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Posts posted by tonyh29

  1. Interesting ?

    In SA we all have ID's - they are identity documents/ booklets we have to carry around. THIS IS A NIGHTMARE! The loss or theft of this little document makes your life impossible - you need it everywhere and in order to pick up anything or prove your age/ identity. Not even to mention the scary trend that we have here of identity theft! Where someone gets hold of the details on your ID and then conveniently appropriates your identity. You end up with the debt and problems, stress and frustration - all because of having to carry proof of ID. In theory it might seem like a good idea - but in practice this is a disaster.

  2. much effort students are willing to put in

    and herein is the first flaw in your plan :-)

    Only if you can prove that the promise is, in fact, coming from you and that you are genuinely who you say you are - or you might be promising on behalf of the person who you are pretending to be.


  3. It's down to darling now to see what rabbits he's going to pull out of his budget hat

    I suspect the rabbit will be here in the UK on a illegal passport and it will come out the hat saying the budget we promised isn't goping to happen but we will hold a government enquiry into why there isn't one ..

  4. Do keep up tony, ID cards are nothing to do with terrorism, it's all about identity theft and benefit fraud.

    my bad ..well what if i promise not to partake in either of these crimes ..can i get away without having an ID card then ?

  5. no mention of who will be paying for these ID cards ... but I bet I can hazard a guess

    But does it matter what timetable they put up , everyone knows they aer gone at the next election , the publice don't trust them , don't like their arrogance they are non electable for maybe 15 years on the back of the damage done by Blair and Brown

    I'm still waiting for someone to enlighten me though as to how a ID card will stop British citizens blowing themselves up on tubes and buses ??

  6. What software are yiu using to put the borders around your pictures , It helps brings out the subject matter and I want tot try it on some of my shots

    Tips always appreciated , biggest problem I have though is I'm taking photos as i travel and pretty much working on point and click due to not having time to kep changing camera setings .

    I Have started to play with RAW and may start taking my photo's in this format ..is that my best option ?

  7. one of the forums i looked at once had a "in the know" who said who the stig was and he also said that in March / April all would be revealed ..are they working up to a campaign type thing to reveal the stig ..was this ITK really ITK or just lucky

    trouble is i forgot who he said it was ..don't think it was Ben that he mentioned though , i could have sworn he said it was Johnny herbert but I'd have to check

  8. This seems as good a place as any to put this little gem

    In my gym at lunchtime today there were 4 Villa fans , not bad when you think my gym is in Chertsey ,Surrey andthere were only around 30 people in at the time

    Are we the new Man Utd ??

    ok it' wasn't that exciting but thought id share it none the less

  9. I'd be interested to see how much strain it puts on the NHS compared

    Alcohol misuse is costing the NHS up to £3 billion a year

    The annual cost of alcohol-related crime and public disorder has been estimated at £7.3bn, the cost to employers has been put at £6.4bn.

    interestingly the bit below was form a news story in 2004 .. 4 years later it appears the govt are still dithering ..but by now we all know that

    The government is due to publish a strategy for tackling Britain's booze culture shortly.

    Ideas the government is said to be considering are bans on happy hours, tobacco-style health warnings on drinks and better labelling.

    Experts fear they may not go far enough, while drinkers are dubious whether such ideas would work.

    Last week, experts from the Academy of Medical Sciences recommended the cost of alcoholic drinks be increased by 10% to encourage people to drink less.

  10. It's not really about tax on alcohol.

    it's interesting though that the conclusion that people appear to have come to was that it was a tax , even though my original post didn't mention the word tax

    could it just be a sign of how people view this government ?

  11. but in the 60's didn't we have mods and rockers clashing on bank holiday weekends turning some resorts into no go areas

    before that teddy boys in the 50's

    football hooligans in the 80's

    is it fair to blame everything on todays' youth , even today's government ? (boy ,that last bit hurt :-) )

  12. Radio interviewer today was talking about the usual too much drink can kill you etc , but one bit that was interesting was when the speaker referred to a study that showed sales of Alcohol dropped in comparrion to a rise in price of alcohol .. they are using this is a means to push for higher pricing and removal of buy one get one free offers on booze...

    anyway would having to pay more for drink stop you drinking ? ... paying more for petrol doesn't seem to have stopped us driving and how many people do you know that have given up smoking due to cost ..

