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  1. Yeah, tank ffs! You guys just got hot that night, everything just dropped for you, especially in that first quarter. Just hope that doesn't cost us because play-in is still a very small possibility and we'd have been clear of that now had we beat you. Huge finish for us though if we can get some wins in these last four games. We play the 2nd place and in bad form Bucks twice still so those could be the decider for 2nd seed.
  2. One thing in the accounts that very much surprises me is the post balance sheet spend on players and staff at only £67.9m. That seems quite low.
  3. Yeah. I'd say at least that. Can imagine there being increases in other deductables too.
  4. I was going to mention we'll have more depreciation based on that. We won't have depreciated the full £7M increase in cap spend in one year though, so kick will be smaller than that.
  5. I'll relook and share when have more time, and probably worth waiting for actual accounts to appear as will properly rework then, when hopefully have more info. But if you look at @CVByrne workings on next page, I've got a more prudent worse case view on revenue (I think his is perfectly reasonable tbh) and I've also left in prior workings I had giving a bump to both wages and amortisation so about £10M up on each. Again though, I'd like to understand the increase in 22/23 a bit better, as seems incredibly high and wonder if there could be some weird one-offs here that won't carry through. So again, CV keeping these figures the same for 23/24 I don't think is out of the question.
  6. Have compared the info released so far with where I'd expected us to be. Between revenue, amortisation and player sales, we are actually very slightly up on where I'd predicted. All the variance to my forecast is in wages and other admin costs. I think there are probably some positives to this. I can only think that some of this increase is down to one-offs related to the Gerrard Emery switch. Any one-offs won't carry forward into this season's books. Also, at least some of the increase (though only talking a small proportion of it) will be cost that are adjusted back out for PSR calc, so no need to worry about them. I've plugged what info as been released into my forecast model for 23/24, haven't adjusted any of my expected uplifts from 22/23, except to knock other costs back down to 21/22 levels. In this scenario we'd be about £20-25M over on PSR as it stands for 23/24. However, I think this is a worst case, and I can only assume the wages in 22/23 are inflated above base in some way that won't be replicated in 23/24.
  7. Good year to start not caring about it then Tbf I think we have enough in the way of young prospects now, need to the summer to add quality, experience and shooting. Our next 8 games looking nice: @Hornets @Wizards @Knicks Pacers Nets @Raptors Raptors Hornets. Something has gone wrong if we are not 4th in two weeks time. Especially with Knicks and Sixers playing each other twice.
  8. Yeah that's fair. What are the prospects looking like this year? Unlike last few years I've paid them zero attention this year.
  9. Please keep this up. We've still got to play you three times. Gonna be interesting to see where we end up. I thought we'd be on for the play-in start of the season, but right now we are only 1 game back on 4th and have by far the easiest remaining schedule in the league. Getting homecourt first round would be incredible.
  10. Yep cool I'd only skim read a few posts before, noticed after I posted that you'd rec'd a couple of bits back to the accounts. I had a quick run through the UEFA doc last night and though figures certainly higher than expected, I wasn't overly worried at least in short term. Seems like maybe some of what I thought we had to spend this season was actually spent last season. Next season still seems like the tipping point as we lose a profitable year from the front end of the assessment period and probably have to cover two large loss making ones. Getting CL and better commercial deals, eg Adidas should help cover some of this though.
  11. Is the UEFA doc looking at the same 12 month period as our stat accounts/PL assessment period would? I haven't properly looked into it but thought I saw something regarding the UEFA rules covering a calendar year by default (though there were exceptions which may apply to us).
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