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Everything posted by HeyAnty

  1. 2 -2 frig me. Come on Chelsea for goodness sake
  2. I don't see any manger of all other clubs in the relegation zone area coming out every week saying there definitely not going down. When one protests to much it starts to have the opposite affect. Just have to agree to disagree
  3. Say feck all in public. By all means tell the players that
  4. Hope not cause that's a stupid offer for a player like him. As much chance with that offer been successful as getting messi
  5. You know he does, keeps saying we will stay up. He's going to look pretty stupid in more ways than one if we don't
  6. Yeah he always knew, knew it was on the way to Norway even before solskjar did.
  7. Wheres Learners jet at at present? In other windows we always knew were it was at least.
  8. Dont worry Sissoko is still coming to Villa.
  9. Yeah lets go for teams who should be in and around the relegation zones rejects. That will show em...
  10. Wont be taking Riise. He is on serious bucks, even more than Warnock. Get rid of Warnock yes, we dont need another pensioner on a long luxury contract.
  11. Agree, its a rumour that keeps surfacing, hope there is truth in it
  12. He hasn't had a great season. Giving the league he plays in and his position I suspect its probably not far off the mark
  13. At least he puts in tackles, all be it they might be bad. Will still stop people or break up play. And before you say it.. he doesnt get sent off every game. People give our CB's alot of stick. Paul McGrath and Martin Laursen in CB wouldnt keep clean sheets with a full team minus the goalie running straight at them every game. Westwood/Bannan/Delph/Al Hamadi - ablility they do have but stopping players running through the middle is not one of them.
  14. Anybody be worried if Bent went to Fulham?
  15. Well thats the nature of the game. Each player is different depending on their ability/circumstances. Everyone isnt going to be on the same wages..... And were desperate
  16. Im not so sure, he would have seen we only finished a point above the relegation zone last year. Dont think he is that stupid. Reason why we did stay up was becasue of Bents goals in first half of season, then he got injured and it all went pear shaped. He prob thought he was fit again and everything would be good and hence making him captain. Didnt bank on him being a c0ck though i suspect. Incidentally i think the only way out of this mess is to start playing Bent again, even though i really dislike him for what he is.
  17. What i dont get is why did Lambert come to Villa? The board obviously had to sell it to him with regards promise of ambition/money to rebuild a squad after last years debacle. Has to cash there for a couple of big signings. And im not talking about Dale Stevens either.
  18. I'm hoping for more, realistically i know it probably wont happen. Lambert could be building a team for Div 2
  19. I understand that fact. But lets face it, we arent going to get a quality International, who is 23 and out of contract in the summer if we dont pay them. We might as well put up the white flag now. Im not saying run out and offer everyone these wages, but in this case i would. 2 years ago they paniced and did it with Bent and he cost 20 million more. Wasnt even really an international.
  20. Well the difference being, all those examples in the past had high transfer fees compared to that and hadnt a chance of getting sold on at a profit giving their age. Also we're desperate. If we can get him for around 60k a week i jump at it. He is out of contract in the summer, he definitely isnt going to take anything less.
  21. I wont, just want a bit of hope to get me through today
  22. Nothing, just believe Richard when it comes to players. Never to far off the mark.
  23. Also in normal market value he would be worth 7-8 million. They are saving 5 million already with a good chance we can sell him on at a profit giving his age. 75k a week, 3.5 year contract. 15million including 3 million purchase fee What do Villa want, its not a huge gamble?
  24. Yeah mind something from old red nose, Keane wouldn't get on utd reserves or something along those lines
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