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Posts posted by terrytini

  1. 7 minutes ago, HanoiVillan said:

    There's a good discussion of the underlying problems in this thread, IMO:

    (These are simply the most relevant parts of a useful thread).

    It's frustrating to have people claiming things that they don't fully understand, whether it's Tom Pike producing a purely statistical model that is overwhelmed by quite routine changes in the data, Jeremy Vine boosting his model without even slightly caveating it to his thousands of followers, or Peter Hitchens assuming that two completely different models produced by two different groups from two different departments of Imperial College are the same thing, because he hasn't researched it properly.

    In particular the problem they’ve mentioned with “ outlier” cases.

    Modern media means things are magnified and distorted out of all proportion.

    A young person dying is met by “ even the young are getting it we are done for”.....the building of a mortuary ( which would be necessary as soon as ‘demand’ exceeds ‘ supply’, especially with infectious disease) becomes “ its so bad we are building extra room for the dead” - in pure numbers terms “ the dead” are currently far less than an average Flu season - and so on. 
    A queue at a shop becomes Armageddon.

    The facts, as best we know them, are that the key difficulty with this disease is that the ability it has to be transmitted before symptoms are visible means it can spread widely and quickly. Even with a low proportion of ( mostly ill, mostly elderly) victims this means it can overwhelm Services. Because of this, treatment is lacking, care is lacking, staff are missing, resources are stretched. This is the part which is nightmarish, this is the part we needed to cater for.

    Once this part passes, as it will, the issue of an endemic virus sitting alongside others will be handled as all those others are. It isn’t the plague. It isn’t the end of the world, there aren’t going to be riots on the streets.

    The press ( and the twitters etc) sensationalise. It’s their job. They are still competing with each other.

    This is an awful time. Fearful, dangerous, bitterly sad. But it must still be kept in some context however hard that sometimes is to do.

    • Like 2
  2. 1 hour ago, bannedfromHandV said:

    I wish I shared your optimism.

    Right now I think we’re on the precipice of things turning into something more akin to ‘Escape from New York’ than a well maintained orderly society all playing along to the tune of the governments whims and wishes.

    This hasn’t happened anywhere else in the World, in Countries facing far more difficulties than being stopped from going to the pub.

    However many people are agitated, the vast majority will just sit tight until they no longer need to.

  3. 1 hour ago, DCJonah said:


    When you didn't give a shit about healthcare and the wellbeing of people less fortunate, probably hurts to keep be reminded of it during such an awful time. 

    It should never be forgotten, no matter how well this current government deal with the issue. 

    Hear hear.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Troglodyte said:

    What was it that made you feel more engaged on the Switch? I kind of assumed that the One X would be the better experience because the machine is so much more powerful.

    Using the motion controls. Very immersive when fighting, defending, casting spells etc.

    I loved it on the One X because of the wide sweep of the World - I love roaming around open world games - but maybe having already played it through on earlier machines it didn’t grab me, whereas on the Switch it acquired a new life. There’s now other games which ( in my view) can trump it for travelling the world ( like AC Odyssey) so the dimension added by the motion controllers is what would make me recommend that out the two, especially as you already have the Switch.

  5. Wasn’t sure if it needed to be silly so sorry it isn’t.....posted this in wrong thread previously..

    My typical schedule at present consists of playing the piano, cryptic crosswords, number puzzles, listening to music, X Box, sitting peacefully in my rocking chair on the porch, bingeing Trailer Park Boys ( recently discovered) and Curb YourEnthusiasm, and as of last week rewatching UFO, The Prisoner, and Time Tunnel from the sixties on YouTube.

    Chat to the kids by whichever means.

    I watch no news ( too alarmist) but check a few facts every other day to keep up to date. And f I feel particularly anxious have the Golf on in the background or endless reruns of Flog It and Homes Under The Hammer.

    Oh, and sleep a lot, as I find it very calming.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Genie said:

    Today I tidied the garage and jet washed the patio 😭

    I hope you enjoy labour ! I know some do.

    On the off chance the OP genuinely wondered what we do, here’s mine...

    My typical schedule at present consists of playing the piano, cryptic crosswords, number puzzles, listening to music, X Box, sitting peacefully in my rocking chair on the porch, bingeing Trailer Park Boys ( recently discovered) and Curb Your Enthusiasm, and as of last week rewatching UFO, The Prisoner, and Time Tunnel from the sixties on YouTube.

    Chat to the kids by whichever means.

    I watch no news ( too alarmist) but check a few facts every other day to keep up to date. And f I feel particularly anxious have the Golf on in the background or endless reruns of Flog It and Homes Under The Hammer.

    Oh, and sleep a lot, as I find it very calming.

    • Like 2
  7. 1 hour ago, Troglodyte said:

    Note on your edit @terrytini - it's still useful to me as I was looking to ask the same question!

    I just need to decide now whether to get the version for the Switch or wait until I buy an Xbox One X (if I do - currently thinking about it but haven't got as far as actually getting one!)

    Well fwiw I’ve played it on the X box One, the X Box One X, the PS3, and the Switch.

    I actually enjoyed the Switch most even though it was starting again on a game I’d already played countless hours on. Felt more engaged.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 10 minutes ago, KenjiOgiwara said:

    It's very very few from what I've seen. There's also reason to speculate these may have had underlying issues that wasn't known. 

    This is very important.

