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Everything posted by Mark8691

  1. Guess i'll be saving some money then! As i said, let me know when the club wants to provide a 'quality' matchday experience for its foreign fans..
  2. Hi General, I'm rather disappointed that i've recently had to cancel my AVTV subscribtion. I was ready to cancel just before Mr'Lerner's takeover. But with the good changes taking place at the club and the promises of change and improvement to this rather poor service; i held on in the hope that this service would be improved. Three years on, and i've yet to see any improvement despite the continuing promises. It's somewhat disappointing that the club has little regard for the matchday experience of its foreign fans and others who are unable to attend a game for various reasons. I remember a few occasions last season where i stayed up throughout the night in an effort not to miss the match; only to find that the AVTV commentary was not even broadcasting. Also the standard of commentry has often left me puzzled to what is actually occuring during the games and the service may as well be retitled 'I'm Jack Woodward Show'. Please feel free to shoot me an email a few years down the line when the club is ready to provide the fans unable to attend the games a good matchday experience.. Glad your back on your feet General and here's hoping to another good season for Aston Villa FC!
  3. You cant be great at PVP if you get a kick ouf of ganking newbies. You can't lose. Yea, it might be fun pissing them off the first time...but i would soon get bored of wasting my time.
  4. Think i've had my fill of WOW now. It's kind of love/hate relationship i have with it now; with the hate outweighing the love. Oh what to play..
  5. Well be interesting to hear the General's comments on this transfer and why our club captain didnt believe that Villa could match his ambition?
  6. I want you. Careful Guys! think you need a touch of frost to cool down!
  7. Standing...never even tried sitting down! Wouldn't know where too start!
  8. Wow...the threads get more and more crazy at VillaTalk! NOOoooo
  9. "Kevin Doyle Villa Centre Half" oh hum..
  10. I was definately Yes, but I think i've now moved into the depends category. # We've been now better than a relegation side for 3 months now. # Many of his signings just arent good enough. 1 Great signing, a few good solid signings, and way too many crap purchases! # Many strange decisions occuing on the pitch, so many times players have been used in a position they arent comfortable in. Strange substitutions or no substitutions when we need them. And hy hasnt he tried doing something different during this awful run! We'll see i guess. But, on the evidence thus far, i dont think he's good enough in the transfer market to brng in the players to take us to the next level.
  11. Good post mate and so very true...many hypocrites around really.
  12. I just think those who are saying that Barcelona play 'good football' 'better foortball' are believing the hype too much. They very rarely step up against English competition. Over the two legs Chelsea certainly created the more clear cut opportunities despite playing a tight game. Barcelona were very poor, even when they had the 11 men! Those who are happy that we have a Man Utd/Barcelona final will be a little disappointed i feel when the game is finished.
  13. 4-4 with Liverpool wasnt dull, because it was Liverpool playing, not becuase it was Chelsea. You got what you deserved after that performance last week. Really cant comprehend that view. As i said last week, if that had been our team and we defended llike that at the Nou Camp...all our fans would have been rushing to the reaction thread and posting about our 'superb' defensive performance. Defending is as much an art as attacking..and i also appreciate a team that is capable of shutting up shop and giving sucha disciplined performance. It's a skill Villa will have to learn more if they wish to break the top 4..
  14. They didn't play well tonight no. And they haven't played well against English teams the past few years. But that is all most people see of them. I'm not suggesting you haven't seen more of them, just people in general. Watching them destroy Bayern in the first quarter final, and Real at the weekend shows why they are one of the best teams in Europe. Bayern and Real aint that great at the present time.. anyway..i need a fkin nap..i'm turning into the undead!
  15. Well obviously they're one of the best teams in europe, they're in the champions league final! so true..damn, 1 hour sleep at night aint good for you i wasnt impressed though..
  16. Dont get people calling Barcelona one of the best teams in europe.. Very rarely perform against English teams and poor again tonight despite the away goal.
  17. Think the final will be a non event...Utd will walk it!
  18. Refereeing in both semis has been poor for me. Definately time to use replays for me..
  19. did anyone see the clip on sky news..showing Fergie's long chat with Capello and then 'brief' hello to Beckham and David looking a little astonished and discarded? Very funny..
  20. I wonder at the end of next season when the blues are relegated if the owners will be talking of selling up again? Reading really **** up their season..hope the tossers miss out on the playoffs now!
  21. Genral, Have to say i'm disappointed with MON's current comments in regards to the old Firm playing in the premiership O'Neill talks up Old Firm switch I hope his views aren't reflected by our club. With the support these 2 large scottish clubs enjoy, it would only make the possibility of silverware that much more remote in the future.. I know Martin is still probably attached to Celtic football club; but i would hope he'd put such feelings aside and just concentrate on whats best for the club that employs him now. It's called the ENGLISH premiership for a reason...and football is fast becoming a farce as it is.
  22. Great defensive performance from chelsea tonight.. It amazes me what i read on here at times. Be honest, dont you wish we were as resilient and disciplined to put in a defensive performance like that? for 90+ mins the Nou Camp too? Yea it isnt always pretty...but if that was Villa tonight we'd all be posting in the reaction thread about a fantastic defensive performance!
  23. Chelsea not interested in keeping possession!
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