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Everything posted by srsmithusa

  1. Be honest. Some on here hate mcleish because he came from birmingham Some on here hate him because of his previous record of taking teams to relegation Some on here hate him because of his supposedly negative style of play Some are trying to stay positive despite many disappointing decisions Some think he's OK but nothing spectacular (I'm somewhere between these last 2) but I don't hear anyone saying he's really good and doing a great job. I think he's not been given a fair chance by many, which is unfortunate. But I don't think we can afford to keep him through the summer, paul lambert for me.
  2. Wasn't a goalscoring chance when it's in the hands of the goalkeeper. agree but it was certainly worth a 2nd yellow The LOTG give the referee some discretion on Dunne's. yellow would have been defensible. The LOTG give no discretion on the striking an opponent with the ball. Jones will fail the assessment on this match for that, not for the Dunne call.
  3. in the us, that offside call would fail the Assistant referee. Horrible. And Jones would fail for failing to produce the red against kshelney (or however it's spelled)
  4. k shitty should be off. the laws of the game specifically equate that with striking. violent conduct. rvp's elbow should have been a caution at least. to balance a little bit, clark should have a caution for persistent infringement.... most of his have been played through on advantage.
  5. "How dare you make me look like a manager with half a clue! What will my paymaster at SHA say if we win?! I'm not here to win games. I'm don't have the title of Agent for nothing. Now get out there and do **** all!" Both of these comments annoy the crap out of me. your ability to imagine stupid things to say is hardly evidence that he said them. I'm not happy with our play this half, and there's lots of room for criticism, but if your point is valid it shouldn't require you to make crap up to support it.
  6. OK, I'm frustrated and depressed too, but "2 goals head start" glosses over the fact that we scored them on excellent play from several different players. But tbf to your comment, all three in this half were more given by villa than earned by arse. Frankly, that's what's so frustrating.
  7. actually, this half is starting just like the first. EDIT: Except for Dunne giving away a pk needlessly, of course.
  8. Yes, it was. At first I thought it was keane again, but that piece of brilliance came from petrov!
  9. He can check out anytime he likes....but he can never leave!! Welcome to Villa from California.... LOVE this !!! i can hear the guitar solo now. Who's playing the guitar solo though??.... Andy Marshall??......... I would say mcliesh because he brought keane in, but that would cause someone to post that I'm an idiot because mcleish is shit which would cause someone else to post that the previous poster was not a good fan for not supporting mcleish which would cause half of vt to rant that the other half are blind, stupid, following sheep that can't think for themselves while the other half... oh well, I guess you get the picture. back to the music in my head...
  10. He can check out anytime he likes....but he can never leave!! Welcome to Villa from California.... LOVE this !!! i can hear the guitar solo now.
  11. wonderful by dunne. welll positioned, well timed, well executed.
  12. keene had two brilliant touches in the build up. and then..... not so much.
  13. Math major at university? just an observation :S Sure it's not two observations Matty? yeaah probly just seen my mistake ..... oops Fixed
  14. Ireland and Gabby both on the wing? That will be interesting. They will both tend to drift in to the middle which means lot's of room for Warnock and Hutton to push up, but not much room for Keane to maneuver. It may work like a charm, but Ireland and Gabby need stay wide unless you are carrying the ball or inside the 18. IMO
  15. I'm sure some would slate it, but if I were the manager (and it's a damn good thing I'm not) I would play this with Keane in for petrov and cuellar for hutton. I know it would be very attack oriented and be a risk at the back but I would tell cuellar and warnock and clark to think defense 1st,2nd, and 3rd, and push up only rarely. Cuellar becuase he's better at staying to the defensive task first. Keane because I think his presence talking and directing is even more important than his goals so far. We need someone to coach our attack how to do anything other than get it wide and cross. Nobody else seems to know how to break down a defense any other way and our coaching staff are having trouble getting them to learn. (bannan and ireland both have the potential, but have shown it inconsistently.)
  16. not really, Arsenals midfield isn't what it used to be, sure they still have good players but we need to go 2 up front and take the game to them, strange but i'd rather lose than have a replay. You're right, that is strange... why? Based on recent form our chances of winning today are better than our chances of winning at home... but I would always, in every circumstance prefer a draw to a loss.
  17. my prediction of our starting line-up (not necessarily my preference) -------------given------------- hutton, collins, dunne, warnock --------gardner, petrov--------- albrighton, keane, agbonlahor -------------Bent---------------- bench: ireland, clark, zog, bannan, guzan,
  18. I sometimes think that Carlos has not gotten the time he deserved, but then I remember that while McLeish doesn't play him... Houllier didn't play him.... MON only played him out of position as cover. I gotta believe that these more or less competent pro's that were aware of training and had much more info than we have, were all seeing something that left them uneasy. They all preferred Dunne, Collins, and Young (or Hutton). McLeish is not the only one to see some reason that Carlos should not be the King. But I will admit that I have often wondered what they were seeing (or not seeing) that I and several on here have apparently missed. Of course, whatever it is I'm glad they haven't announced it or there would be even less sell-on value.
  19. Common sense? On VT? You must be new here.
  20. Agreed. I know you're both wrong about me, and I hope you're wrong about the rest.
  21. Yes he is, no hes not and your not far wrong. Not bull. If Macandally is right (and I highly doubt it) then clearly the players don't listen to him because they did more short controlled passing, went forward with numbers and effect, weren't negative, and did appeared to be clearly more motivated. So, if Macandally is right (and I highly doubt it) then I hope at half time at arsenal he tells them to hoof it and pack it in with negative tactics in a very un-motivational manner, because it clearly works wonderfully. IMO there's bull in both posts, only one of them was intentional and sarcastic.
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