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Everything posted by CastleBromVilla

  1. Yorke kept calling Reo-Coker Reo-Coko! Ashley Young was a tret for Villa all night long
  2. Thought we played well and were much the better side for long periods, especially that spell towards the end of the first half, Ash should have put us two up. Thought Downing played really well, arguably his best for us. Stoke are shit, long ball, delap throw, long ball, delap throw, rinse and repeat over and over again.
  3. AK47u is back, that was a good weapon in Call of Duty 4. Some multiplayers gameplay, check the guy trying to run away from the rc car
  4. Bet you're going to get loads of people using that ballistic knife in the same way people currently use tactical knight, marathon, lightweight and commando :x
  5. Zombie mode is included as standard, so if you buy the standard £40 version of the game, you'll get zombies. Whereas if you buy one of the non-standard editions of the game, you'll get what i've mentioned above, aswell as the zombie maps that were in Call of Duty World at War.
  6. non-standard version?!?! Whats that then?? :? The limited edition versions of the game that come with loads of extra stuff, like the little toy rc car, someone posted a picture earlier in the thread. Zombies is in there though.
  7. It is definitely in there. I know the non-standard versions of the game will also include the four zombie maps from World at War.
  8. Apparently one of the weapon attachments in this is an under-barrell flamethrower
  9. If that happened i think i'd cum so hard my pants would fly off!! The guy on the Everton forum claims to know someone thats ITK.
  10. Accoding to an Everton fan on a forum i've been reading, he'll be appointed manager and sign Moutinho and Landon Donovan. I saw something last week that said the new man Lerner is eyeing up had lined up three transfer targets, and one of whom had already played under him. Apparently there was a centre half, midfielder and a forward. Thiught at first it was Bob Bradley, because of his son, but maybe there is a bit of truth in this? Quite a lot of worried Everton fans about at the moment.
  11. I've had a look on the forum but can't find that particular thread. Checked Google and found this http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/100093-Xbox-Live-Nudist-Banned-Until-9999. That article is about that same ban, but it has a link to the actual thread where the kids dad posted a thread asking why his son had been banned, but this comes up http://forums.xbox.com/msgs/default.aspx?MessageID=9 so it's been removed. Bet he gave his son a right bollocking
  12. Found this on another forum, it's a section of the xbox.com forums where people whose accounts have been suspended or permanently banned from xbox live, can go to ask why their accounts have banned. Heres one: More here: http://forums.xbox.com/1386/ShowForum.aspx Its where all the trappy little **** that play COD come to beg for forgiveness
  13. Hear hear! Ditched it at the end of last season, and not missing it yet. Back to watching Final Score (although Garth Crooks is a bit annoying!) and Match of The Day, and no more having to put with Richard Keys and co pissing themselves of the top four!
  14. Steve, I hope I'm wrong too, because like big Ron i think we need a big name manager. I just don't think it will happen. I've got a feeling it might be a big name, Eriksson! beckham as assistant? Wouldnt go that far, but he's who i reckon will be our next gaffer.
  15. Steve, I hope I'm wrong too, because like big Ron i think we need a big name manager. I just don't think it will happen. I've got a feeling it might be a big name, Eriksson!
  16. And you know this... how? I'd say it was pretty obvious, you're just looking for a row. Redknapp making those comments yesterday saying that he wouldn't want to have to part with Keane and that a couple of deals are just waiting for the Milner transfer to go through. City sign Milner, Ireland comes the other way, we use the money to buy Keane, and they use the extra money to buy Bellamy who didnt get off the bench yesterday. If Redknapp thought he was that valuable, he wouldn't have shipped him out on loan towards the end of last season. He's fourth in the pecking order there now, so he'll want a move. No I'm not and if I was looking for a row why would you tell me why Keane would be coming here? Duh. Thanks anyway. You're welcome.
  17. And you know this... how? I'd say it was pretty obvious, you're just looking for a row. Redknapp making those comments yesterday saying that he wouldn't want to have to part with Keane and that a couple of deals are just waiting for the Milner transfer to go through. City sign Milner, Ireland comes the other way, we use the money to buy Keane, and they use the extra money to buy Bellamy who didnt get off the bench yesterday. If Redknapp thought he was that valuable, he wouldn't have shipped him out on loan towards the end of last season. He's fourth in the pecking order there now, so he'll want a move.
  18. Pretty much same same... Huntelaar is there and about but no one has made a move. I wouldnt mind Huntelaar... No chance of that happening, or any other signing for that matter, we're going to go into the new season, with the same set of players as the last. I can't see many, if any, of the fringe players moving on, and Man City are likely to leave it as late as possible with Milner, leaving us little or no time to make use of any money his sale will bring in. The only plus being that hopefully O'Neill will start to make better use of players like Marc Albrighton and Nathan Delfounso, which to be honest, i'd rather he do, than go risk wasting 10m on Aiden McGeady. Really can't wait for the transfer window the close now.
  19. You'll find a few strangers ask you to go and search for their missing relatives up there. Just keep doing the missions and all will become clear. American Appetites they're called. 8)
  20. England of course. We'll walk it. We'll win the next one aswell. And as per usual, we'll be the only one of the home nations to show up for the european championships, and we'll win that aswell.
  21. Yes. Hopefully we'll see some movement in the transfer market when the World Cup finishes. I suppose a lot of what we do hinges on whether Milner moves or not. If he does, about 30m for him, aswell as more for the sale of a few fringe players, O'Neill is going to have quite a bit of money to play with.
  22. I see what you mean Bri, and i agree to an extent. But, is it not better to look at it as, be it the semi's or the final, we have to beat the Brazil's, Argie's and the Spanish at some point? Or is it just blind patriotism? I'm with you, although we've looked ordinary so far, we're capable of beating anyone on our day. We'll have to beat these teams at some point, so why not now. That silly old German clearing in the woods Beckenbauer keeps coming out with rubbish like we're, shit, old etc etc. He's going to end up getting those words rammed back down his throat, because they didn't look anything special yesterday either
  23. Or you could end up with 4 points from the group and go out. Yea, it's not going to happen. You keep wishing though. You're right actually. I'd say that was quite an arrogant attitude, yes. It isn't Jon. explain why. there is a world of difference between "will" and "should", and therein lies the arrogance. If you'd rather sit on the fence by saying we should qualify, then fair enough. I'd say it was pretty obvious we should qualify. We will qualify from that group. Oh, so we can't qualify anymore? Shame, I was under the impression its still in our hands and win in the week will see us through? Whatever man. Those posts, in light of how the World Cup has gone for England, make you look like a clearing in the woods, no matter what the result against Slovenia is. I'm just hedging my bets now in case England do qualify. Couldnt care less what they make me look like. I know you're desperate for England to crash and burn, but it's not happened just yet. Come back on Wednesday night and we'll see how things have gone though. Nevermind yillan, keep your fingers crossed we fall at the next hurdle. Come on England!
  24. I can't see him being out there. I would have thought he'll already know who he wants and I suppose a lot of what we do this summer hinges on whether James Milner stays or goes. O'Neill's said previously he'd never buy a player based on his showing at a World Cup, and I can't see many of the players we'll be after, if any at all, being on show in SA.
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