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  1. Said it in the match thread but I’m convinced we should attack the Holte first half, I’m sure when we had our great home run earlier in the season we started attacking the Holte first half
  2. I’m convinced we’ve been better this season when attacking the Holte first half
  3. Have to wonder why Diaby and Bailey aren’t taking their men on
  4. Hope the fan who had the cardiac arrest pulls through. football is irrelevant at that point
  5. People at the game saying there are medical emergencies in the Holte and Witton Lane
  6. Absolute shambles. Tried phone, iPad, laptops and desktop computer and still the website wouldn’t work. Then my brother managed to get one but it was showing on both of our accounts. If we do make the Champions League the ticketing website needs a massive overhaul this summer. Shambles.
  7. At the risk of accidentally being ‘on topic’ it would be classic Villa that we don’t get to play in the CL because it’s WW3
  8. ‘3-2 in a library’ the Brentford fans are singing. unfortunately they’re right
  9. Recommendation. Avoid the upper witton away area. Awful
  10. 10 points to you for catching that joke
  11. Brentford can’t be bringing many, I got seats in Upper Witton P10 which I believe is usually for away fans?
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