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Everything posted by StefanAVFC

  1. If he gets to 20 goals 10 assists and gets left behind we may as well just pack it in. What else can he do?
  2. The Toney situation is bizarre. He hasn’t played because he broke the rules. He’s not suffered. And then he’s come back, talked the talk and not done anything to back it up. And he’s a word removed who throws up Zulu signs.
  3. Not necessarily although I’m holding onto hope.
  4. No idea why Brainthwaite didn’t get minutes
  5. 2 more meaningless non wins against top 10 teams I guess
  6. Nah Watkins only runs in behind and can’t hold up play or hassle defenders like our lord and saviour Ivan
  7. To be fair 10 is where he’s been outstanding for Madrid
  8. What does he need a striker for? You don’t win 0-0 with a striker.
  9. It’s not that he wasn’t given a chance, rather that there’s calls for him not to make the squad now because of that game, and that Toney will somehow be a better option if he plays well today.
  10. So the 26 goal involvements don't matter? Clearly a Southgate fan over a Villa one.
  11. His treatment of Grealish clearly shows he has/had an issue with Villa tbh.
  12. In 2018, when we lost, there wasn't the annoyance with Southgate I admit. People were elated to reach a semi final, and gutted we didn't make it. I travelled Europe that summer and watched us beat Colombia in Vienna and Sweden at the Brandenburg Gate. It was glorious. The issue is, starting 2021, when we lost the Italy game with exactly the same issues. Sitting on a 1-0 lead. That's excluding other games we either lost, or drew due to the same thing. Both in tournaments and in 'meaningless' games. The issue is that this ultra-cautious, dull football has become a trend. He either can't play another way or doesn't want to. And when you play ultra safe 1-0, or not lost at all costs football with arguably the best striker in the world, 4/5 POTS candidates from the PL and the future best player in the world, then people will rightfully question. Add to that his nonsense with Villa players specifically and I cannot stand him.
  13. He's also started calling woman's football 'lesbo-ball' He's just an absolute word removed, worse than the likes of Hopkins
  14. It's mental isn't it? 10 assists, 16 goals was just to have a single chance in a meaningless friendly, and after that, it's over?
  15. Booo. there’s a cheaper version called a Tokit and over here Lidl have their own one. Not sure about the uk!
  16. Southgate’s record against top teams is terrible but most of those games are friendlies and nations league so it doesn’t matter ok so just take tournament games and it’s even worse yeah but group games and 3rd place don’t matter on those criteria, fair play he’s probably the best national team manager of all time
  17. I can’t believe it’s even a discussion. Toney missed most of the season due to his own stupidity and even since coming back he’s been bang average.
  18. It's not with the context of knowing other results, but as we play before Spurs, a win is a must IMO. It really puts the pressure on them being 6 behind.
  19. The original point was about his record against top 10 teams which is clearly not good, for a team of our talent. I wouldn't call Colombia and Denmark nervy, I'd call them poor. Especially Denmark. They were completely dead and they took us to ET because we, (guess what) sat on a 1-0 lead. Colombia the same. So in 3 tournaments, we've done the same thing over and over again. And in every single one, we had the same outcome. If we actually utilized our attacking talents, and went out with some flair, and he had the same tournament record, he wouldn't get nearly anywhere as much criticism. But ultimately, he plays boring football with very good players. Like driving a Lambo in 1st gear, and then crashing it anyway.
  20. You gave logic to why this stat wasn't fair. I gave the results that show taking those games out actually makes the stat worse. I'm not sure what else I can do? I don't think that's the case at all. If you want to totally ignore results based on the goalpost moving logic above, then look at performances. The standout performances in tournaments in a negative sense stand out more. Even within the wins; Denmark was just awful. Even Colombia! Croatia and Italy were entirely winnable but he decided to go safe at 1-0 up and threw it away. As I said before, Germany was probably the only decent performance at a tournament. Senegal was 4-0 but so edgy at 1-0 until they tired. We did as well as we did in spite of him, not because of him.
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