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Everything posted by trekka

  1. Nah, I burned the bugger! Ewww ewwww ewwwwww I can still taste it (I made a huge pot and just chucked most of it away )
  2. I've got a feeling I'll be doing the same with my curry this afternoon. Did I mention that it was the worst. curry. ever. ?
  3. I've got my folks coming to Portsmouth for the first time in ages. Today is CLEAN!
  4. What a tune. Speedy Gonzales Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  5. That aint Soul2Soul :shock: Ah shit, well done, Sir! It was a test (well not really) Sorry. I was too quick to copy and paste. (may I be feathered and tarred until tomorrow)
  6. This is the soundtrack to me trying to rescue the curry whilst also sorting out facebook (I've signed up but never ever did anything with it).
  7. trekka

    General Chat

    worst. curry. ever (I haven't tasted it yet - it's bubbling away and it looks just so wrong).
  8. I think in continental Europe they probably do - just like I was surprised that they sold Leffe in pints in certain pubs in Brum.
  9. trekka

    General Chat

    Nope but I'm experimenting as I turned into mild panic. It seems to have done well, thickened it up a bit.
  10. trekka

    General Chat

    I've ruined my curry. I burned the garlic and then proceeded to burn the onion. Damn you kind-hearted people who phoned up to ask how I'm enjoying my time off I've started to rectify it - cheese and yogurt seems to be doing the trick. Bit creamier than I would like but hey ho, it's still a curry. EDIT: and, oh! My big spoon just broke in half on me. :cry: EDIT AGAIN: Thinking about my curry - oh crap - I've forgot to put my aubergine in. All is not lost. Deep breaths now....
  11. In your head, in your head, ZOMBIE, ZOMBIE. This is a song that pointed out fighting over religion is ultimately futile and people will die unnecessarily. (taken from the youtube link - don't hate me).
  12. ELO - Roll Over Beethoven For those not heard it before, wait and get past the first minute and it'll make sense.
  13. trekka

    General Chat

    Is that from Railroad Tycoon? I loved that game!
  14. Reporter: There's no negative vibes or negative feelings here? (sorry). It could be worse, I could have played the
  15. trekka

    General Chat

    "Cry havoc, and let slip the Dogs of War."
  16. Oooh must be blonde. I don't mind brune but it lacks *something*. To my surprise, they sell both in cans in Belgium. Gooooo Belgium. Now, if you really want something with a bit more kick, may I recommend: I bought a bottle from beersofeurope.com 2 years ago. It tasted like whiskey! I was prepared to drink probably the world's rarest and strongest beer mind. It is brewed by monks afterall and at least I can say I've done it. £4 a bottle :shock:
  17. Leffe sends me doolally at the best of times (often only after a few pints). But if you really want to be in laa-laa land after a few pints, this is the ticket: It has pink elephants all over the bottle, what more do you want (I have that glass ).
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