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Posts posted by terrytini

  1. 34 minutes ago, foreveryoung said:

    Its mental in the hospitals (mrs is a nurse). Most staff now being transferred to the cronovirurus areas to help out. They have kit but not enough and Mrs was saying its hard to stay in full kit apron, mask visor for a full 12 hour shift, also its tables, handles, beds etc, you have to be so careful althpugh its everywhere. Mrs said she will get it guaranteed, but then it's me and my lad too. God knows what people are supposed to do when they have family being front line NHS.

    I know words are cheap mate but

    .....please pass onto your missus my gratitude and admiration for her and her colleagues. And best wishes to you aswell, and 

    ....when this is over, I hope if there’s something you need that’s within my ability to give, say the word. I mean that.

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1
  2. 8 minutes ago, PaulC said:

    They have managed to contain it in South Korea. I think it’s possible here but we need everybody to take it more seriously like you are.

    I’m sure we will contain it, and that will be wonderful. And once the Serious Infection rate is lower than the ICU Capacity we can all relax a bit.

    But in my view there’s still an enormous leap between that and business as usual. And that leap can only truly be achieved with a vaccine.

    For me, that means work and activities that need doing can recommence at the earlier of these two dates, but anything else, no way until the Second. It simply won’t be worth the risk.

    Imagine achieving control, then doing something that put us back here !! Not going to happen.

  3. On 03/01/2020 at 21:58, MaVilla said:

    Strange question I'm sure......

    I am tempted to buy skyrim (enhanced), looks a good game.

    I know it's an old game, but is it worth purchasing in 2020?

    I suppose my main concern is do the graphics hold up,?, does the gameplay hold up still?  Is it still "modern" enough to not just seem like I'm playing a game that is 10 + years old?


    100% worth it 👍

  4. 4 hours ago, Londonastonvilla said:

    Couldn’t agree more.

    As the number of deaths increase ,the idea of watching football seems ridiculous .The way this country is trying to mobilise help for the health service reminds me what it must have been like during WW2.

    I don’t see this being resolved quickly.Until a vaccine is ready or a treatment for the seriously affected this will only get worse.

    I don’t expect anything to happen until Christmas at least.

    This virus is too contagious to allow any sport to resume.Even if this present lockdown brings cases down ,it’s not going to completely disappear.You just need 1 person to spread it to a group of people and it will start up again.

    Agree wholeheartedly, I’m amazed it’s even up for debate.

  5. Not up to speed with this thread...I hadn’t really realised the PL was still being debated if I’m honest.

    So without the benefit of whatever has been announced or debated I’d have to say Id be utterly amazed if anyone thinks football will reconvene this season. Not a chance in hell, ( in my opinion) and rightly so.

    What possible reason could there be for even contemplating it ?

    The Season is 100% over in my view, I can’t see a chance in a million that it’s not.

    Additionally I see next to no likelihood of next season starting in August. They will have to move it and scrap a lot of stuff.

    And even then, who in their right mind would attend football matches unless / until there is a vaccine ?

    From a personal point of view I’m going no further than my front doorstep until 2021 !

    • Like 1
  6. Please remember deaths today relate to infections from 5-14 days ago.....so there’s nothing surprising about the increase, it will increase dramatically for a week or so. The time anything can be learnt from the figures is after that.

    • Like 1
  7. 36 minutes ago, chrisp65 said:

    I was talking to an old friend earlier today, she works on the counter at Morrisons. She said that those new perspex screens have gone up because 99% of people are much nicer and more polite and more appreciative than they’ve ever seen before. But unfortunately 1% are really struggling, and taking it out on them.

    I guess maybe with some there could be underlying violence and mental health issues and the current regime is turning the screw on people that were already struggling to hold it together in the outside world.

    In similar vein, burglary down, car theft down, shoplifting down. Domestic violence up.

    Road traffic deaths and accidents almost vanished. Air pollution gone. I saw a report from China where it’s reckoned thousands of people who would’ve died from air pollution this year are alive due to the decrease in pollution.

    • Like 1
  8. 37 minutes ago, av1 said:

    Whilst I'm sure we may have all seen/experienced people being idiots over the last few weeks, has anyone else felt that generally people seem to be being nicer to each other in the last week or so?

    I've just got back from Tesco in Dudley and whilst the queue to get in was bloody huge, social distancing was being respected and everyone seemed pretty good natured. It was the same when I finally got in, everyone just seemed polite and friendly.  

    It just seems like most people are really starting to understand the severity of what's happening and are pulling together. It's nice to see..

    Yes. For the most part it’s been wonderful. Of course we will read nasty cases in the paper...those assholes have always been there and won’t go away, and the papers can’t publish “ nothing nasty happened today in large parts of the UK”......but millions and millions ( billions even) are stoical, considerate, and kind where it’s possible.

  9. 43 minutes ago, chrisp65 said:

    I think over the years on here you get to filter out the nutters, the preppers, the drama queens and the people that believe ‘pass it on’ posts on facebook.

    I’ve got you in the ‘generally untrustworthy tory dickwad’ category.

    (obvs not really)

    Too right he’s a proper shady character is our Mark 😂😂

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  10. If I were in Government I’d be telling non essential industries, “ we will bail you out but do the work we want, or provide staff for the work we want doing”........and I’d be telling - or asking, or incentivising, their staff the same.

    Unless we get lucky we will soon be in a position of having millions of healthy workers sat idle, being partly paid by the State, while the essential industries of Food, Health, Transport, Care, Utilities and Emergency Services could at times be up to 40% down in numbers.

