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Everything posted by Tubby

  1. Note to the above Gen, please do everything you can to retain GB's services. Regardless what some people may think about whether we should or shouldn't, his consistency is second to none and this football club needs him. As NRC said in the match programme, "he leads by example" and personally I think there would be a massive void without him. On another thought... Hopefully, there will be some quality recruitments to play alongside those battle hardened heroes from the weekend. You say Randy want's to do the best for the fans, then I believe he knows that after Sunday's performance the right investment could potentially push us up there. Gen, pass on my greatest thanks to Randy, I can feel it that we are so close. I was literally frightened by how good we were Sunday and can only dream of watching more of that in the years to come. Jon
  2. If this situation arises and Randy votes no citing his allegiance to the fans of Aston Villa as his reason then great news, but where would that leave us if he was the only 1 of 20 to do this? Would Villa then attempt to go against the league to accommodate the fans? I know this is all if's and but's General and I hope that FIFA and the FA put an end to it before we have to, but this is an idea that fans may have no control over and that is worrying! Cheers Jon
  3. Cheers for the response General. I thought it may have been a little far-fetched to get the Browns over for training, but the nonetheless it would have been an amazing experience. What about the possibility of bringing a few of the staff/players over to watch Villa play? Failing that I'm guessing it will be cheeper for me to visit Cleveland myself! I knew it was a cheeky longshot for some treatment for my mate, maybe if he was coming over with another 20 people we would have got somewhere.... I've no doubt he will be in awe of the 3-0 Villa win regardless. Cheers General, Jon
  4. General, If I may I'd like to move away from the oversea's games issue, from what I have read you and Randy would seem to have things nicely in control and with certain comments being passed to Randy directly that these do go on to assure him that the majority of us fans are not willing to back such a move by the Premier League. You say that we are the life-blood of the club, now is the time to stand up and be counted - at the appropriate time of course. We trust you! Now General to my question re: your quote above. What would be the possiblity of inviting the Browns over to train at Bodymoor Heath in pre-season? An opportunity for them to visit Randy's other sporting interest - maybe catching a Villa game before our season ends - would also be a good opportunity to introduce them to their British fans at an open training session or even to have a meet and greet session staged somewhere like the Holte Hotel....? Please General could you review or comment on this as a possibility? As always General, cheers for your ever valuable contribution to VillaTalk, I look forward to hearing your responses. P.S. I am hoping to bring a mate of mine to the Blues game on April 20th. He is coming here from Belfast and has never seen a game at Villa Park although we have tried on many occasions to sort something out. Although I'm not totally comfortable asking, I'd like to know if there was anything that could be done to enhance his experience at his first Villa Park game? If you respond with a no that is fine by me, I understand you can't always go that extra mile, especially on derby day, but if there is some possibility of that extra something to enhance his day I can guarentee it would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks and kind regards. Keep up the good work, we all really do appreciate the lengths you go to provide this service to the fans. Cheers Jon
  5. General, Thanks for your responses, absolutely no need to be up at that ridiculous hour though! 1. With regards to Richard Fitzgerald, please wish him all the best. I don't think anyone was expecting intricate details as to why he left but if you say its personal reasons then so be it and good luck to him. 2. With regards to the transfer market, I like many are aware that you have no influence on the transfer dealings, but I do feel the club need to review their communications with the fans over the situation especially now with so many fans feeling we haven't achieved anything. Ultimately I'm talking post transfer market, a review of what happened, who we went for, what failed and why. I think it would signal a mark of respect and I believe that the majority of fans are mature enough to accept justified reasoning. I understand the stance on an ultimate silence so not to inflate the market, but in this case, no news is frustrating especially when we are constantly talking about investing and strengthing. UTV
  6. General, I kept the faith all the way through the window, that MON would bring in the players to plug those gaps. Although Martin is quite rightly specific in wanting to secure players of suitable quality I can't help but think we missed a beat especially on players such as Jonathan Woodgate and Jermain Defoe. Arguably, these players may not have been in MON's plans before, but when they do become available it should probably have been worth a plump on the risk. I'm not trying to suggest that Martin has gone about things the wrong way as we just don't know what has happened. I guess General that this is the point I am trying to make. I can understand that the club want to keep things under wraps until something happens but the perceived lack of movement in the market is both frustrating and embarrassing. There are many complaints on this board and the others that we were promised quality but aside from MON's initial dealings last January this has failed to be delivered. The question is, have we been approaching these types of players? Are the club prepared to inform the fans who they want when the negotiations get to a sufficient stage? Being left in the cold makes it look like we are happy as we are and that nothing is being done except the odd flash comment about "working on a few things". I am aware that Randy is a man of integrity, but even if we are informed and things fall through it is better than the perceived inactivity that lingers around us during the transfer periods especially in comparison to everyone else. Ultimately General, I love everything about this club. I am continuously over-joyed with the action on the pitch and the great vibes that have rocked football off it, but our transfer policy is very weak when compared to those clubs around us and the aggression that they show will and probably has left us lingering. As I stated at the start of this little rant, I have kept the faith General (I was watching SSN until 1am last night in case of that extra something) but I now fear for injuries over our remaining 14 games and hope that the consequences are sufficiently managed if they occur. UTV, here's to the end of the season and an effective summer window and maybe an official club statement from time to time letting the fans know what is actually happening.... :?
