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Everything posted by Phumfeinz

  1. Got mine. Only one disc! And I'm now a no-good unemployed layabout, so what better way to compliment that than to stay up all night playing WoW. Ah, it'll be like the old days.
  2. I pre-ordered it from GAME. T'was despatched yesterday, should be here tomorrow. The good(?) thing is my temp job ends tomorrow so I now have nothing ahead on my schedule except WotLK.
  3. I bloody hope not. That would just negate the whole thing.
  4. The first thing that came to my mind was Samwise Gamgee.
  5. Two cannibals were eating a clown. One turns to the other and says 'does this taste funny to you?'.
  6. I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire - The Ink Spots
  7. Phumfeinz

    Top Gear

    I didn't enjoy the overly scripted parts - Hammond going to the back of his trailer after the car had fallen out or Jeremy rolling up with his lorry on fire.
  8. Phumfeinz

    Top Gear

    That was a good'un. The series looks promising.
  9. Mages survivability is shite compared to a destro lock. IMO. Instant seduce. Trinket to get out of stun, CoE, soul fire. If they trinket out of the seduce, hey, it's instant. Just click it again. If they bubble, just kite them. Health stone + battlemaster trinket is more than enough to recover any health they might take off. As soon as the bubble wears off you can death coil/fear/shadow fury. It's not from 'afar', either. I actively go out of my way to get paladins to attack me. It's easy. All you need is common sense. And instant seduce.
  10. And I still didn't have a problem with them. Damn I'm good.
  11. I'm determined to start playing my mage again, I really am. But after playing my warlock for so long it just feels like I have the survivability of a one-legged jew.
  12. I just want to echo the sentiments previously posted. Thursday was the absolute best night I've had in ages. It was a strange situation, not wanting it to end because of how much I was enjoying it but also wanting it to end to get the three points! My thanks to everyone involved at Villa Park.
  13. I'm having such good fun with my destruction lock. Specced today to get Soul Link and Improved Succubus at the cost of Chaos Bolt. It's definitely worth it. 15% damage reduction and instant seduction is great. Chaos Bolt will have to wait till I level to 76. Was fighting a ret paladin in WSG today. Hit him with a 5.5k crit, was brilliant. Scored a 6k crit on a warrior earlier on as well. It's great watching them run towards you then just hit the deck and slide along a little bit. Considering I'm in S1 gear, it's not too shabby. I have more than enough honour to upgrade to S2 now but I don't see the point with WotLK in 3 weeks. As I always say, if I had decent gear I would be unstoppable. Roll on WotLK.
  14. I always go out of my way to kill ret paladins now. I did however manage to get killed the other day when two of them attacked me.
  15. And what's the big deal with Ret Paladins? I've been attacked by two of them today and each time I just obliterated them. <3 new destruction talents.
  16. Patch is tomorrow by the way.
  17. Abba - Dancing Queen That blonde one was a total hottie.
  18. Keeping an eye on Blizzcon? Blizzard are making a new MMO. No info on what it is though.
  19. I had a little go on my mage earlier, still think it's shit compared to a desto-lock. In other news, patch 3.0.1 is downloading for me. 992mb.
  20. Damn I forgot how fun destruction warlocks are.
  21. I just hit the Barrens and all desire to level went out of me. Oh well, I'll just concentrate on my Warlock. Warrior sucks balls and has no chance against anything that isn't wearing cloth. Mage is a dirty Alliance Draenai. Roll on WotLK!
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