    If it’s a War, they can consider conscription ! 



  11. 8 minutes ago, limpid said:

    The only problem with that is that I can't drive. PM if you are stuck I'm sure I'll know someone who can help.

    Cheers mate thank you....I’m ok so far and with family around. 
    Likewise though if there’s anything I can do ...👍

    • Like 1
  12. 2 hours ago, limpid said:

    Interesting. It looks like I had the virus in early Feb. I had all the symptoms including this one about a week after returning from a business trip to Paris. By coincidence I effectively isolated myself for the few days before and after because I was working from home.

    Hopefully the antibody test will be available soon to confirm. I'd really like to know if I'm still at risk.

    Me too I need someone local to do my shopping 😉

    • Haha 1
  13. 7 minutes ago, OutByEaster? said:

    Message from Boris:

    "Please stay indoors, the science says that if you don't stay indoors then lots and lots of people will die, thousands of us, including your relatives. So it's vital you stay indoors. That is, unless you want to go to the park or the shops or school, or you insist on keeping your beauty parlour open, or you're in court, or you just fancy some fresh air. The message from Government is clear, stay indoors unless you want to go out, in which case go out."

    It's pathetic.


    I’ve no idea whether he actually said this or if it’s a spoof.

    Which kind of says it all .

    • Haha 1
  14. 9 hours ago, John said:

    Rimmer, Gidman, Staunton, McGrath, Mings, Rioch, Mortimer, Cowans, Morley, Little & Gray. Subs: Withers, Curtis, Chico, Jack, Graydon, Saunders & Anderson. :flag:

    Copied this as it is SO close to mine. ( which I doodled the other night )..

    What’s the chances of two such similar “ favourites” over such a period ?

    Rimmer, Gidman, Staunton, McGrath, Evans, Rioch, Mortimer, Cowans, Jack, Little, Gray.....Subs : Cumbes, Phillips, Chico Hamilton, Morley, Graydon, Saunders, Willie Anderson

    Id forgotten Withers, great shout !

    And your favourite ? I’m so torn as Bruce Rioch was my biggest hero, Little my favourite player, Mortimer the one I think had the biggest impact.

    So I guess it’s Sir Brian 👍

    • Like 1
  15. 9 minutes ago, Genie said:

    Boris said that if people don’t behave in open spaces within the framework given, ie 2 meters apart etc they will have to pull forward stricter measures. 
    This confirms we will be locked down at some point, just a matter of when.

    The sooner the better. 

  16. On 21/03/2020 at 00:52, PaulC said:

    I don’t honestly know how sky sports can carry on at the moment. No-one surely wants to watch old re-runs and carragher and Neville have their rants. Are they suspending charging people fir their subscriptions. I cancelled nowtv. 

    Gary Neville saying he has closed his hotel. It sickens me how wealthy these people are. Half of me wants the Premier League to go bust and sky too 


    Sky’s website has a button to press which pauses Subscription Charges for Sports. 

  17. I don’t know if that was easy to follow so here’s an easy version.

    Lets say it takes 2 weeks to die once you have it.

    Then the deaths total we hear today is actually based on the number of cases 2 weeks ago ( which is significantly less).

    • Like 1
  18. 3 hours ago, Jon said:

    A lack of tests being carried out will clearly make the death rate appear much worse than it actually is. Not just that, but many people will have had this/ get it, and either be mostly unaware, or just feel a bit under the weather. These cases will clearly not be recorded either.  So the actual death rate will be much lower than is currently being touted. 1% tops. 

    I try to post either positive stuff or stuff about precautions but I thought I’d mention this...intake zero pleasure in it but some may want to know...

    ....on the one hand you could be right.....lack of tests = fewer people with the virus detected so the proportion dying is artificially high.

    As will people presenting few or no symptoms. 
    That’s the good half.

    The bad half is the time lag between a case being flagged and a death. Eg....if the mortality rate was 8%.....and the time between diagnoses and death was 11 days....and cases increased at 100 a day the first ten days, then 200 a day next ten days, 300 next ten etc..etc.....( figures chosen for simplicity.)

    At present they are simply saying ‘X’ cases and ‘Y deaths. It doesn’t work.

    Day 1 - 100 cases known 0 deaths

    By Day 10 - say 1000 cases known 0 deaths.

    Day 11 - 1200 cases 8 deaths - rate doesn’t look “ too bad” ( 0.6%)

    Day 12 - 1400 cases, 16 deaths...

    .....by day 20, there will be 3000 known cases and 80 deaths. ( rate now 2.5%)

    By day 30 there would be 7000 cases and 240 deaths.. ( rate now 3.5%)

    So a better estimate would be : Number of deaths / Number of cases known at earlier time ‘x’ (where ‘x’ is days taken between contracting illness and dying)

    To put it another way with an extreme example.

    Imagine the time between getting the illness and dying from it was a Year. And it lasts just a year. And infected 1000 people per day.

    For a whole year from say January 1st the numbers of people with the disease would rise, but death rate would stay at zero.

    You would only start seeing deaths on January 1st Year 2.

    But even then you’d only see how many who got sick the previous January 1st had died. So if the mortality rate was 10% you’d have you’d still have 365,000 cases with just 100 dead. An apparent mortality rate of .02%

    But by the end of the year you’d have 365,000 cases with 36,500 dead, a mortality rate of 10%.

    The most recent paper from WHO suggests using statistical analysis of the bigger picture the mortality rate could be as high as 8%.......although bear in mind that’s in respect of known cases, which is where the first comment that the figures could be artificially high due to lack of testing/ asymptomatic kick in).



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