  7. Seconded... Please General I and many others would like to know more, the clubs official statement doesn't lead on anything.
  8. General, We are still to see anything with regards to bringing Juan Pablo Angel back to Villa Park for a proper send off. Have the club approached him to offer him the chance? Considering they are on their winter break in the MLS and the with the success that we are currently seeing at Villa Park I can see no better time to get him over and maybe bring the US press with him....? Cheers Jon
  9. So were these two Didn't see MON though. Wish I had so I could of given him some pre Blose advice before fainting at his very presence. Back to the boxing, it was a good fight and I gave it to Kessler until I watched it on the telly this morning. He was dangerous throughout and definitely landed the bigger punches. It was just that Calzaghe notched up the points and finished stronger.
  10. Friends of my mum or something like that....! :?
  11. Photo taken in the beer queue at the Millenium Stadium on the night of the Calzaghe vs Kessler fight. I'm the one on the right by the way :winkold:
  12. Gen I was genuinely gutted when I saw the Browns score last night, my adopted team taking the heaviest loss of the opening weekend was surely not what was planned. I first thought how Randy must feel.... Can I ask, does coming off a weekend such as last when Villa beat Chelski cause a comparison in Randy's mind? I'm sure he is a very mellow man, but does success at either end ever influence the other? Also out of interest, how much publicity amongst Browns fans do Villa actually get? Were they made aware at the game of our victory last week and do they support Randy and his investment over here? Cheers Jon
  13. Thanks Gen, I hope it all gets sorted, I find it quite disrespectful the the Daily Star haven't changed this. The old badge doesn't represent our club anymore and they should adhere to how things are now. Thanks again
  14. Hi Gen I see you spent a great deal of time replying to lots of different posts but it looks like you missed out mine. I know that you can't answer everyone's queries, but this is something that has really got on my wick and feel the club should put right. "A slight issue for you to look into. A mate of mine bought the Daily Star today (not my paper of choice) and I was absolutely disgusted to see that they are still using our old badge/crest in their print. It's not only us but Middlesbrough as well. Its yet more poor journalism from this dire newspaper and I was hoping you could hint to Mr Fitzgerald to put them straight." Cheers Jon
  15. General, Great win today I can't believe. I am over the moon with joy at the fact that Zat Knight scored on his debut, I couldn't think of anything greater than for a Villa fan living the dream to score on his debut, please pass on mine and everyone elses congratulations and remind him we are all jealous. A slight issue for you to look into. A mate of mine bought the Daily Star today (not my paper of choice) and I was absolutely disgusted to see that they are still using our old badge/crest in their print. It's not only us but Middlesbrough as well. Its yet more poor journalism from this dire newspaper and I was hoping you could hint to Mr Fitzgerald to put them straight. Cheers Jon
  16. Great news this General, its something that is of great interest to me personally and I'm sure many other Villa fans will be eager to see what comes of it. I know I am not a professional in the design field, but may I suggest the possibility of having underground drive-in facilities for team coaches and player vehicles etc. This will also aid access to the new stand and external conourse area. Any possibility of a themed area in the corner or something similar to what they have in baseball? Or is it purely to get as many seats as possible?
  17. Ok, thanks for the reply General. You sure are enthusiastic about your NFL, the Browns are as lucky to have you as we are.
  18. General, Thank you for your reply, but could you ellaborate more on the following part: "I read that the hold up was to do with incentive based contract negotiations, is this a system that Randy personally likes to work with? If so, has this system been brought in at Villa and could this be part of the reason that our transfers are taking so long?" I remember MON talking about incentive based contracts just after he came in, was that his thinking or something that Randy endorses? On a conversational note, do you expect a good season for the Browns? I am a big Gridiron fan and would love to get over to watch my adopted team. Luckily I have tickets for the Wembley game between the Dolphins and the Giants to curb my enthusiasm for the time being. I don't suppose you will be in attendance will you General? Cheers Jon
  19. General, I see the Browns finally sorted things out with Brady Quinn well done on that. It also shows that it is not just Villa being cautious in the transfer market. I read that the hold up was to do with incentive based contract negotiations, is this a system that Randy personally likes to work with? If so, has this system been brought in at Villa and could this be part of the reason that our transfers are taking so long? I am not one of the pessimists by the way, I can be patient as i know what MON and Randy are attempting to do not just for this year but for the future. We must build strong and remain secure. Up the Villa!!! I have faith. Thanks Jon P.S. I was at the Inter game and am taking my dad to the Liverpool game for his 58th birthday, I love what you have done with the place, both the signage and the screens looked awesome. Let's just hope for the same result.....
  20. Hi General, Just wanted to say it was nice to see some training pictures on the OS, it has certainly whet my appetite even more going into this new season. I was wondering whether this could become a regular feature on the OS, perhaps a weekly review of the training sessions without giving too much away to our competitors? Thanks Jon
  21. Can't this be included in the chants sticky?
  22. Alright enough already, is someone going to offer a link to where this has been said?
  23. Very true for the rest of the squad who have become our "own" also i.e. Angel. It's hard to let go sometimes and whether we know they should go, we just don't want them to. I think MON will get things right, out with the trash and in with decent players, top quality or not, who have signed up to play for the cause not just for their pocket money!
  24. We are getting slighty camp here chaps! We are football fans not netball!
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