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Everything posted by Jareth

  1. Why? I could not give a shit myself. You will likely never find out why. So it's best to make peace with it IMO. Fine. But I whinged to the wife for 24 hours about him leaving, it was upsetting.
  2. I get the binary nature of football, delph stays therefore he is a saint, we win a game 1-0 therefore we are doing well etc etc. But Delph was taken off the marketing images, we announced Gueye (when we didn't need to) all because the club thought he was leaving. What we do not yet know is why he stayed and it is a key point in terms of how Delph is revered IMHO.
  3. OK, I was a bit strong earlier, I have had a nice sleep since and shall have a break from the Pims. I still do not get why Delph changed his mind, It wasn't just press speculation, it was on. I don;t know, but I think maybe his preggers wife reminded him of his principals or something but unless we have been taken over it cannot be a money decision, for all the shite pR this was always a money decision, and why not.
  4. Aaaaah feck, we all still love him and respect him. Sheeeeeeee-ite. He changed his mind last minute why?
  5. POGBA - the original - excuse caps
  6. Build the new legend that delph is, if you want, he had massive wages on the table and actually I believe that was the reason his head turned, I do not know why he stayed loyal, maybe he looked at his own words and thought, christ life is not worth living, who knows, but something affected him, who knows what. He is from Leeds, this is why I accepted his loyalty to money, because he is not a brummie, it made me question Jack. But now I think there is a serious takeover afoot.
  7. Yes, really, they are. Prove it otherwise,
  8. So, reasons to defend delph? His 'clause' was mentioned a while ago. He never stood in to deny it. He has turned down citeh because he doesn't want their money. Yer know I believe that, I really do, he has enough.
  9. Gueye was never his replacement. Gueye was signed almost 2 weeks ago. Other than that he is an identical midfielder with better stats, and he was already signed feeding the narrative? Defend delph all you want but he is culpable
  10. Vive - I am not trying to be a penis, but we all weighed up the future without him and actually it was ok, The guy cannot just issue these statements and expect us to fall in line, if he now wishes to stay then he needs to come clean and explain why. He is a bit bolloxed because idressa guueye is his replacement.
  11. Ermwhy? I have no doubt he spoke to City but he has committed to the club so that doesn't make him a prick He put his career over money that is very noble in my eyes. If more people like that the game wouldn't be so filthy like it is today When did you react? Are you on a natural react delay mechanism. What the hell are you on about? Get yer maginfying glass out because I haven't the energy to CAPS this, bit the word you are looking for is HINDSIGHT - shit bugger I did have the energy. Yet again what the HELL are you talking about? See I can do it too CApS Your justification makes little to no sense Erm, ok, I expected this? I expected Delph to stay? He is defensible? Fine, so why is he staying, he hasn't said? You don't like Delph do you? Would you had he gone to Citeh? He was clearly so close to it, so close, what changed? Nonsense that it is some fan paranoia, every press outlet was reporting it. It was about to happen. So now the question is why did it not happen? Because he is beyond reproach? If you read my earlier posts you will see I expected it to be a done deal and I said thank you, good luck. I would not have blamed him for leaving but delighted he staying. Me too - I am so delighted, I am made up - he is our heart - we will storm 15th place now.
  12. Did anyone notice but there are a lot of fans who are still angry? I'll get over it if it was all an honest reason.
  13. Ermwhy? I have no doubt he spoke to City but he has committed to the club so that doesn't make him a prick He put his career over money that is very noble in my eyes. If more people like that the game wouldn't be so filthy like it is today When did you react? Are you on a natural react delay mechanism. What the hell are you on about? Get yer maginfying glass out because I haven't the energy to CAPS this, bit the word you are looking for is HINDSIGHT - shit bugger I did have the energy. Yet again what the HELL are you talking about? See I can do it too CApS Your justification makes little to no sense Erm, ok, I expected this? I expected Delph to stay? He is defensible? Fine, so why is he staying, he hasn't said? You don't like Delph do you? Would you had he gone to Citeh? He was clearly so close to it, so close, what changed? Nonsense that it is some fan paranoia, every press outlet was reporting it. It was about to happen. So now the question is why did it not happen? Because he is beyond reproach?
  14. Ermwhy? I have no doubt he spoke to City but he has committed to the club so that doesn't make him a prick He put his career over money that is very noble in my eyes. If more people like that the game wouldn't be so filthy like it is today When did you react? Are you on a natural react delay mechanism. What the hell are you on about? Get yer maginfying glass out because I haven't the energy to CAPS this, bit the word you are looking for is HINDSIGHT - shit bugger I did have the energy. Yet again what the HELL are you talking about? See I can do it too CApS Your justification makes little to no sense Erm, ok, I expected this? I expected Delph to stay? He is defensible? Fine, so why is he staying, he hasn't said?
  15. Ermwhy? I have no doubt he spoke to City but he has committed to the club so that doesn't make him a prick He put his career over money that is very noble in my eyes. If more people like that the game wouldn't be so filthy like it is today When did you react? Are you on a natural react delay mechanism. What the hell are you on about? Get yer maginfying glass out because I haven't the energy to CAPS this, bit the word you are looking for is HINDSIGHT - shit bugger I did have the energy.
  16. Can I just defend my stance but Delph has had a long time to state his position, he was about to join citeh and there is no point in defending him, he was about to go. For some reason he stayed, The fact he was unable to understand why so many hated hime yesterday labels him a prick.
  17. Ermwhy? I have no doubt he spoke to City but he has committed to the club so that doesn't make him a prick He put his career over money that is very noble in my eyes. If more people like that the game wouldn't be so filthy like it is today When did you react? Are you on a natural react delay mechanism.
  18. Really? Err, given hindsight of what 7 hours, YES. To clarify. he was off to citeh. That is a factamundo.
  19. Delph is a prick for the simple fact that he was off to Citeh.. Christ knows why he stayed but the guy is still a prick.
  20. It is MONEY - we clearly have enough to compete with Man Citeh. That or Delph has deep psychological problems.
  21. ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE - copyrighted.
  22. Randy has been back and forth from his hols, FACT, Randy is the reason - he has told him something. Why would you turn down the Man Citeh money. That or his wife just slapped him and said, your son would be ashamed of you.
  23. We need what another 5 players don't we?
  24. Benteke out and Austin in? It is funny how he hasn't been sold already and Sherwood and Ramsey being mates and all.
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