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Posts posted by kurtsimonw

  1. 17 hours ago, Stevo985 said:

    Yep. A friend of my mom’s does this. 

    “only geniuses can get 80% on this quiz” and he reposts it saying “I got 10 out of 10!”



    The one lad that always does it used to work at my place, and he's really thick as shit.

    We did a team building thing at a pub quiz, it came to the general knowledge round and he said "I don't know that stuff". What the **** do you mean you don't know general knowledge!?

    • Haha 4
  2. 45 minutes ago, bannedfromHandV said:

    That's only a half truth Kurt, and now probably isn't really the time to be going over old ground given how trivial it now seems however, I agree that the officials have not made good use of the options available to them, so yes, you're correct in saying this but where I disagree entirely is that that's the only problem.

    As I said from day one on this football is too fast and too complex for a video refereeing platform to work, it can work occasionally and has at times been a benefit in overruling incorrect decisions but there are just too many variables in football for it to work, you're slowing down play to a fraction of the actual speed to look (on occasion) for a slight bit of contact but it's a contact sport and who's to say whether the contact was enough to warrant a foul, much of football is down to the referee's discretion, there are guidelines for them to work with but they do not cover every situation or every eventuality that may play out.

    I think it's entirely against what football is, it's totally opposite to the fabric of the sport, I mean seriously, who cares if someone is offside by 2mm, what difference does that make? 

    This isn't meant as a dig but I just fail to see what joy people take out of VAR, it feels like the most joyless/soul-less introduction to football ever.

    I personally like games being officiated properly, and VAR isn't really used that much.

    I agree with you in terms of offside, the offside rule isn't there to stop people being a few millimeters offside, but this is why I said some rules need tweaking. 

    I don't really have an issue with most of VAR, and the issues I do have often come from referees. They shouldn't be looking at it for 5 minutes to make a decision, to me that suggests it's not "clear and obvious". It should be used to overturn blatantly obvious decisions.

    It works in other sports, most of which are contact sports. Football isn't different, it's not special. Of course things will be subjective because everyone interprets a rule differently, but any improvements to what are, quite frankly, absurdly awful officials, is a must IMO.

  3. 11 hours ago, Spoony said:

    I don’t actually get the vitriol for Methven. Yes he’s a toff red trouser rocket polisher, however he is also telling some hard truths to teams who clearly have gotten away with doing sod all for years, he’s trying to inject some energy and he clearly does care. Yes he may be a bit out of touch (perhaps an understatement) but you do need people who aren’t afraid to try and make a change when things clearly need changing. Those people in the marketing team weren’t pulling their weight at all and even if you don’t agree with your boss or might not like his style of working, you have to adapt and show respect. 

    Very much this.

  4. 43 minutes ago, bannedfromHandV said:


    I think most people would be overjoyed if it was scrapped and never seen again.

    Then I think most people are missing the point.

    Video replay isn't a sentient being. It's just simply an ability to rewatch an incident in order to have a better opinion. The fact that things are still incorrect isn't a fault of video replay, it's a shortcoming of the officials using it. And people want to scrap it and have those same inept officials making decisions with less assistance? 

    People getting up in arms about VAR getting offside decisions correct is nothing but madness. Blame the rule, not the tool.


  5. 3 minutes ago, PaulC said:

    Stupid or not it’s how I feel. They didn’t create the problem but they alienating themselves even further from the real world. 

    Or maybe, just maybe, it's the responsibility of the clubs to pay the staffs wages. You know, like they were the rest of the year.

  6. 7 minutes ago, sne said:

    At least Amavi can blame a lot of it on having his knee destroyed in that injury. He probably wasn't back to anything near full fitness for the most part of that season in the Championship.

    Unfortunately it really, really showed. Neil Taylor being a significant upgrade isn't something you can say very often.

  7. 8 hours ago, JamieZ said:

    I feel like Michael Bradley doesn't deserve to be on that list. He never really got a chance (sort of got lost in the managerial transition from Houllier to McLeish) and then went on to do quite well in Serie A.

    I'd have replaced him with Rudy Gestede or just another Ross McCormack.

    Can't judge players for what they've done elsewhere though.

    Gil, Bradley, Amavi, Lescott, McCormack were all kinds of crap in the time they had on the pitch.

  8. 13 hours ago, Zatman said:

    Surely companies should have to qualify for furlough, if a company is making certain amount of profits they should be banned from the scheme

    I don't think that would work. If you're a lower paid employee at a massive company like Amazon you could be ****. They'll just let you go.

    • Like 1
  9. This isolating thing is really shit.

