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Everything posted by privateer

  1. Sorry, what exactly is your definition of "everyone"? Are you seriously arguing that we would be better of if we had ditched sterling and were in the euro now? Or are you suggesting we should adopt it soon? As thetrees pointed out, just about every country that joined the euro got hit hit with price rises on just about everything. I saw this at first hand by traveling in the eurozone and watching the effect it had as they adopted it. Pre-euro x price, post euro y price. x was always lower than y.
  2. Alex Salmond looking green about the gills (see what I did there?) talking about this coalition.
  3. Isn't Cameron anti American That's what was thrown at him in the debates. Cameron probably told Obama, hands of BP, your not getting any money and tough titty that they caused an environmental disaster, serves you right for wanting independence. Clegg wasn't it?
  4. Obama has just spoken to Cameron, I'll bet he gets on better with him than Brown did.
  5. Its quite clear to me that woman want a session of hot passionate hard sex, where she actually breaks sweat and probably orgasms for the first time in her life. She'll then be known as Harlot Harman. I think you're right. Have you seen her husband? In fact, if she wants to come round my place she can serve me drinks for a while, light my fags then when I'm ready she can brace herself for the hate-****. Then, to paraphrase John Doe from Se7en, "I'd throw up on her and wouldn't be able to stop laughing" Good man, and remember when thrusting deep, its for a greater cause, not for the Percy filth the desperate bint under you so desperately wants and deeds....gurcha!!!!!!!!! Oh, don't worry, I know I'll be doing it in the national interest. In up to the maker's name in all three holes then she can roll me a blunt and get ready for round two when it will get really dirty and nasty!
  6. What did you expect, this was a given, 100% guarantee, she was elected deputy, its her job to take over the leadership should the leader fall Yes, I do know that but I couldn't do other than register my disgust.
  7. Its quite clear to me that woman want a session of hot passionate hard sex, where she actually breaks sweat and probably orgasms for the first time in her life. She'll then be known as Harlot Harman. I think you're right. Have you seen her husband? In fact, if she wants to come round my place she can serve me drinks for a while, light my fags then when I'm ready she can brace herself for the hate-****. Then, to paraphrase John Doe from Se7en, "I'd throw up on her and wouldn't be able to stop laughing"
  8. Honestly mate, who cares!?!! I heard she's opening a lap dancing school in the CRE building when Cameron closes it down.. I just think it tells you everything you need to know (well, not you as you know already!) about that party.
  9. Yeah, it ended well for the last lot that tried that. Good luck with that.
  10. Jesus, that **** harpie Harman now the acting leader.
  11. Indeed, interview without coffee: "Thanks for nothing, now give me the keys and piss orf!" I just feel sorry for his kids, they're stuck with the word removed. What vile stuff. Yes, you are all so complementary about Thatcher but when it's one of your own.... Brown the liar, ruiner and stalinist control is gone and the country is reborn. The next few years will be tough but at least now there is hope. Cheers VT Oh and bring back fox hunting. Ban bingo! Cheers awol! I poured myself a nice glass of merlot just before the rocket polisher emerged from Number 10 to toast his demise. I'll toast Cameron's move into office with the word's of my heroine uttered when South Georgia was liberated. "Rejoice"! I'm actually very optimistic that we can get a fine government out of theis arrangement
  12. Indeed, interview without coffee: "Thanks for nothing, now give me the keys and piss orf!" I just feel sorry for his kids, they're stuck with the word removed. What vile stuff. Made me laugh because like all good humour it's funny because it's true.
  13. This is the bit that amazes me about Labour supporters. Regardless of what may happen next with the next government, they just don't seem to see what a truly insidious bunch have been enacting legislation and taking decisions for the past 13 years. Whatever happens next, I am sure it will be better than what we have had to endure. Bliar, Brown, Mandelscum, Campbell, Harman, Smith. Jesus, I could type my fingers raw listing names of garbage who should never have got anywhere near sullying our great government and have got the chance to destroy our great nation. A rotting pox on them all
  14. I totally agree. I have never doubted that Gordon Brown has always tried to do the right thing. It is very easy to be brainwashed by the Daily Fascist/Sun rags into thinking he is evil. I think that maybe the job was a bit too big for him but I would never slag the guy off. Human nature will mean we never have a fair society but at least he has tried to make Britain a fairer place. Maybe Cameron also wants that, I have my doubts there but I will reserve judgement, but the bigger question is whether the dark forces behind Call me Dave will allow that...and I am pretty sure that they won't. I wish Gordon Brown all the best for the future. Here here. I dread to think what society we will become under Call Me Dave. The man is truly sinister. And Bliar, Mandelscum and Campbell are paragons of integrity and in no way sinister, creepy, lying filth?
  15. I wonder if he has thrown anything in rage at the Queen yet?
  16. Looks like Brown is about to come out and do it. Thank **** for that, end of this wretched Labour reign.
  17. Perhaps Harriet Harperson will bring up the notion of the "court of public opinion" again. In which case the Labour Party can **** off because public opinion has said they don't want them.
  18. words removed can't help being cocky. It's their default setting. Sorry, are we talking about Labour politicians or politicians in general? We are talking about Balls in particular and words removed in general
  19. words removed can't help being cocky. It's their default setting.
  20. So Blunkett gets back in. Wonder if he saw that coming
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