  13. Lord of the Bow which is the second in a fictional series about the life and times of Genghis Khan

    read that the other week ... bit of a let down after the first one and not a patch on the Emperor series he did , i felt ...

  14. I find it sinister that neighbourhood groups are increasingly energised to monitor and inform on their next door neighbours. Does this not remind of us of anything?

    i'm sure that when I said on another thread i wouldn't grass someone up if i saw a minor crime taking place (minor ,i'm not talking rape or murder etc) i got a lot of flack and the usual I'm alright jack and not on my street type replies thrown at me ...(must be something about what i post :-) )

    but it would suggest that most on here are happy with grassing thy neighbour ?

    if you had more doctors and hospitlas would it result in fewer or more sick people ? same for the police i guess , would more police result in fewer murders taking place for example or just more being caught ? maybe tougher penalties is a better deterrent than more police ?

  15. just finished Rigged about a Harvard student who got a job the Merc exchange and helped to make the Dubai version of the merc echange a reality

    not Ben Mezrich's best book , but still a good insight into the world of oil trading .. if you've nbot read his stuff then check out Bringing Down The House

    about to start secret diary of a U boat by Wolfgang Hirschfeld.. a true story about the battle of the atlantic

  16. well i had a quick look on news agency and paper web sites and found barely a mention

    this bit was interesting though from the independant

    Passengers who prefer not to undergo this procedure can fly from Terminal 1 – which still has a domestic area – on BMI, or choose other airports in the London area.

    implying that it was only at Terminal 5 where you would have to undergo fingerprinting ..and yet BA's web site clearly refers to terminal 1 ..indeed the news story on BA's web site is not obvious unless you knew what to look for being under the news story "transferring to domestic flights at heathrow Terminal one" ..key word being transferring .. if I was flying Heathrow to Newcastle I would not in fact be transferring but would still be finger printed

  17. So Tony would it stop you flying?

    well i don't really do any domestic flying (newcastle away the other year was the last domestic flight i did) so at present the answer would be No ..guess if something came up I'd have to look at if i wanted to drive or take the train ..neither of which really appeal

    I'm on the iris scheme in the UK , i don't have a problem with something like that ,but that was voluntry and I had a choice , this current finger printing scheme just seems to be another step down a road we don't want to go ..

    Wrong - was announced and got various emails about it from BA, BAA and other airlines

    well i must admit I tend to partly ignore emails that hit my inbox unsolicitored so you may well be right but i'd say 100% i didn't receive one from BA who I'm a silver card holder with and so do receive a lot of notifications from ..nor did i receive one from Virgin either ..I may have got one from Malev but buggered if i could read it !! :-)

  18. At Heathrow airport now for internal flights you have to supply Passport, finger prints and have photo taken - will that stop anyone flying?

    They've insisted on some form of photo ID for years ,luckily the photo driving license has always been deemed acceptable in the past , finger prints is a bit extreme and i probably would object as I don't think anyone has that right ..having said that i had to subject to fingerprinting to get into the US , but then i don't live there and so , what option do i have ..

    I do live in the Uk though and as such should be free to travel anywhere within the UK without being subjected to fingerprinting

  19. to say ridiculous things

    ok I'll conceed that one (remind me not to post when drunk again ) but at the risk of going OT .. Doubtless Britain did many bad things during its stewardship of the world. It is my belief, however, that it did more good than harm..much as people look back at the Roman Empire as a golden age , the british Empire should be viewed in a the same light

  20. Well, according to my moral standards, they would be wrong in doing so (outlawing alcohol, that is)

    The research into the global burden of disease attributable to alcohol, tobacco and illicit drugs found that in 2000, around 1.8 million deaths were attributable to the use of alcohol

    interesting moral code you have ....

    (sorry , was too tempting not to publish it)

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