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Everything posted by Gringo

  1. The 'angel' ain't that bad. However that daft horse thing (that will never get built hopefully).
  2. Ex MI5 chief says Government 'exploiting terrorism'
  3. What with him and carol vorderman on board it would appear the tories are unstoppable.
  4. But AWOL - sometimes you get the impression that even the govt don't think it's going to happen UK ID cards ready to go, no machines to read them Are they saying they haven't actually budgeted for implementing the service side of this technology. Will it also be up to hospitals, uenployment offices. banks and shopping centres to buy their own machines in order to achieve the proposed benefits of cutting down on nhs tourism, illegal benefit claimants and id fraud? Only one fraud here.
  5. (Scottish) Ministers reject ID card roll-out
  6. Damn Nick - when you're needed you can't deliver. Similar like the ingerlish forwards at the moment.
  7. Ingerland have to keep the ball running - need to move it faster and try to hit wide. Not get bogged down in the game wales want them to play.
  8. Ive got money on ingerland and fail to see much wrong with the ref. Maybe Nick can help me out ther and point out the howlers.
  9. Nope. Wrong or misstated. LTSB had no need of govt funds. LTSBHBOS took govt funds. Such a plan would only work if the govt were in hock to the banks as this right wing govt are. The main reason the country is in the mess that it is in is due to the bluelabour party implmenting right wing policies that they didn't understand in order to generate revenues to use to fund the revitalisation of the education and health systems which they couldn't carry through unless they enforced right wing policies for futher marketisation of both health and eduaction sectors. They sold their soul, now they are paying the price. BIAD.
  10. Feck - useless ingerlish barstewards, couldn't find a brothel to hold a pissup in.
  11. I'm sure the commentator bloke said kathryn jenkins picked the ball up then.
  12. Maybe the rigth wing bbc website staff were doing the spinning then. "not rom"? FFS Ian, hit preview, read wot u av tiped an korekt.
  13. A yellow card for ingerland will no doubt the rest of the wihite shirts to even greater heights. Forza Johnson.
  14. Have you fallen out with your money, then? Feck off - an ingerland try will see the pennies come rolling back. Go on blokes in white shirts.
  15. And I've bunged a few quid on at 7/2 Cummon Ingerland
  16. I am in the unhappy seat of looking for an ingerland victory, for two reasons: 1) To shut up those who can't understand magnanimous in victory; and 2) To see all the papers talking up an ingerlish grand slam. Despite that, martin johnson == cock.
  17. well the reason it happened wa because HBOS was very close to collapse so as usual I think it is a valid thing to ay but what woul he have done instead ? only 2 options I see 1- let it collapse and the huge liabilities, not least the safeguarding of deposits 2 - or totally nationalise it taking the liabilities on board he gives us neither same as what we said Having listened to Ken's words - that is a gross misrpesentation of what he said. He said that in that state there was the option of taking HBOS into govt control and keeping LTSB clean. You are spinning his words. He said there was the safeguard of govt control. You did not represent this by saying he gave neither choice. He obviously did.
  18. You'll never get the NVQ with grammar like that - well with the standard of adjudicators they employ I guess you might. The flanker is moving back to being a flanker - However Ireland will relax for this game - maybe too much?
  19. People criticised the VAT cut when it was announced (some before it was announced ie leaked) as being ineffective. A worse use of £12bn would be hard to find (if you ignore the NHS IT system or the ID card). What other countries are altering sales tax policies? Natch. Maybe if Ken was chancellor he might have heeded the warnings The IMF said that london could be the centre of the storm. A problem in one area fastly spreading to others so that not just housing (mortgage bonds) markets collapsed, but all the other dominos were neatly placed to fall one after another. In years to come, history (depending on the victors who write it) will (probably) show that the london market was culpable in this along with the fraudulent mortgage brokers in the US (and to a lesser extent the UK). There was a big kerfuffle in the commons committees this week that none of the leading lights of rbs and hbos actually had banking qualifications - disgust that people who have scant knowledge of the industry they work in being responsible for major decisions. But this is basic nuLabour policy, brining in sensible business heads from outside the sector to run skules, hospitals, child protection etc. People without banking knowledge are allowed to run banks. but only people (fat cats)with banking knowledge are qualified to be regulators. I'm sure that makes some kind of sense. nuLabour have brought in a subservience to business and market models that maggie could only have creamed hereself over. Darling quoted keynes this week saying "I would rather be roughly right than precisely wrong" - the policies of the false labour govt have been shown to be precisely wrong.
  20. This really boils down into the point that they (blue) don't know what they would do - and we don't know what we (pretend red) are doing either.
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