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Everything posted by chips'ngravy

  1. See Gullitt was saying last night that Maldini would have liked to have played in England. It'd be great to get him in on a one year contract as his swansong at right-back.
  2. If we are even interested and a top 4 club doesn't decide they want him. Well I suppose there are a couple of things that give us hope. Firstly, the MON factor. I believe he could convince anyone with his enthusiasm. And secondly, as always these days, money. We clearly have a wedge, and these are the type of players that we might have to pay silly wages for at the moment to get to come. We may have to behave like Middlesbrough do in the Premiership if we want to get the best players on the European front.
  3. Seen Sneijder mentioned a couple of times as a transfer target for us. He looks a great player. What do you think our chances of getting him to come to Villa are, and how much would he cost?
  4. I'd be surprised if Bent went anywhere else other than West Ham, what with the Curbishley connection and the undoubted silly wages they'll throw at him.
  5. Zenden is dross. He shouldn't be anywhere near a Champions' League semi-final.
  6. Doesn't take pens as far as I can remember. Keane is their penalty taker, and maybe Berbatov after him.
  7. I agree totally. There's no doubt that the club acted with the best of intentions when consulting the fans, but there are some decisions that need to be made on the basis of professional knowledge. Clearly we all have our differences in what we perceive to be aesthetically pleasing or not, but that's a separate issue to whether something looks professional or not. The positive side to this is that we know we are dealing with a club that listens now (ironically in this case it seems to have tried too hard) and will rectify the situation I'm sure.
  8. You're in Biarritz. Stick my pint in the post.
  9. General, One of the great tragedies of the Ellis era was the destruction of the most beautiful façade in football which was the Trinity Road Stand entrance. Most Americans I have met are blown away by the history they encounter when they come to Europe so I'm sure you'll understand our disgust that such a thing was stealthily carried out. I am aware that the club intends to improve the aesthetics of the stadium, some of which you have already outlined such as the night lighting etc. I was wondering if this will stretch as far as reconstructing the current Trinity façade. It would be fanastic if the corrugated cladding that currently adorns the Trinity could be ripped off and replaced by some reclaimed red bricks incorporating some of the features the old stand had such as the club crest in mosaic. It would be another step in the right direction to repairng some of the errors of the past. I'd be interested to know how far the club intends to go on this issue. Thanks for your time and enjoy the match on Saturday.
  10. Hi General, I don't know if its already been mentioned, but I was wondering what had happened to the photo updates on the official site of the Holte Hotel. If I remember rightly it was due to open in the Spring so I imagine the work must be fairly advanced by now. Not living in England I'id be interested in seeing how it's coming along. Apologies if you've already answered this but 206 pages is too many for me to go through. You're just too bloody popular!
  11. I agree whole-heartedly. I don't really expect Villa to be winning things or even challenging for a European spot yet, but I do think that MON has had enough time and money for us to be showing signs of playing a more attractive game than we are at the moment. Like you Malc, I'd like to see a few goals, a few decent performances and a few points before the end of the season. We don't have to turn into world-beaters to do that.
  12. Fantastic piece OBE. You've always got my ear when you start talking about stadia - I'm a bit of a geek in that area. One thing that's always bothered me though is the lack of plans available for supporters to see of what the remodelling of the North Stand would actually look like. All I've ever seen is that exterior artist's impression which shows a big over-hanging roof. Although by the sound of it the Ellis plans will probably never come to fruition, does anyone have any pictures of what the proposed remodelation would have looked like from the inside?
  13. No logical reason for him to go. He won't learn anything new playing in the championship. It's not like he needs the experience of match practice either. The only thing that might happen if he does go on loan is that he'll come back injured. So a resounding NO from me.
  14. I dunno, he seemed to do alright against Everton a couple of seasons ago in the Champions' League qualifier. Man of the match as far as I recall.
  15. We've all been told to be patient but it's starting to wear a bit thin when you see that West Ham ( a club that have been taken over more recently than us) have signed Boa Morte and Davenport, and are now looking to tie up a deal with Lucas Neill. I would be happy with any of those players at Villa. What the f**k is going on!
  16. Ozzy's no bluenose. Doesn't really come across as a big football fan but would call himself a Villa fan above any other team I reckon. He was born in Aston after all. Geezer Butler is the big Villa fan and I think Bill Ward is the other one.
  17. Changed my mind - think it should be something from Sabbath on reflection. It'd be great to see the team running out to a crowd moshing to Paranoid. Ok maybe it's 30 years too late for that kind of reception. But anyway, of the five suggestions made then Sabbath are the only ones that carry any kudos. The Spizz one is cringeworthy and would have the opposition fans taking the piss out of us for years. Coming out to Sabbath would, on the other hand, draw respect rather than ridicule.
  18. agree - too contrived for my liking I'd prefer something low key like Hurricane Smith with the Villa faithful creating the real noise when the players come out. Shouldn't really need music at all to create atmosphere at a football match.
  19. Excellent report. i think you're spot on about Bouma. The little I saw of him last season i always thought that his positional sense was terrible, which you can sometimes get away with if you know how to run. He's been described as a pub footballer in the past. I find it hard to disagree.
  20. What rubbish. So you think Tim Cahill is second rate then?
  21. According to The Guardian Rumour Mill MON has been having a look at him. Would cost 2m. He's been banging the goals in for a while at Southend now. I'd be happy for us to take a punt on someone like him at that price. Averages over a goal every other game. Just turned 23. Sorry, didn't see this thread and that someone had already mentioned him. :oops:
  22. General, Just a couple of vocabulary pointers that might help your integration. 1) Cheers is synonym for thanks for most English people, not hello as you seem to be using it. 2) Field can be used in football vernacular but pitch is more common. It may take a while but we'll knock that yank speak out of you sooner or later :winkold:
  23. General, you mentioned earlier in the thread that plans to improve the stadium were to be started on and that The Holte End was part of these plans. Could you tell us what the improvements to The Holte End would be please? Cheers and welcome.
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