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Everything posted by TRL

  1. Anyway, i think its a shame we never entered Naxx. Must be the instance i think has looked the most fun, with the phattest loot and coolest graphics. According to some shite i read, only about 3% of the total player base entered Naxx at all.
  2. Cheers, yes thats the exact problem. Kinda strange though, as ive never had it before. Lets hope its gone next reboot.
  3. You dont get why its weird reading 'It’s' instead of it's? The entire piece looks weird. Am i missing a codec? Edit: Ah yes, you obviously dont see what i see. Maybe it reads it's to you, to me it reads funky ass strange letters.
  4. You assume criticising MON is the same as not having faith or belief in him. People need to wake up. You can have belief in someone and what they can do for a club, and still be critical of how certain aspects are handled.
  5. Instead of for instance "It's" i read "It’s".
  6. Am i the only one seeing; in that post, all the **** time?
  7. Except that Bouma was and is quality. Milner was aswell. Bakke was another body, and not first team, and even a loan. Berger is here still, so nothing to whine over? That leaves you with Phillips, Taylor and Hughes. Phillips was dirty cheap and i think everyone agreed it was a good move. He did his job. Taylor was a body, back-up player. Still is. Hughes is the only one you really can criticise, but id rather have Hughes as a right back the the void we currently have. Sorry your post isnt close to making sense.
  8. Pain - My club makes me wanna slit my wrists
  9. A LOT. Gotta love the holy trinity and LOLWELL. Amusing that they know priests are pissed on all over in healing, disc tree is a joke and shadowpriest pvp is idiotic. Then again Spriest in PvE is great, so no problem.
  10. I dont get why so few rogues use crippling poison. Its so good, and another IWIN ability.
  11. Yep. Knew it would happen. The only way a shadowpriest is any useful in an arena, is with a UA warlock. 3 vs 3 teams will rape us cause i dont bring any crowd control, have little hp. All my dps is dispelled etc. You would have won some of them with a mage, warlock, hunter, another healer. Anything but a shadowpriest.
  12. Two. RB and a CB. Maybe a keeper on loan aswell. How serious was Sørensen's injury?
  13. Moonkin droods > all MOAR TREES
  14. Used my honour today on a new necklace I really want us to do some PvP team wise. Get 5-10-15 people and pvp with ventrillo.
  15. What i dont get: Why aint the Dashers recruiting all classes, getting atleast 10 more raid active players, or even 15. Why does applicants like the young fella who was 15-16 get denied, when he obviously was a nice guy. And even then you got trial period. FWIW Rousku was that age when he joined. Why does your GM insist in rewarding 'loyal' players to the bone, even though they are NEVER online. If the Dashers ever wanna to SSC and further on, you need massive recruitment. You dont even have to gear them up like the old MC/BWL story, as crafted gear is so good, they should be able to handle it themselves. You aint a big guild anymore. You dont get 25 people to raid, and the old school players like Paz, Saber are never online. Just look at Bots guild charter, and they have close to 30, if not more, people online all the time. They had 2 kara runs and still 10 who pvp'ed. Obviously you could try to explain and put a foot down, but you would probably be fed load of shite and demoted. GL
  16. fixed Haha when saw Naysons post, thats exactly what i read lol
  17. I can join you in UB and SP. Need some quests done.
  18. lol absolute quality that was. Cant believe he remembered the guild name. Stickyfinger!
  19. I would actually have let it go with Nighteye's constant know it all attitude. I would let his inability to admit he **** up, pass. I left the raid cause i think he acted like an utter word removed. I left the raid cause he speaks to people like they are 5 years old, then turns the arguement and says WE are speaking to him like he is a word removed. Then i start helping my mate with some quests, and i get demoted by my dear GM who didnt know wtf just had happend. He reacts first, asks later. Then he starts **** preaching to ME about spirit, greed on loot and what more. **** it. Im fed with that **** fascist stubborn overreacting inept clueless ****. I bet he even now is sitting waiting for an apology. Stupid cock. Ive talked to Gorthauer, and i will probably apply to Bots tonight. Thought about Mist and DS, but i want 25mans, and im not sure Mist is the right thing for me. Oh well we will see.
  20. Yep. I wont show for Gruul unless we have all key classes, MT, and 25 people.
  21. Will we get a full raid with core members today?
  22. I've been looking for you for the arena for most of the last week! We had a great Heroic Botanica last night, with Nev tanking, then me, Tarj, J and Tangsham. Not much CC but we breezed through, I don't remember it being that easy in non heroic mode. Shittiest loot I can remember seeing though. Still, need one more Mech run now for exalted, then I get a nice healing mace. I averaged over 600 DPS the entire instance
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