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Everything posted by villalad21

  1. Imagine if the Crystal Palace fans had said that in November last year. 30 points from the next 21 games and a rise from 19th to 12th would have proved them wrong. I don't give a shit about Crystal Palace. Well, you should, they just completed the double over us. Any thoughts on how they managed that? Yes, I do. They have a better squad than us and the table proves that. I have said It before, we have been shit all season. And those lucky wins against Soton and Man City were indeed lucky wins. You can argue all you want, but when the opponent have 9 shots on target and we have 3 and we win 2-3, that is luck. On our general performance this season,we should have been down with the likes of Fulham and Sunderland
  2. Imagine if the Crystal Palace fans had said that in November last year. 30 points from the next 21 games and a rise from 19th to 12th would have proved them wrong. I don't give a shit about Crystal Palace. MON and Di Canio did great at the first games at their appointment too, just wait a couple of years before you make Pulis a "God". If I'm not too far off I remember Stoke were a sinking ship at the end of Pulis time there, they were sick of the type of football and I think in the end Crystal Palace will go through the same thing.
  3. How many points do people on here see realisticly, based on our poor from and injury list: Soton (H) Swansea (A) Hull (H) MAn City (A) Spurs(A) I see 1 point here
  4. Incredible how it has taken this long for people to realise Lambert is clueless. I've been done with him for months.
  5. Since we've all apparently given up hope on a win, then I guess it is. Absolutely it would. We need 2/3 more points to stay up so a draw today would be a big help. Thatshow far we've fallen.
  6. Let's change formation \yet again and confuse the players. Well done Lambert. You piece of shit
  7. Why do you care? Lambert doesn't like quality anyways he prefer quantity, thats my main point and consern
  8. He has spent over 10 m on players, yes
  9. Lambert is probably going for a lower league midfielder or spends 10 mill + pounds on yet a tall striker.
  10. A loss today, and the pressure on Lambert will be huge
  11. Thats why I want Laudrup in to see what he can do. There's no chance he will be doing worse than Lambert and Eck anyways. Give him a go, at least we will improve our passing I don't actually think Laudrup would do better. Think it would be Houllier all over again - and given the overtures he made at swansea about money for players, I doub't he'd be intersted in the villa job. Forget Laudrup the player - as a manager he has a patchy record - his successes have been where he taken over a reasonable side. Not the type of guy to revive on a club on a budget IMO. I do get the feeling will be looking for a new manager come June though. Reading the latest snippets it would seems that Lambert is set to ask Randy for considerably more funds there are number of implications if true:- 1.In Feb the rumours were that Lambo was set to sign a new deal - surely the discussion of transfer funds would have arose then (my suspicion is a new deal was only tentatively discussed - if at all) 2.It would be a surprise to me if Lambert (or any future manager) got significant funds from Lerner - Is Lambert trying to engineer a story where he leaves because of a lack of funding - rather than pushed through lack of results ? At least Laudrup has a football philosophy, i can't see any with Lambert tbh
  12. Thats why I want Laudrup in to see what he can do. There's no chance he will be doing worse than Lambert and Eck anyways. Give him a go, at least we will improve our passing
  13. I don't think that was experimental...it was just gutted though injury. We've got about 5 good players, 3 or 4 ok players and the rest are dross. Take 4 or 5 of the good/ok players out you're left with the dross. Yet he could have lined up with: ------------Guzan------------ Lowton--Vlaar--Baker---Bertrand ----Bacuna--Westwood--Sylla---- Weimann-------Holt------Albrighton So to me it was still an experiment, and it's not the first time we have seen this. We need a manager that has a clear system where the players have clear roles in their team. So swapping Sylla for Bennett doesn't make it experimental? What do you mean? He played 4 full backs against Fulham, 4. Bringing in Sylla and Bacuna in the middle wouldn't change the system.
  14. I don't think that was experimental...it was just gutted though injury. We've got about 5 good players, 3 or 4 ok players and the rest are dross. Take 4 or 5 of the good/ok players out you're left with the dross. Yet he could have lined up with: ------------Guzan------------ Lowton--Vlaar--Baker---Bertrand ----Bacuna--Westwood--Sylla---- Weimann-------Holt------Albrighton So to me it was still an experiment, and it's not the first time we have seen this. We need a manager that has a clear system where the players have clear roles in their team.
  15. I was really worryed after the Fulham loss. What really shocked me was that Lambert is still experimenting with the team after almost 2 years in the job.
  16. Palace are in great form and is playing well, we'll win. If palace were in a bad run and had not won in 10 games, it would be a obvious loss.
  17. Anyways. I might get some stick for this, but I'm not totally Lambert out yet, but it's close, really close. However, next season should be his last chance to show some improvement, these next transfer windows will be crucial for him and the team. If he fails to sign what we are screaming out for, a creative midfielder and a real leader in midfield, and add that to Okore's comeback, NZogbia back in form and matchfit, while Benteke hopefully is back in october. If Lambert still can't get this team to play some decent football next season, he should be gone.
  18. We've been through this before, Lambert finished higher with the worst Villa squad ever (if you believe certain posters) than McLeish managed with a squad of experienced players. The club are better off now we've gotten rid of the negative influences and overpayed players. Hopefully, in the summer, we'll be rid of CNZ, Bent, Hutton and Given. I'm not saying we should use all of our older players, but I do firmly believe that a good mix of experienced and young players is the best way to go. A too old side won't work "fulham" is a prime example, and a too young side wont work either "us". It's also a real shame we lost Petrov, our club is screaming for a leader in the midfield like that. And also. People saying Weimann is a better player than the zog.. Haha give me a **** break, Weimann can't even do the basics with a football.
  19. I actually think Dunne, Collins, Bent etc.. would have done better than what we got, at least Dunne and Collins knows how to defend. Bent could be a nice impact sub to have. And NZogbia should be a regular first choice, miles better than Weimann, MILES better
  20. If that will be the case, that we barely survives, Lambert has to go, its just not acceptable for a club our size.
  21. I think some of those defending Lambert must only remember one game at a time. We are fine arent we? We just "go again"
  22. This season has been disappointing but **** me, we've beaten Man City, Chelsea and Arsenal. He got a shit club like Norwich promoted from League 1. So what do you get more points for beating them rather than Fulham? No! Didn't think so. I think the point being made was that you don't get the results we've got against the better teams in the league by being a crap tactician. The players carry more blame for the Fulham defeat than PL does IMO. Its not like he's sending them up the tunnel with the instructions "Remember lads, defend like you've only just been introduced." or (vs. Man Utd) "Its a fine of a weeks wages for every goal you score Christian" There is some recieved wisdom in football "By Championship players and that is where you will end up" - half our squad are just that, and that isn't solely Lambert's fault either. I don't think that win had anything to do with Lambert. Our players just seem more up for it against the bigger teams.
  23. Yep. As we keep spending peanuts while the teams around us are spending bigger, the price we have to pay will eventually be relegation.
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