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Posts posted by kurtsimonw

  1. On 26/02/2021 at 17:49, Chindie said:

    Good episode of WandaVision

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    Slightly odd in that it kinda acts like an origin for Wanda of what happened off screen before AoU and an origin for the concept of the show (although to be honest we already knew 99% of that).

    But good. It was done well. I'm hopeful that they're more to matters than just Agatha.

    And yeah, the post credits this week sets up a very comics moment - Vision has been monochrome before, when his personality was stripped from him. I suspect what we've got coming is very much 'what if Vision was evil?'.

    Hopefully a good finale next week.

    Agreed with this. Probably one of the most significant scenes going forward for the MCU in that episode.

    I am a little worried there's a lot to fit in for 1 episode and curious as to how they're going to tie this in to upcoming films.

  2. 50 minutes ago, Reivax_Villa said:

    I will hold my hands up and say that I got it wrong in terms wanting him sacked.

    Dean Smith looks to thrive in pressure and likes being the underdog. I still have reservations about him but because he has improved towards the last 5 games of the season I will dismiss those for the time being.

    The players seem to like him and it will be his 3rd season with us which is good in terms of stability. I think he would benefit from some additional help in the coaching department.

    Looking forward to next season.

    The problem is we need him to thrive without pressure. 

    It's like he can't get the players up for a game unless it's do or die, sometimes.

    • Like 3
  3. 2 minutes ago, Zatman said:

    King isnt really a central striker either, plays everywhere along the forward line. Has more Premier League goals than Wilson and I would certainly take him

    He definitely isn't a left midfielder, which is basically where he's been played to accommodate Solanke.

  4. Some Premier League experience, please.

    People always seem to knock that kind of policy, but our last two Premier league seasons have shown that even signing a lot of promising players (many of whom have gone on to do very well) often doesn't work. Experience helps a lot with mentality. You can see from players comments, they felt immense pressure this season, those with experience often don't have as much of a struggle with it if they've "been there, done it".

    • Like 1
  5. 4 minutes ago, Kiwivillan said:

    I saw the dumbest shit on Villa FB page today. Someone had list of players to buy and said we should pay 20 million for Josh "hardly scores all season except the odd penalty" King 

    I despair of average Joe fan's transfer ideas

    He;'s got a decent PL record. He's been shafted this season being played out of position because of Solanke.

  6. 13 hours ago, Villan_of_oz said:

    Callum Wilson only scored double figures in 1 of his 5 seasons in the PL (and is much older), Mitrovic got 11 goals in his 1 season in the PL (he's older too). Tammy I will give you.

    If you're going to slate Wesley, try and make a more compelling case next time.

    Mitrovic has done well to make 77 appearances in 1 PL season.

    Wilson would be a great signing, in any case.

  7. 11 minutes ago, Pez1974 said:

    Don't get some of the hate.
    First season at this level - started well but faded. Clearly had injuries, and I suspect other stuff has gone on as well. 

    Konsa has clearly progressed, and will (as things stand) be first choice alongside Mings next season. If this guy is the back-up right sided CB, then that sounds OK to me, but he could progress and become a lot better. He's still only 25.

    Yes we'll likely replace him in another year or 2, when the squad is at a completely different level, but we can only go out and buy perhaps 3 or 4 top quality players this summer, and we have higher priorities than getting this guy out of the club. 

    Very much this, especially the last paragraph.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, BleedClaretAndBlue said:

    18 months of Dean Smith

    Brakes winning streak record

    Promotion first time of asking

    Cup Final

    Survival first time of asking against the odds

    with a league double over Small Heath for good measure

    Fair to say it could have been worse 🙂

    From where we were to where we are is a great achievement, a lot expect too much too soon. This season has to be learned from sure, like a trial and error experiment for what is required from here on out. But he is our man, conducted himself brilliantly throughout adversity too.

    Sheff U, Norwich and Brighton were favourites to go down, so it literally wasn't against the odds.

    However, I don't necessarily disagree with any of this. Relegation would have been unacceptable, and although my view is that 35 points is a poor return and you're "lucky" to stay up with that amount of points - the fact is we stayed up.

    When Dean Smith took over, if you'd have said "by September 20/21, you'll be playing in the Premier League, have reached a Cup Final, beat blues home and away" I'd have taken it.

    I don't think any manager that keeps a club up should be sacked, much like I agreed with Sherwood being kept on despite his obvious flaws. However, I would like to think if we start the season the same way again that changes will be made. A full season is enough time to learn from mistakes, mistakes we were still making in the final game. Far too many late goals being shipped, a clear mental fragility. With that said, we generally try and play football the "right" way, and despite the criticism of Suso we have bought in some great talent. The squad needs padding out a bit, but there's definitely the basis of a squad here who absolutely shouldn't be worried about relegation next season.

    The owners will have ploughed more than £200m in to the squad by the end of this transfer window, and will almost certainly expect that to be enough to stay up without worrying about relegation.


    • Like 3
  9. 23 hours ago, Zatman said:

    They are paying big wages though as well. Solanke and Wilson be on big money so will the big money signings like Lerma and Billing. As I said in the club thread I wouldnt be surprised if they do worse firtune than Portsmouth in coming seasons

    That Solanke transfer is going to be a killer, surely nobody will want to touch him.

    At least the others you've mentioned, and King, teams will want.

  10. 19 minutes ago, Sulberto21 said:

    To me and therefore Aston Villa he's worth £120 million minimum. I want him to sign a contract like Inaki Williams which is for life but with a big release clause.

    This is why he's realistically "unaffordable" or "not worth it" for most clubs. He is far more valuable to Villa than other clubs are likely to be willing to pay IMO.

    He may still go, but you'd like to think it's a massive fee.

    • Like 3
  11. 1 minute ago, DCJonah said:

    A short lease from who? Clearly not the club. I'm sure smith doesn't give a shit that a handful of villa talk posters have set their agenda against him months ago. 

    As above.

  12. 1 minute ago, Villan_of_oz said:

    I never said no say, read my post!

    And read mine. There's no way Suso had more say in all these Brentford linked/former Brentford players than Smith. Especially given the nature of almost all of the other signings.

  13. I'd have kept both him and Suso on as survival was the aim.

    Nobody knows whether it was poor recruitment or poor coaching that was the problem (the latter, IMO), but I suppose now we will see. A start like the first 6/7 games of next season and then other changes need to be made. A short leash now that a big excuse has gone.

  14. 6 minutes ago, Villan_of_oz said:

    I'm old school, Smith should be able to have the players he wants in. He's the one that will get fired if it goes pear shaped. He may already have the final say, so nothing has to change on that front. It was implied at different times that maybe Suso had more say than Smith, which I don't like.

    Do people really think that the HC has no say in it? Or that he doesn't even have massive input?

    Engels was a big Brentford target. Konsa and Jota played under Smith. Unless it's all a big coincidence.

    • Like 4
  15. 10 hours ago, mottaloo said:

    It's killing some of my bosses & managers above them cos they just don't trust us to do the job at home. It's a control thing too; they HAVE to see us, watch us, know our every movement almost. At one of the daily catch up meetings held on Teams, our senior manager asked how we were coping with working from home & I said "great - wouldnt mind this being a regular thing for quieter shifts (weekends)"........silence for about 10 seconds before she says "Hmm..we'll see, it's an interesting opinion there John......who knows ?" - insert chinny reckon emoji here !

    I don't see it happening at my place either, for the same control reasons. They get funny about people working from different offices on request, yet it's somehow perfectly fine during the winter when trains are cancelled for them to work from their local office no problem.

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