    Most Official reports say no KNOWN underlying health issues. Makes a big difference. 

    Remember Asa Hartford ? His transfer from the Baggies to Leeds was cancelled when his medical revealed a Hole in the Heart. He’d had plenty medical before which had shown nothing.

    The numbers re people under 30 are tiny, and there’s no certainty whether they had health issues, nor to what extent they were exposed.

  9. Thanks @Daweii....very interesting !.......but.....towards the end you said “ unless you want the better graphics and better performance”

    Yes, I do......but I got the X Box One X for the better graphics and to be honest it’s negligible, I mean, it’s better, but I need to compare them to tell.  Would this be the same ?

    As for performance I take your point on load screens and see why that would be vital to some but other than that it doesn’t seem like I have performance issues.

    So it sounds like it’s not got much to offer until the games match I guess ?

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, VillaChris said:

    What if you've already had Covid 19 without realising? I presume you were out the front door sometime in February or early March?

    That said I largely agree with what you're saying. Seems for many simply playing BCD is a no no but let's be honest there aren't going to be 40-70k crowds at games for the foreseeable future.

    Even if some sort of season starts in September then there won't be serious crowds allowed until 2021 imo.

    Agree the other safe ( ish) route is if we can get tested and it turns out I’ve had it. I forgot to mention that.

    I was indeed out then, my lockdown began on 10th March, so yes I could’ve had it.

  11. 1 hour ago, blandy said:

    That's pretty much what I've been doing - except the post - I just leave it alone for 3 days (72 hours), then open it carefully.

    Yes we do ours weekly, in the garden.

  12. 7 minutes ago, Awol said:

    Just saw Trump chatting to some journos about a hospital ship, then casually drops in the bomb that they’re discussing quarantining New York and New Jersey. 

    It was like he’s musing on whether to have a BBQ this afternoon or not. Absolutely wild. 

    He is the personification of deranged.

    • Like 3
  13. 2 minutes ago, chrisp65 said:

    Well, that was a strange 10 minutes. We just had a whole load of Domino’s pizza delivered. Trouble was, we didn’t order any.

    So I was trying to tell the guy we didn’t order any, but he was rightly concerned that I didn’t open the door to speak to him. So he put it all on the step and walked back down to the pavement, so I could open the door and explain we hadn’t ordered. Then close the door so he could come back and check the order then take it away again. Misreading of a door number by the looks of it.

    Meanwhile, the kids are going full postal that I’m rejecting free pizza!

    Personally, I’m not sure where boxes of pizza stand on the whole not touching stuff other people have touched sort of thing? I get that the food is hot and cooked and most likely prepped in a good environment? But delivery Dave in his Rat Honda Civic? Not so sure.

    All packaging from any source including from the shops, postman, or takeaways. must be handled with great care.

    Assume it’s radioactive. If anyone who handled it has the virus they COULD have infected it. Best evidence at present is it can last several hours on packaging.

    - open carefully, preferably outside, preferably with gloves, preferably having wiped first. Dispose of carefully. Wash your hands.


    • Like 2
  14. 15 minutes ago, sne said:

    I think that's just posturing.

    They are procrastinating and waiting as long as possible to declare the season void. I have no idea what the terms behind the TV-deals are but I'd bet anything that it's those terms that is behind their refusal to void the season.

    I think everyone even including the lawyers and money men understand that no one cares about football outside the ones who will lose money. And Liverpool.

    And tbh I very much doubt there will be a 20/21 season either.

    My thoughts entirely.

  15. 6 minutes ago, brommy said:

    I hope you're correct but given the numerous statements about the need to complete the season, I still think they will do everything they can to play the remaining games as soon as possible, even if that's behind closed doors in an attempt to minimise the impact on when the next season can start.

    I think they will find a 'work around' the contract issues that, given the extreme circumstances, the vast majority of players will accept.

    I confess I’ve not seen what they’ve said so my views are in ignorance of that, but I remain absolutely convinced it won’t happen.

    (I suppose given you’ve said they are desperate there is one way it could be done,  and that’s to wait until such things can happen - nothing like July - and then instead of starting a new season they can start with this one, and follow with a new one minus the Cups.)

    But the chance to do that won’t be before next season is due, which is why I can’t see this season continuing...it will simply push the problem into the next one.

    In my view.


  16. 4 minutes ago, wazzap24 said:

    I'm 100% convinced there is a decent number of people who genuinely think it is. 

    I live right by a park and I've seen some shell suits going past the window that haven't seen the light of day since 1989. 


    • Like 1
  17. 2 minutes ago, PieFacE said:

    The Series X is a significant improvrmrny over On X.Series x has  MCUH bette CPU, better RAM, better GPU, an SSD.

    The CPUin th One X ishit which prevents gams. being played t 60FPS.

    I appreciate your help mate - but I’m trying to say, what difference will I see or get that would make it worth getting ?

    Of itself, greats CPU etc means little to me....a bit like a car having a top speed of 200 mph when there’s a 70 mph speed limit.

    Im very open to being enlightened 🙂

  18. 20 teams of 25 players, Coaches, Ancillary staff, training facility staff, coach drivers, cooks, hotels, refereees, other officials, media.

    With varying amounts of illness laying some low.

    Travelling up and down the Country in July.

    Not a chance. Sheer lunacy.

    Even this, the most incompetent and criminally negligent Government of all time, would step in and prevent that.

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