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Everything posted by foreveryoung

  1. How about. Please leave Mr Mcleish. Go fourth!!!! Naaa lets just say **** of out of our club you C?????????
  2. Hopefully he'll think he is going to have to do a good **** job!!! As for telling a employee to **** off. Yeah if he was as shit at his job as McLeish was I would!
  3. Here here! As for saying its only football.............Why what else is there??? Its not only football its AVFC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. It is not guaranteed, I don't think we can risk being quiet!
  5. Lets hope Randy don't give him 40 million to spend in the summer thinking it'll make us accept him and keep us happy, I can see him doing this, we know what the **** like. Not that I think he is staying???
  6. I actually thinks if he makes a decent pitch at the end of season review - he will get the green light to carry on. With 2 relegations in 3 PL season - and likley to escape this one by 1 point - he must know that things aren't going to get better next season - especially with limited funds. I think the instigator of a parting of the waves will be Mcleish - I think Randy will see a falling wage bill \ a injury list - and tell him to carry on. I don't think Mcleish however will put his family through all that stress again. No no no! Randy cannot risk it surely. Falling wage bill yeah, but with our league position McLeish has lost Randy millions and with a low number of season tickets being purchased he will only lose him more. Its a risk I don't think even Randy could take. Although with the shit we will give him at the Tottenham game he will not want to be here anyway.
  7. I don't care what you say. Houllier would have had us playing great football at AVFC , he had great training methods and after maybe 3 seasons we would have been a winning club. I never cared what he said in the media about Liverpool blah blah, he could have called my sister a slut, if he was entertaining me which I believe he would have been , I would have been happy to have him here long term. I haven't got sister by the way.
  8. Im not saying he is the best manager for England. But if he cant get the group of over paid pre-madonna's playing quality football like they play in there day job, no one is going to and it will be the players to blame this time not the manager!!!!
  9. The Tottenham protest 100% needs to go ahead. It will be confirmation McLeish had better not be here next season. The little protest at the Bolton game, has finally got us noticed in the media and the Tottenham game i believe will be the demise of Mcleish and a reason he personally will not want to be here next season weather Lerner wants him here or not.
  10. We need to protest at Tottenham just to confirm to the board and media under no circumstances do we want him here next season. Its bullshit that it will affect the players they know its all against McLeish and half of them want him gone too anyway fact!
  11. Randy can not afford another relegation scrap. People say McLeish has saved us money with transfers and reducing the wage bill. Thats bullshit, the club have cut the costs, McLeish has cost us money from the position in the league, losing fans and through shit transfers, also wasting our 10-25 million pound players. Lerner might have **** up here and there but he is a billionaire and no mug.
  12. Were safe, safe, safe, safe. I think, maybe, aren't we????????
  13. [/quote But it's ok for him to vilify Money paying Villa fans? Has he? Because the scan of the newspaper in the OP is simply saying he isn't joining in on the moaners... I agree with him on this matter, it doesn't make sense right now... Mcleish isn't going to go before the end of the season so why are people not supporting the team in their hour of need?
  14. Thinking about it, he is just doing what his employers want on talkshite to make debate. If everyone agreed with him they wouldn't bother calling in I suppose. That t w at Duram is always spouting utter garbage to attract a call. I mean last week he was saying the only way Chelsea will beat Barcelona is to take Messi out the game??????
  15. If he goes it will have to be reported immediately after the Norwich game surely. If he is still with us 24 hours later I will start worrying!!
  16. Given needs to change if we have a new manager. Not disrespecting him he is great shot stopper, but his kicks never seem to reach a player and his commanding of his area is diabolical at times, a reason we let so many in at set pieces. Not sure this is a McLeish tactic or weather this is a negative of Given.
  17. Martinez, DiMatteo, Lambert in that order for me. Lerner are you reading????
  18. ??????? Where have you been. There,s no love for McLeish anymore not even from Lerner. Did you not see his face at the Bolton Game. He's not saved millions either.
  19. How much are they paying him. I like Stan but he is losing me and many others spouting this bullshit all the time. We know the truth were not delusional why is he playing this game.
  20. I hope people now have realised how important Bent is to our team. Selling Bent in the summer will be as bad a decision in my eyes as employing McLeish. Hopefully if we get a new manager the team can be built around Bent making a quality attacking side like we all want to see. Any new manager will need the vision to see how Ireland, Nzog and Bent can be a fearful combination.
  21. No Whelan would have been have been thinking of a nice pay off for Martinez.
  22. In reality he believes he tries to make a very attacking team but has said in the past more than once the players do not listen. I wonder why, after a full season they still don't listen to you, or is he full of shit. He has also been quoted as saying we are not good enough to be an attacking side.
  23. QPR have as good as lost already . Now onto Blackburn.
  24. Or signed a new contract to get a pay off this year!
  25. I wonder who has been training Gabby. Players don't just play a bit of 5 a side at bodymore heath. They get personal training if they are not performing. I'm guessing McLeish's lot are not training Gabby or the team to there strengths they are obviously just training defensive tactics into them. This is why the morale is missing from most of the squad. This is proved with Nzog, he is a quality player, but is not aloud to play how he played at Wigan. I personnely would be pissed off if that useless Grant twa t was even my football trainer. He hardly comes across as a quality tactician now does he. A good manger in next season could make our team into a quality side. Someone who can bounce off the players, someone a bit younger who can relate to them instead of a dinosuar with no understanding.
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