.)
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