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Everything posted by Genie

  1. I think Everton will finish much closer to 5th bottom than 5th top. They look very poor this year.
  2. Who'd want a world class passer, crosser, set piece specialist in their squad hey. Not to mention a superstar of the game who has shown recently that just entering the pitch raised the fans and subsequently the team where a superb 30 minute period led to him being man of the match. Waste of a space......? Some people don't like Beckham because of his lifestyle which I understand. But as a footballer, he is still immense.
  3. It could never work and would ruin the game. For the incident last night, the game had stopped so it 'could' have been used but for the other 99% of incidents I'm guessing it wouldn't. For example a shot that the attacking team thought had crossed the line but is still in play, the game would have to be stopped to check or if it needed to be checked in a natural break teams would start hoofing the ball out of play to see the replay. If the game was stopped how is it re-started and from where? The same for penalty appeals. I think any idea that includes the words 'like they do in ' is a bad idea, the beauty of football is that it flows. referrals, stoppages, teams kicking the ball out to see replays etc will all kill the game. If the powers that be want to clamp down on cheating then they need to punish the cheats retrospectively and firmly. This is the only way.
  4. great FK from Ash equally good save from Jussi
  5. The fonz too selfish when Ash and Gabby had acres of scpae
  6. Commentator just said that Doug went to Anfield instead of Goodison last wek
  7. Stream but don't knbow how long it'll last.... maybe only 1 or 2 more goals
  8. Pen from Milner was fairly poor and pushed to the left of the box where Sideweel had an open goal and hit the post but it bounced right back to Milner who slotted it in.... And its 5!!!!
  9. yyyyeeeaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh WE WANT 5 WE WANT 5 WE WANT 5 WE WANT 5 WE WANT 5
  10. Vill apen!!! http://www.iraqgoals.net/ch7.html
  11. 3 goals + 1 sub + normal stoppages and only 2 mins added time? How on earth do they actually calculate it?
  12. luckiest of lucky bouces of the post. bastards.
  13. Sometime 'free' football on the net drives me mental, the Veetle link is fantastic quality but stutters every 30 seconds, the iraq goals one goes well but gets shut down for 5 mins every 5 mins grrrr
  14. We need at least another goal, we know that Bolton never roll over and accept defeat.
  15. Villa are loooong overdue giving somebody a spanking, hope its today
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