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Posts posted by tonyh29

  1. I understand our club has dignity General but this has gone too far , Tibetan monks have dignity but it doesn't stop them being f**ked by China

    We've been done over by Man U before and it has to stop ... if not for Barry then for Ashley Young who a few years down the road we will end up facing the same battle with when Man U or Chelsea come knocking

    You've always listened to the fans so report Liverpool & Gerrard to the FA and then whatever Liverpool offer tell them to go away and double it

  2. I tend to food shop in Marks and Spencer but you can't always get everything you want but the food is def of a better quality than Tesco ... often shop in Sainsbury ,Tesco or Waitrose as I also have one of each within a mile or 2 of me ..

  3. couple from butterfly world, Isle of Wight .. camera lense kept steaming up and these buggers wouldn't keep still for long so I'm quite happy with these (originals as always far better than the imageshack scale down)



  4. The value of and in society is not purely measured in terms of pounds and pence.

    So why is tax always the big issue for voters ?

    Were you happy bailing out Northern Rock from your tax money ?

    Ship building , was dead in the water there were no orders no requirements at that time ... It would have been foolhardy of any governemnt to continue chucking money at it .. a tough decision but the needs of the many do outweigh the needs of the few whatever Dr Spock may tell you

    I don't think the influx of foreign car companies redressed balance across even most of the areas which suffered greatly in those times (and which still suffer greatly).

    have you been to Newcastle lately ? it's got more wine bars than London and has become a thriving town once again .. part of Thatchers plan was to get investment in the North East by offering incentives to companies to go there .. sadly a lot of people are to blinkered to look beyond their hatred of her because she had some culling to do

    a quick google will show you that Thatcher is revered amongst the greatest PM's of our history .. I don't see Brown making that list ... I think people fail to remember the state of the country when Thatcher took control

  5. I saw families fall apart under the pressures they faced as the traditional industries that communities had relied on for generations disappeared overnight.

    understand you point of view but If an industry was dead and losing money and being subsidised , do you feel that the government should have continued to throw tax payer money at it in order to support those people .. at a cost to other areas other people ...

    Tough jobs need tough decisions and despite the perception some had of Thatcher I doubt it was personnel and i doubt she didn't care and danced around her office whilst doing it .. in a lot of cases the balance was redressed with companies like Nissan being given breaks to open up in the North East and create jobs ..

  6. should be banned ...ethically wrong

    i'm not religious so it does somewhat weaken your sterotype as to which people are agaisnt it ..

    I'm sorry people have dieases such as Parkinson but this isn't the way to go about trying to get a cure

    the ranting of the religous right in this country which seems to be within the Tory party

    assume though that means you want the immediate sacking of

    Des Browne (Defence Secretary)

    Ruth Kelly (Transport Secretary)

    Paul Murphy (Wales Secretary)

    who voted agaisnt it

    interesting that Cameron voted FOR the use of hybrid embryos

  7. Tony as a democrat you must admit the absurdity of an head state by birth is just wrong ...

    not this old chesnut agian

    as a pipe smoking socialist you must admit the absurdity of buying and selling and having a price system , rent, interest , profit and a wages system etc etc

  8. so why was Cromwell so great, he abolished the monarchy didn't he ?

    which is why I wrote "much as "

    he did a lot lot more than abolish the monarchy ..he created the commonwealth ensured English commercial greatness and his military achievements in the Civil Warensured the permanent defeat of monarchical absolutism and the survival of English parliamentary institutions

    there is of course more ... but not for this topic

    and also Tony, America has not done too bad with a president has it ?

    the world begs to differ otherwise

  9. Maybe if they don't already know of the effort he is undertaking, you could pass on the the information to the people at the club who might like to know about it. I'm sure many would have seen the accident or been involved in some way in helping him out.

    I'd echo that , it would be fantastic if the club could help his cause in some way

  10. Yes the same as the UK... Romans, Vikings, etc... if you're gonna try and make a point, try and make a good one!

    understand where you are coming from but the Romans ,vikings etc did not arrive in the British isles in sufficient enough numbers influence the balance of the population

    same with the Norman conquest , for the population to have become Norman would have required end to end boats across the channel for months on end .. it never happened

    Oz originally was inhabited by Aboriginees (it's arguable that they were not the first either but another topic) ... the fact that OZ is now predom white means it WAS influenced by immigration

  11. Shouldn't our immigration policies and rules be based on what is most apt for our country

    what is most apt though ?

    open borders or some controls ... I'm assuming people aren't voting BNP for their views on the economy and environment so it would suggest that some controls would be a route people would like explored ??

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