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Everything posted by Annoyman

  1. I guess it's just the circle of life, I'm having a quick scan through all the Getafe Club de Fútbol forums from June 2018 and it's just all these 200 page threads where they're like "Emi nunca se trasladará a un club pequeño como Norwich City ajajajajaja" and then getting increasingly furious as the move unfolds
  2. I think that we hate Villa thread is at least partly gallows humour/tongue in cheek Slightly less sure what's going on here:
  3. All the Arsenal fans I know IRL are sound for the record
  4. Reddit is a premier hotbed of Gooner derangement imo, there seem to be a lot of systems thinking sports science American clowns who have drunk the kool-aid a little too hard to prove theyr'e legitimate soccerball fans
  5. Ah this **** rules. Big fan of the club's recent signings just being like "ah here lads we've signed a good player", no fuss, no underwhelming chicken sandwich at the chairman's house Count me among the people slightly baffled to discover Norwich fans apparently hate us and consider us a sideways move ¯\(°_o)/¯
  6. I think the last 0-0 left us one short still - we've won 75 to their 76
  7. They deserve this to be fair. The red card killed the game really, it looked like it would boil over and produce a red at one point, but it ended up coming from an apparent complete accident instead If it stays like this I wonder if the early run of fixtures could be important next season. They can play football are good on the counter and have a striker who will score goals, but they need to not get that Brighton thing this season of narrowly losing a bunch of games they played well and getting that stink of failure hanging around Shout out to Pontus Jansson sauntering leisurely onto the pitch eating a protein bar at a corner then immediately getting knocked senseless by a goalbound shot from his own team by the way, huge vibe
  8. Dean Smith doesn't look anything like bacon. Alex McLeish definitely looked like breaded ham though
  9. Bamford will no doubt be issuing the "is it because I is privately educated" statement forthwith It is harsh on him after the season he had tho! 7 assists nothing to sniff at for a striker, and he had as many spuriously disallowed goals as Watkins did
  10. Only tangentially related but do you remember this one win against Stoke at VP 10-11 years ago where they had a first half goal somewhat spuriously disallowed for a push on Stephen Warnock, and their fans went so mental celebrating it that they still hadn't noticed it was disallowed until like a minute after play had been restarted? Never seen anything like it to that level. It was like our fans went from winding them up over it to like, desperately trying to get their attention to let them know because it was getting kind of weird
  11. Delighted the Holte got to see one get smacked in the net in front of them. El-Ghazi being so calm on penalties really racked up some points and there was a really good spread of goals and assists across the whole front four in general Targett was the 2nd best player in enough games to be in with a shout for player of the season overall IMO, though today was a very tough one Shame Leicester bottled it again, but not sure how I would have felt about a situation where City winning the Champions League was somehow the banter outcome
  12. A real spread of big performances tonight with fierce competition for 2nd place in the man of the match rankings. Watkins is looking so sharp and intelligent out there in addition to running his legs off, just tremendous. He's scored a fair few goals this season from capitalising on errors, but his movement and alertness causes so much nervousness in defenders and goalkeepers you can't put it all down to luck Not content with scoring a great winner to take the points in a tremendous match, El Ghazi also committed a foul then acted like he'd been shot dead in the process despite there being no meaningful contact at all from Allan. Deliciously satirical. I wonder if anyone else caught that reference
  13. Sam Johnstone trying to put El Ghazi off by...clapping like a seal? How ironic
  14. Just terrible to watch. There was no reason to concede an offside on that counter at the end
  15. Christ this is wretched It had never occurred to me that it was even possible to have difficulty marshalling Joelinton
  16. I can never tell if Dwight Gayle looks like he's 12 or 53
  17. Traore, bless him, was absolutely infuriating today. The only person on the pitch who made more bad decisions than the referee. As cynical as the Jagielka foul was it's still a yellow all day long. It should have been obvious to me to switch this off with ten to go but still I stared at it
  18. Halsey never really stood a chance in life, given that his parents had apparently given him "**** Off" as a middle name
  19. Just re: Grealish, I don't think he dives much (when was he last penalised for it, not counting the charlatan Kevin Friend?) and the vast majority of the many, many fouls on him are legitimate free kicks, but he absolutely acts like every foul has nearly killed him, and he tends to act like it's an outrage he didn't get a free kick on the (fairly rare) occasions he just loses possession or gets bullied out of it, and he and a rotating squad of our other players will strategically harangue the ref demanding players get yellow or red cards I mean I can understand why, because he gets fouled insanely often and referees often tolerate the opposition's designated shit-kicker fouling him 6-7 times in a game before giving a now-irrelevant yellow with ten to go, but there's no point hallucinating that he's an angel I sort of feel like it might be nice for Villa and Leeds fans that they don't have to play each other for a bit now, a lot of energy being expended on the same ol' recriminations
  20. Let's be real Targett 100% did a cringey, shithouse-y dive over nothing and was also lucky to not get a 2nd yellow late on, it's just that Llorente had already done an even more comically exaggerated shithouse-y performance in the first half, and Klich had already committed two fouls (the latter preventing a break on halfway) while on a yellow before Targett did. What's the ref meant to do Nobody exactly comes out of it looking like the model of sporting integrity Furthermore, I can all but guarantee the only reason those rough Villa centre backs went to such efforts to stop Bamford from playing was because he happened to have been to private school, it's disgraceful and nobody's ever even remotely interested in hearing out my proposal to have all non-Bamford players get down on both knees at the start of a match in protest at this kind of anti-elite prejudice
  21. Just to confirm if it were needed that the funny overacting thing wasn't Bamford, who wasn't playing today Oh hold up what
  22. Shout out to the Leeds keeper eating up 45 seconds by doing performance art in the 6 yard box while they were trying to take a corner in stoppage time
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