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Everything posted by Sie

  1. They're pretty much what I would go for too, save for a few fillers swapped around here and there. I'm still not sure about the mechanics of Unstable Affliction. It'll be an awesome group PvP talent which is pretty much the way Affliction is heading more and more. And if that DD from UA can crit, thats some sick damage right there. Thing is, it needs dispelling for that to happen and the dispell chance reduction talents hinder this even more. Shadowburn is much more reliable. I'd probably take the increase to the armour buffs over Imp Imp in Demonology. All your damage comes from Felly so chances are, you'll be better off using him in instances rather than speccing for a passive imp buff and shite DPS. Plus, the increase in armour from talents in Demonic Aegis is going to futher increase both your survivability and your Felguards due to Soul Link. The less damage you take, the less damage is transfered to him. It's just a question of "will that 30% make the difference". Only practical application will answer that. As for Siphon Soul, your Life Drain scales up depending on how many afflictions are on the target you're draining. I'm guessing the rest just means its capped at a max increase of 24% as it doesn't state it only works off YOUR afflictions.
  2. Seriously though, what would be the point in a VT guild? It would just be a fancy friends list.
  3. And you have to ask why these slacking arseholes are still in the guild. Using the casual tagline as an excuse to just pick and choose when they want to help out. It's not as if the slackers aren't active players who only play on occasion. As far as I'm concerned, what makes a casual guild is how frequently it raids and not simply if it raids or not. And what this doesn't mean is that when the guild raids, people don't have to bother their arse. When people are recruited, we're not asking them about their class, gear and experience because it'll make interesting conversation in Guild Chat - we're asking them because we expect the **** to raid on that character and not some shitty alt they have on the side. If people are going to just abandon their commitment to the guild, the guild should just abandon those people in the process. They want the benefits of being in a guild but not the responsibility of contributing to it and I'm sure there are plenty of enthusiastic WoW players out there who can replace them. People are just starting to take the piss now with this whole "but we're mates so its ok that I **** you all about, see!" attitude.
  4. I think at that low a level, it's much of a muchness really.
  5. And Nayson, you catch my post on Cuss? Fancy some Splinter Cell tonight?
  6. Sharded due to -dkp or something? If so, why? Thats just idiotic. No, because he couldn't get into the raid o.O Indeed. A raid with only, at that time, 2 Warlocks. A raid with 2 Warlocks that have their T2 Helm. A raid with free spots. A raid destination my character is now geared for. A raid destination that I was closer to than the raid. A raid destination I had already annouced I wanted to go to if the raid chooses too in Guild Chat so all officers and players could see. And the reason I could not go I hear you ask? I wasn't at KG for BWL - A raid destination I'm not quite geared for and so obviously did not go to KG. But then guess where I ended up right after Onyxia? **** BWL!!!
  7. Even more idiotic than that...
  8. Yeah, really took me by surprise just how quickly my aggro seemed to build up and now, I really do know exactly what you mean about the aggro issues Nayson. Second time around though, I paced my DPS early on and the big dragony word removed never looked my way again. Top fight mind. However, expect to hear my moan at being denied my Tier 2 helm, because Shack is a moron, next time I catch you online. Even Gaiana agreed with me on this one...
  9. After that UBRS last night, I beginning to think the guild should be renamed Wowrush Slackers.
  10. They have an entire guild to consider. A guild that has players at different stages of the game in terms of gear. And many of the guild still need loot from and enjoy raiding MC and Onyxia. Simple as that really.
  11. I can't say I was a fan of Oxs as the guy was a loot whore who would happily roll on items for his alts when mains who needed them more were present. The fact he's just left the guild due to our DKP system says it all - he wants easy epics and our policies stop him from whoring them up. And if he'd got that Felheart belt and then **** off, my oh my would I have unleashed a torrent of abuse in his direction. Good riddance to the word removed.
  12. Class whining makes baby Jesus cry
  13. I wasn't making a point, just stating the obvious. Its the reason I'm not researching a whole lot about TBC class gubbins because I know that what we know now about class abilities and all the rest will be altered come its release. It's the reason TBC beta exists. Just look at how much the original game changed from beta to retail as an example.
  14. They will be nerfed, along with every other class as it is the way Blizzard develop the class balance in the game.
  15. Was that one of the ones in Redridge?
  16. This week, we should arrange a UBRS then... ...for obvious reasons.
  17. I've been looking forward to seeing this. Top find Mr Nayson!
  18. I despair at the stupidity of some players on this game.
  19. The end of that BRD run annoyed the **** out of me. We called it quits...but no **** actually did and pressed on in denial. There wasn't a chance in hell we could complete it and its **** irritating when people won't just call it quits. I was down to 0% durability off the amount of dying that was incurred just trying to get back to that room we were in (aggroing those bar mobs left us ****). The instance respawned and it was clear we'd have to kill em all but the party seemed to have this unannounce idea that if we just pretend the elite mobs are not there, they won't be a problem. I'd had enough by then as I think I was just being whored for summoning duty so I left.
  20. I think at this stage, any speculation of a 'winner' is utterly, utterly pointless. Plus, people often forget just how gad damn far ahead and well established Sony are when this question arrises. There seems to be an awful lot of Sony backlash in Europe at the moment simply because of the delay we will see over here. The PS3 is still being released on time in other territories to an already huge user base but people seem to be forgetting this. Sony are in a very strong position despite this Europe setback.
  21. Update of the dog's bollocks of DoT timers is out. Go here Nayson.
  22. The reason it won't work is possibly because you have installed a trial version previous to the one you are using now. The trial version leaves behind files that do not allow a cracked version to be ran on the machine. However, you can remove them using a small program called Trial-Reset.exe You can find a link to the program and instructions on how to remove the leftover Fraps files here about half way down the page
  23. If I can lend a hand on that quest when I'm around, I will as Premier League seems to be the place I'll be quest for a little bit.
  24. Nayson, you gotta keep that footage for a PvP video!
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