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Everything posted by TRL

  1. Tbh. i like healing, but i will probably love to be a shadowpriest aswell. Problem is that i need the officers to tell wether they want me for healing or as a second shadowpriest. I can spec shadoweave and gear up for shadow, but if i then 1 week later is told to respec holy, its pretty pointless. Mooncloth tailored gear is equally good as shadoweave for its purpose and i cant afford gearing up a spec i wont use.
  2. Well ive got 356 tailoring now. 19 skill points to go, and it would be nice to know from either of the officers or you, wether i shall go mooncloth or shadoweave. I need to spez to level.
  3. Payback Jay! This is you in my head
  4. Sorry, thats just funny Ah the argument where you pick out one random person you have seen on telly, and obviously everyone have equal terms as him.
  5. Keep on believing that. You only have to look at the stature and pay of these jobs today, to see your logic is flawed.
  6. Those who enter a profession because they find it very important, and want to fight to raise its stature. They have every right to strike for improved pay and work conditions. You dont get money or good deals without fighting. Bringing 100k into this is just a target miss. How do you really think payment and working conditions are delivered? If you dont ask for it, you wont get shit. People will always be pushed until they push back. You think payment and working conditions are static? You think the economy doesnt change? You think the same jobs people entered in the late 60s are equally treated in every aspect now? People who has a profession and feels they get a bad deal, they have every right to fight for a better one. Wether you like it or not.
  7. I might not get all your N-Z jokes, but to me it seems you cant answer the question.
  8. So how about the people who actually think health care and teaching for once are very important roles in our society. They enter the proffession with hopes of fighting and raising the stature of it. Is that not allowed?
  9. You lost me now. Thought you discussed wether people had rights to strike for better pay and working conditions.
  10. Can just speak for Norway here, but you live in a dream world. My mother and father are teachers, and they have left the profession. When people leave, the goverment doesnt raise wages and improve conditions, they lower the qualifications to enter it. So you get equal amount of people, just less qualified. And as earlier said regarding health care, the import of foreign workers is a problem, and another reason why you are wrong. And since im neither an expert on strikes or what you do in GB. Im just curious. You dont think workers should be in the position to demand better wage? In that case you think those who hire them, and those in power cares more for their workers then making money? Do you think the valuation, pay and economy in our society is static? Static might be the wrong word i guess, just fill in whatever fits better.
  11. Oh well wont be online until 21.30 something due to football practise. Hope you still get a raid together. Think Hoork will heal aswell. First 90 min will probably go to buffing, grouping, trash and a wipe try anyway.
  12. Ive been thinking about using my heroic badges at shadowpriest gear. Mostly because the healing rewards are shit for a priest, so i havent spent the badges yet. And another good reason is that i can get some quite good dps loot for Trl, especially if i were to respec shadow. So right now im stuck between getting the offhand right away, or saving up for the trinket. Since ive almost got the blessings deck and ZHC, im not sure wether i should prio. the trinket? The offhand is really nice though, but i still fancy the staff from Curator.
  13. Had a 3200 crit earlier without ruin. How **** nice is that.
  14. Still remember my first PvP encounter and first kill. It was life or death. It was sweaty. Your heart pounded, and you realised this **** deserved a beating. Orgasmic.
  15. The group thingy mazzle has isnt all that tbh.
  16. Nefarian was the top dawg IMO, **** brilliant. Though i remember the 1 % wipes on Vael Anyway, ive gone tailoring and could use whatever cloth you can throw my way.
  17. Yep. But we only need him as a healer in raids. If he fancy stacking 2 if not 3 types of gear, while respec each raid. Be my guest.
  18. True. I have never respecced.
  19. Talk about putting it gentle
  20. I grouped with a quite good one a couple of weeks ago. He had 13 k hp more or less with fort, and tanked heroic SV without problems. I dont think anyone really mean Paladins cant tank. Like all classes and specs you need spesific gear to do spesific jobs. Anyway, the main problem with Paladins IMO is that they dont regain aggro. They tank very well while beeing hit, but when aggro is lost he is ****. Unless ive missed something. And i do believe speccing Prot is idiotic when you have your holy tree.
  21. Yeah but he said last night that he already was revered with several factions. Or atleast thats how i heard it, might be my bad.
  22. Well im gonna type this as im kinda stuttering at vent talking Well the point was, which i tried to state last night at VT, that if you want badges and primal nethers (i also need just one primal nether with Renew.. but its so hard to get when your not revered ) you should just join our heroic runs as DPS. Firstly you know how to play a warrior when it comes to dps, and warriors can actually dish out a decent amount aswell. And another essential point is that tanking in heroics doesnt just mean you have to be prot. You have to have decent tanking gear aswell. Ive healed many a tank without the gear and spec, and its no point really. Just stick with what you fancy and can. Horses for courses innit? God i rawk at idioms
  23. You should really do heroics Riss. The badge rewards at the healing side is only focused at hybrids or Paladins/Shamans, so you can get some really nice gear there. If you want a decent healing mace, beeing Murmurs Truncheon i think its called, you should do Slabs heroic.
  24. Firstly shadowpriests are probably the most efficient endgame caster. You will have people like Gone who compares Sam's endgame efficiancy with his 'cycles' while grinding. Mind Flay is über efficient. Having improved talents in Mind Blast cooldown, then to moan about your efficiancy is just amusing. For any PvE situation you will only need + dmg, and the extra mp5 you aquire is just a bonus. Your role is not to max you burst damage. You dont have to blow Mind Blast each cooldown, both dots and SW:D to improve your general dps. You role is to keep debuffs up and keep steady dps, and with Mind Flay alone and SW:P you will do massive damage, and have extreme efficiancy. Vampiric Touch in itself is regentastic, and as a raiding priest id say meditation is fairly useless atm aswell. If you still believe mp5 gear is the way to, you should check some of the hardcore shadowpriest raiders, and look up their gems and gear. Only thing thats essential EVER = +damage. Everything you bring as raid support/utility debuffing class is improved with the more spellpower you got. If you claim you cant keep up your mana bar with VT and MF, then you seriously need to rethink what the hell you have been doing.
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