    My brother has been staying with his girlfriend, so I'm pretty much completely alone and it's awful. I'm thankful I have a temp job, but it's only 20-25 hours a week so that's still a lot of free time. I've been working out, but it's hard with just resistance bands as I can't really get a lot of stuff done that I'd like to.

    Being single is shit 100% of the time. But it's really extra shit now. I think it's sunk in as well that when my brother does move in with his girlfriend, this is how it's going to be all of the time. Despite missing so much time at work, about 10 weeks, I'm financially secure with decent savings. But what for? Going on holiday alone? Buying myself material things? Eh.

    I don't want to exist. I want to live.

    • Like 3
  10. 8 minutes ago, Zatman said:

    They got better but before Ronaldinho went to Barcelona they were pretty much a joke, 22 points behind Real Madrid in the league and were all over the place. He helped make them relevant again

    That's fair. 

    I think Sammy Eto'o deserves a mention in this thread. His scoring record is fantastic. He helped turn Barca around too, and won everything there. He then did the same with Inter.

  11. 8 hours ago, Mat Kendrick's Dentist said:

    Everyone's entitled to their opinion, but you surely can't genuinely think Totti and Rivaldo (as great as they were) were better than Messi and Cristiano?!

    Totti's career > Ronaldinho's career, and I wouldn't even say it was remotely close. Both Barca and Milan becoming better without him wasn't just coincidence either IMO.

    5 hours ago, PaulC said:

    Socrates was a later generation wasn’t he, 80s. 

    Pele did actually play for for Santos against Benfica in a two legged club world tournament in 62. In Lisbon they thrashed Benfica 5-1 and pele got a hattrick. 

    Its difficult to compare generations but with the extra protection players get now I think Pele would have been even better. He got no protection in the 66 World Cup, targeted he was kicked out of the tournament. 

    Like you say, hard to compare. I personally don't think a team from the 60s would have any hope of surviving in the Premier League. They'd get battered every week. Football has come on so much in every way.

  12. 9 minutes ago, mottaloo said:

    Hi Kurt - if you have the my sky app, open it & you should see a blue notice about covid 19 at the top. Tap on it and it'll say " do you want to leave my sky and continue to sky.com ?" so click on continue and once you see the new page scroll down to where it says manage sky account. The next page should give loads of links, one being "pause my sky sports sub" and off you go. 

    Like me, you'll probably get a "sorry we're experiencing errors and can't continue with your request" which i got a few times but i checked my bank and they took out my subs less the sports package. 

    Hope it works for you !

    Much appreciated mate. I noticed the app had an update to be done, so that's why I couldn't see any notice.

    • Like 1
  13. I'll only count players I've seen enough to judge.

    GK - Buffon - Not really another option for me in terms of quality and longevity IMO

    RB - Cafu - Probably the best all-round full back I've seen. The defensive side of his game often overlooked because of how good he was going forward.
    CB - Nesta - The best centre back I've seen. Class personified.
    CB - Maldini - Never caught him in his prime, but still a brilliant player when he moved to centre back. 
    LB - Cole - Probably the only full back I've seen where you didn't have to concern yourself with who he was up against. Ronaldo? Messi? Doesn't matter. Lockdown defender.

    CM - Zidane - Genius. Probably the first player I remember seeing where I was in genuine awe of what he could do with a ball.
    CM - Vieira - Wasn't really anything he couldn't do in midfield. I can't even imagine how much he'd be worth in todays market, in his prime.
    CM - Totti - Despite being a big name, I think his lack of trophies often leaves him underappreciated. The His technique was incredible, the amount of goals he scored as a #10 is ridiculous.

    RW - Messi - Born with incredible gifts. I don't think anything he does surprises anyone.
    ST - Ronaldo de Lima - The complete #9. Brilliant finisher. Great in the air. Had pace, power, strength. He really had everything.
    LW - Cristiano Ronaldo - Like the other Ronaldo, he really has everything to his game.His dedication and work ethic is probably the greatest I've seen of any sportsman.

    Honourable mentions to.. van der Sar, Terry, Roberto Carlos, Xavi, Lampard, Shevchenko  and Henry

    • Like 3
  14. 15 hours ago, Chindie said:

    I know Zach Snyder is a hack who with no subtlety at all and a 11 year olds view of what's edgy and cool, but... I rewatched Watchmen the other night, and it's still a really good film. Admittedly all he's done is transposed graphic novel panel to panel with a few minor tweaks to the overall plot, and he's copied the dialogue wholesale, so he couldn't really **** it up, but still... It's bloody good.

    The novel is good, but the ending is crap.

    The ending of the film is far superior.

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