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Everything posted by jonno_2004

  1. The date bluescouse's season picks up. When a CB as good as Yobo and Distin returns from injury? :?
  2. Sorta my thoughts with Bullard. Portsmouth we were sort of fine because there most advanced midfielder was Micheal Brown but we'll see how it goes. Yeah, we conceded two against a second string Pompey side with Petrov holding.
  3. Reckon Petrov will be overran with that formation. Hope i'm proven wrong.
  4. and Woodward's head explodes... he's managed to shout for about a minute.. and still going
  5. Think as Pompey don't pose much of an attacking threat from centre midfield, Petrov can hold and Downing can express further up the pitch and interchange with Young/Milner. Obviously if we were playing a better team i'd imagine it would be Gabby up front on his own and Petrov and NRC holding.
  6. Now that looks a good team, i'm excited to see how this one works.
  7. Luke Young was really given a raping by Lennon in this fixture last year
  8. Think this game could suit Petrov better. Tottenham at least get the ball down and play it.
  9. We know your point of view and you are entitled to it but dear me I've never heard someone say same thing so much. This You can quote 'This' at him but he's making a valid point. Maybe you could add something constructive instead of pointing out how often he's posted something. Petrov and Sidwell were both poor today, how Petrov gets MOTM votes is beyond me IMO.
  10. Aston Villa FC. Martin O'Neill. Hang on your heads in shame.
  11. Time and Time again our CM is being passed through as if it isnt there. Yes, passed through, by Burnley. Absolutely disgraceful.
  12. THEY ARE **** BURNLEY. NOT BARCELONA. yes, they are tough, but their players are not **** messi. they are still beatable with the right goddamn approach and team selection. Of course they are beatable but to think it should be easy just be cause they are little, unfashionable, Burnley is both patronising and stupid at it ignores their excellent home record. I think it's more to do with the fact that yes they are unfashionable and hard working and the consequent selection of a CM pairing that makes the QE2 look mobile.
  13. Never would unless my well-being was being severely threatened, which I doubt would happen in the first place.
  14. This, like Bolton, isn't a game for Petrov. He'll be outrun easily by the more hungry Burnley lot. I hope he keeps the same team, with maybe Collins back in at most.
  15. That's what I read Specsavers?
  16. They just seem to do it more during games for absolutely nothing. It's not just 'picking on Everton', it's been really obvious whenever i've watched them compared to other teams.
  17. If it weren't for the whinging fans and the big dose of luck they seem to get whenever they do well, i'd probably like them.
  18. v Bolton, first game in years due to where I lived
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