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Everything posted by Tubby

  1. If the Chiefs secondary hadn't have stepped up this past few weeks, I would expect Tampa to win. As it is, I see Brady getting picked multiple times. Chiefs will go back to back. Plus, I'm bored of Tom Brady.
  2. Somewhat poetic that I should go out on the same weekend as the Browns. I look forward to next season when both the Browns and myself lose every week. Just as it should be.
  3. That was a tough loss for the Browns but what a great season. We can only hope for more next season and with an improved defence, who knows what is possible. Finally relevant again!
  4. I hope that this is the start of the end for the Lamar Jackson hype train I've said it before and I'll say it again. Lamar Jackson is a RB that can throw... some times. He's prone to injury because of what he is asked to do and he struggles to win games he needs to with his arm. Like RGIII, Kapernick and to an extent Cam Newton (amongst others) before him, his time at the top will be short lived. As a Browns fan I'm convinced
  5. Browns! Because they are finally relevant and this is what the NFL is all about.
  6. I hope I didn't but feel free to find the quote. I'd be disappointed if I did I'm a reluctant Baker fan, he doesn't have the typical measurables that I believe make a QB and he has to make up for it with his decision making - at least that improved this season. He's not alone though, there are a few smaller QBs in the league now but most of the others have lightning mobility. I was all in on Brandon Weeden though, so what do I know?
  7. What you saying Rob, ready to back the Browns this weekend?
  8. I certainly expect that he will be the face of the franchise for the foreseeable future.
  9. I was all in on Allen as #1 and Bradley Chubb as #4 I reckon that would have turned out ok
  10. Na, no more rings for Brady or Brees please. This new generation deserves some early success. The only old boy I'd be happy to see win one more would be Rodgers because he's been epic all season. The final eight teams include, Baker, Josh Allen, Mahomes and Lamar; all are names I'd prefer to see win it all, over the old guard. If the Browns fall out, I'm backing the Bills (who I think will beat the Ravens). I've been a big fan of Josh Allen since the draft (I wanted the Browns to take him no. 1 at the time) and I truly don't rate Lamar as a QB.
  11. The Browns were excellent last night, was well worth staying up for. Thankfully next week's game is on at a reasonable 8pm. Go Browns!
  12. Rob the only one to pick Believeland. Kudos Robbo
  13. Fair play to you. You deserve to win if you can hold onto it
  14. First order of business will be transfer of ownership from @kkr I can't recall who said they'd take it on though? Second order of business will be scoring. I quite liked the team structure this season with QB, RB, 2x WR TE, Flex, K, Def. Four bench rather than three and an IR better though.
  15. Congratulations Samatta U A season of adversity chaps, but we got through it. Looking forward to next season already.
  16. 5 way? I didn't realise anyone else was in it?!
  17. Urrrgh, disappointing season all told. Unrealised potential
  18. Covid has knocked out two of my RBs this week. Wear a **** mask!
  19. Urrrgh wrong time to be playing Lancs me thinks. Congratulations London Champs for going undefeated.
  20. Just look at the Browns. Bottomed out, drafted a QB, added talent on both sides of the ball through the draft and free agency... three years later it is a coaches dream. Those that stay at the top consistently are clearly impressive, mostly because they have a QB but also because it bucks the whole purpose of worst to first. The other 20-25 teams however, any of them can make it in the right circumstances, on any given Sunday, in any season. Love love love this sport!
  21. If they lose to the Browns on MNF that next week, that will be true. Lamar Jackson is not a great passer. Stop the run, make him pass = simples!
  22. They really owe this guy a higher stand for his TV.
  23. I've been eyeing up your 'league best' strength of schedule as an opportunity to topple you when it matters, mostly because mine is the worst in the league. Shame I couldn't do it when I had the chance during regular play No one has ever won all their games so far as I can tell so good luck, hope to see you in the final... *caveat, hat lined up and ready to be eaten
  24. But the scoring is quite logical and it does mean picking up the right defence is rewarded. See Indianapolis, I thank you! If you think the scoring can be improved, it's freely available to view and for suggestions to be made.
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