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Everything posted by Sie

  1. The fact is though that Warcraft has changed so much from its original design that strict class descriptions don't really apply like they used to. Good examples would be that Priests are no longer easily definable as the best healers, Paladins are no longer easily definable as a defensive hybrid etc etc. The mass of additions that classes have received over the last 6 months, mainly due to the change of focus to PvP by Blizzard, has robbed the game of its original, clear cut class descriptions. You could go so far as to say the classes in WoW have been homoginised too much, stepping not just on toes but the entire foot. It's that certain innocent simplicity that I adored about the game back in the earlier days that seems to have been lost in translation with the arrival of TBC.
  2. Half-Life series.
  3. Trl, you raise one of the very factors that contributed to my leaving the game too. "Social fun with friends" became "selfish gains with an insincere smile". Not fun at all.
  4. Ikails, the name still haunts me...
  5. Look at all those EZ mode hunters!
  6. Happy thoughts people, think happy thoughts!!!
  7. I've said it before and I'll say it again; Warcraft has the very strange ability to temporarily turn a gentle soul into a total arsehole driven by selfishness. Players really do seem to just forget the fact they're playing with friends and turn into a vicious pack of venomous school children. The emphasis is all on achieving numbers in WoW which leads to competition and frustration between players which then always leads to vitriol throwing between them. I've found, for the second time in fact, that when you put the game down for a while and distance yourself, you realise the above all the more. I mean, what the hell is it about this game that can bring out such negativity?
  8. A rather nasty spell but is it still bugged? I also remember reading somewhere that the chain reaction mechanics are going to be toned down (A seed cannot set of another seed). Not sure how much truth there is in that. Regardless, its a spell that will be bitched about for sure.
  9. I'd have to pay real British pounds to hand all my gold over as my sub expired on the 2nd Feb.
  10. Just to let you guys know, I've decided to pack in playing to concentrate on music. Had a possible signing offer come up and need to pursue it. Don't think I'll be returning to the game either.
  11. There is no such thing as a casual MMORPG; less sophisticated ones, but not casual.
  12. Will I be considered part of that?
  13. Opium was always my choice Riss.
  14. Nope, seems to be fine for me. Try redownloading the patch from a mirror as it may have been a corrupt installation.
  15. I think a lot of the grief that Priests experience isn't necessarily down to game design but due more to the ignorant shitheads who populate the game. I remember you saying that you're quite capable of healing when specced Shadow but that its dickheads who simply refuse to group with you unless you are holy specced who are causing the the irritation. In fact, a simple change of attitude in the community would solve so many "problems" in the game, it's futile to try and count them all. My two cents anyway.
  16. I flew through the Ogre mushroom one too so I guess I'm just very lucky with drop rates. Also got sweet sweet revenge on some Hunter who jumped me along with his felguard warlock mate by utterly kicking his arse when he was trying to hand in a quest. TigerX was his name, killing AFK Horde was his game.
  17. I honestly can't remember. I wouldn't say I powerleveldd him but certainly found leveling a lot faster because I knew what I was doing and there was no bugger else about to compete with.
  18. Macro for Nayson # showtooltip Curse of Agony # show Curse of Agony /use [harm] Zandalarian Hero Charm /stopcasting /cast [harm] Amplify Curse /stopcasting /cast Curse of Agony
  19. He only shakes the screen when he roars. So if he doesn't open his gob, it's very possible to not notice him at all if you're looking in the wrong direction.
  20. That Fel Reaver is a clearing in the woods; he's snuck up on me twice. Still, an eye for an eye for I've decked him twice too (albiet with the help of many many many horde.
  21. The actual mounts themselves are 100g for a Normal Flying Mount (60% speed increase) and 200g for an Epic Flying Mount (280% speed increase). The cost for Flying Mount Riding Skill is 800g for 'Normal' and 5000g for 'Epic'. As for the Nether Drake Flying Mount (310% speed increase), it's a seasonal reward tied to the Arena system. So I'm assuming it's going to be as hard to get as Warlord's Gear was a year ago.
  22. Best start saving those pennies lads. A flying Epic Mount is gonna cost you a whopping 5200g!
  23. And thus the merrygoround begins. Have a problem with moaners, get branded a moaner yourself. Such is life. But you know what, you're right. The reason I play? I want to enjoy the game as much as I used to, I really do and TBC offers a glimmer of hope that enjoyment might return.
  24. VT is finally working for me again. There's something that isn't quite right about a new bunch of world content landing and yet all WoW players can think about is "Teh levul teh dem 70!!!111". Bollocks to that, I want to explore and mess about; levelling to 70 asap can sod off. Failing that, I'll be waving the World of Warcraft farewell. The thing that really got me hooked on WoW was the immersion but for me now, that factor has all but vanished.
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