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Everything posted by DCJonah

  1. Well yes, I'm not bothering because cheating in sport is a big deal IMO. Is there anything worse in sports than cheating? I find it odd that people are such a fan they want to continue to find ways to say he did a great job and just put the cheating to one side. Like I said it's a bit cult like. The man can do no wrong.
  2. I don't see how you can assess him when they've benefitted so much from cheating. It's not just a little one off thing. Everything he's been able to do is on the back of that cheating. That dominates it for me.
  3. If RedBull had been cheating for a decade, committing financial fraud to cover it up and this allowed them to dominate then I'm sure more people would.
  4. Because It's all built on cheating. I don't see how you can push that to one side. Be like talking about what a great investor Bernie Madoff was but just dismissing the fraud side of things. The success happens because of the cheating. Its a huge part of it. And will be even bigger when it all finally comes to a judgement.
  5. Fair enough. I'm not saying he's a shit manager by the way. He's just massively overrated and over hyped. So if he's City success is tainted, his bayern spell means nothing. We're talking about one excellent spell at a club where he had the greatest player of all time.
  6. To me it's irrelevant if Bruce wouldn't do the same. Like it wouldn't matter to me if other cyclists wouldn't have won taking the same drugs as Armstrong. Cheating is cheating. The idea of dismissing it to still say he's done a good job or still using it to justify he's amazing is crazy to me.
  7. But they seem to not care. Would it change your opinion on the job he's done at City?
  8. In terms of advantage look at Grealish and Phillips. Could any other team buy these players for that money, have one never play, one now sit on the bench and still keep spending ridiculous amounts. Failures in the transfer market just don't impact them. I don't think any team had a chance at signing Halaand with the finances involved. That's a pretty big advantage and absolutely helped them finally win the champions league. Everything he's done there is tainted. I don't see how you can say yeah there was cheating but he still did a good job. I'll be honest, that's kind of Trump esque cult like behaviour
  9. I disagree. Would everyone who took the same drugs have dominated to the level Armstrong did? You could argue he still had to run the races just as pep has to manage the squad. Cheating is cheating. Man city emails. This is well worth a read.
  10. There's quite a lot out there. The leaked emails that led to the initial ban from the champs league are out there. Honestly if you haven't read them I suggest you do. It's pure financial fraud. The massive fine the 'innocent team' had to pay is out there.
  11. I'll take your word for it but I've not heard anything but negatives about the man since it all came out
  12. There's nothing about specific people apart from mancini. But they've spent a decade committing financial fraud which allows them an advantage over others.
  13. We seem to be debating levels of cheating. In both examples someone has benefitted from cheating to gain an advantage over their opponents. Pep has had an unfair advantage over other clubs because he's managing a team that cheated
  14. Reading that the new redbull looks like last years Mercedes. Would that be the ultimate insult, that redbull make the Mercedes concept work.
  15. Interesting when you read up on it. Cleared on a technicality. The people he associated with within this doping error seem to be dodgy people. I'd be amazed if it was just a genuine error.
  16. That's seems mad to me. No one talks about how well Lance Armstrong performed.
  17. I don't think Pep is untalented. I think he's overrated and I think other managers have done more impressive things. For me, once city get found guilty, you can only point to his time at Barcelona as anything special.
  18. I don't think Chelsea is a good example. It doesn't seem like the manager has much say in how that money is spent. As I say, no one has been given the wealth to build a squad that pep has. And the fact that wealth was built on cheating massively impacts his legacy IMO. If Man City are found guilty how will you judge pep?
  19. Has one manager been able to choose how they spend a billion pounds at chelsea?
  20. I wonder how his legacy is viewed if Man City get punished the way they should. There'd be only 1 club you could then talk about having success with. Already at the moment, he's done nothing more impressive than what Fergie did, or Wenger or even Klopp.
  21. I can't think of a single manager who have had all the advantages pep has had. Inherits world class players including the greatest of all time. Goes to a league where only one team wins the league before and after he was there. Joins a team with a decade of financial fraud to spend over a billion building his squad.
  22. I hope we haven't **** this up for the sake of £5 million.
  23. He clearly did something good that year. Underrated is a stretch. My original point was other managers people compare to pep never came and inherited that level of squad. Fergie certainly didn't. Wenger didn't. Klopp didn't.
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