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Everything posted by Dante_Lockhart

  1. David Haye has more personality than all of them. Plus he basically finished off (Fr)Audley.
  2. Currently watching Supernatural season 6. It's ace. <3
  3. Double XP this weekend (360 - not sure about PS3)
  4. You're not lolling at the Cowboys now, are ya? :winkold:
  5. Going with the missus? £300.00 will be ample. Going with the lads? Double it.
  6. Just wanna say... Justin Tuck in Madden = BEAST
  7. Indeed. So who's on LIVE? Add me GT: Lord Of The Yam
  8. Exactly. And I'll be damned if I'm ever going to go to a midnight release!
  9. How much did he charge ya? I aint bothered getting it off him this time around...MW2 set me back 50 quid and that was just the standard edition!! Im just not excited enought about this to warrant paying that sort of money. Im quite happy to wait until the weekend before i buy it T'was £45. Yeah it's probably a tenner more expensive than getting it from Tesco or something, but I like to spend my money at places that are friendly and helpful. Plus I've been going to his shop for like 15 years.
  10. Yeah he's took the phone off the hook I don't know how many he's got, couple of 100 I assume judging by the amount of numbers he's got in his little black book with pre-orders!
  11. Oh well, Neil isn't getting stock til' Monday. :cry:
  12. I remember playing a few games with you before. You were quite efficient at getting the EMP up and going.
  13. That is such a good thing, UAV is now the best killstreak in the game. Yup. About time it had some purpose really. Might make people want to camp more though with them not wanting to die and get their kills up though.
  14. Excellent. Killstreaks don't stack. If you want to send the dogs out you need 11 kills with your weapons (Grenade, guns etc...). Killstreak kills don't count towards it
  15. AC130 > Attack Dogs Both 11 Kills, but the AC130 was a right pain in the ass on the majority of maps
  16. Not long now! Quite excited. I wasn't about 3 months ago, actually debated not getting it but it feels like Xmas eve at the moment with the anticipation. No doubt in 4 days I'll be raging like COD normally makes me do when playing online. lol
  17. This, but without the baby and I have already proposed. Basically met her in June 2008, she basically moved in by September, I proposed in February 2010 and we're getting married in April 2012.
  18. Play it offline though. Otherwise Activision / Microsoft will hound you asking who you got it from so they can fine them for breaking release.
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