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Posts posted by Paddywhack

  1. A woman at work who always asks me for help with her computer issues. I wouldn't mind but; -

    "My screens are black, they're not showing anything" - Computer wasn't on.

    "My mouse is working" - Moving the mouse of the computer next to her.

    "This program won't let me login" - Typing her password in the address bar of IE.

    "I'm clicking the print button but nothings happening" - Pressing the save button.

    Then, she doesn't recognise that she's being dopey, she blames the PCs and as a result of helping her, I'm a 'computer whiz-kid'. Bless her. Idiot.

  2. Haircut, jogging, pub, rollerdisco tonight

    May go and watch Halesowen Town FC tomorrow

    The Mrs has a load of Uni work in for Monday, so it's gonna be a quiet weekend in I think. I may finally complete Zelda: Ocarina of Time. It's only been 14 years

  3. Sitting close to three women at work who seem to think Cher Lloyd, Rihanna, Katy Perry, etc have made the best music known to man, ever. I mean, come on.

    Is it okay to think...(scrap that) KNOW that your own taste in music is much better than theirs and other people are just wrong? I suppose not, but I still do it

  4. I understand how standing can improve the atmosphere in the ground and would love to experience it at Villa Park as I never have, so I've voted Yes.

    However, I can't see there being much of an atmosphere raised by having a very small section of the ground standing, and one that happens to have the worst view, in my experience anyway. Wasn't the old Holte End atmosphere created by the whole stand standing, chanting together and being able to drink?

  5. He's blown his fortune and now feels down about it ??

    I'm sorry if I don't have a great deal of sympathy, millions of people have it much tougher than dean and won't get the help/support he'll get now

    I wish him a speedy recovery

    Thing is, when people realise depression is a mental illness more people will find it easier to admit they need help and seek it asap. It's all about raising awareness

    With all due respect to you, I think you comparing depression with 'feeling down' a bit ignorant to be honest.

    Anyway, as you say, I wish him a speedy recovery

  6. 1.your wrong

    2. what is there to argue about? it is a fact, SOME of the teams? by that do you mean all but napoli? who have been in the top 5 only 1 time in the last 20 years ( it is how far i could be bothered going back so may be more)

    3. how is the money there? how much merchendise are they geared up to sell? distribution? branding? is it more than nike? no , so there is NOT more money is there!

    4. being the biggest fish in a pond of tampons, used condoms and floating shit is not something to be bragging about. i would rather be a small fish in the biggest pond in the world full of the worlds best thanks very much.


    If you're getting this angry and wound up by a little logo on the shirt, what are you like when faced with actual problems and troubles?

    Oh and 'YOU'RE wrong' :winkold:

  7. *Not sure where I got this from but ......

    If you have a hand-held laser thingy (like the ones they point at the planes etc) and imagine that the only object in the universe is the planet Earth. If you point the laser just above the horizon would the red dot appear on the back of your own neck ?

    (I might not have explained this very well so stop pulling mongy faces :D)

    * I might have imagined or dreamed this....

    :? I don't quite get that :)

    A fact I read ages ago (may have been in this thread actually, apologies) is there are more ways to arrange a pack of cards than there have been seconds in the universe since it began. If true...head explosion...

  8. I'm on the number 9 bus at about 5.30am every day. There's usually only one or two people on it but every week or so, on every other seat, there's a BNP leaflet/flyer thing with Nick Griffins ugly mug on. That pisses me off

    I then watch the bus fill up and am amazed by the amount of people that read through it and put it in their pocket or bag

  9. And the other one is holidays (away from home, that is). They always make me feel a bit stressed and anxious. I make myself travel because I think it's good for me, and good to look back on. But I'm always massively relieved to get back home (although not back to work).

    any part of it in particular that gives you stress or just the whole package ?

    I think it's the whole package. Being out of my comfort zone, basically - using foreign languages, worrying about losing stuff, strange cars and road rules, anxiety about the house being burgled while we're away, inability to get Marmite and decent ale, that sort of thing. Don't get me wrong, there's usually a lot that I DO enjoy as well, but I never completely relax, as I would at home.

    I totally understand that. I usually get home and think, 'Well...I took that for granted'

  10. Something else I've tried to STOP doing (sorry, I realise that's not the theme of the thread) is worrying. I've realised it does no good and just stresses you out. I could make a long list of things that are worrying me at the moment, I bet you next week I wouldn't even remember them. Things usually work out

    How do you stop yourself from worrying about said issues?

    I suppose I can't switch it off totally, I just mean I look back at stuff I've worried about in the past and now realise there was no need to get stressed over it because things worked out. Things like upcoming job interviews, financial trouble, unsettled arguements or whatever. So why bother getting stressed about something I'll look back on as nothing in the future. Hakuna matata and all that

    Although I suppose my worries are silly little things in the great scheme of things anyway

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