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The "Witton Lane" Boxing Chat Thread


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Looks like he is trying to emulate Floyds atics outside of the ring as well, apparently he bit a bouncer or something



also Billy Jo Saunders is fighting tonight so I'll be watching that, I think that Bradley Skeete is on the undercard, I dont mind watching him in the hope that he gets knocked the fook out

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Nice interview with Froch about the Kessler fight.   The title of the video makes it sound like he is talking about George Groves when all he really did was answer a question the presenter managed to crowbar in with thirty seconds to go.  Froch is right though, Groves would get a pasting.   I still really fancy Froch for this fight too, I think he is very much at the top of his game at the moment.  

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I never used to like froch, I used to think he thought he was better than he was and the way he carried his defence he was begging to come up against a big hitter who would expose him but you can't argue with his last few fights he really is at his peak, I also always fancied Kessler to beat him but Kessler has spent too long out of the ring and I think froch this time will do it quite easily.

As for Groves...it's a non contest at the moment froch would absolutely destroy him, I think a lot of people underate Groves, he has established himself as a bit of a puncher and I quite like him but froch would kill him

Anyway I have had far too much to drink already tonight so I am signing off for the night

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Groves can bang but he isn't good at anything else, I doubt he'll ever be a serious player in the division unless it takes a catastrophic nose dive in talent. Imagine if he stepped in with Ward lol, he'd lose every second of every round.


DeGale is a much better boxer and I felt he was robbed in his fight with Groves.

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How did Groves look tonight?  I know he was fighting a bum, it seemed that being in action again so quickly (this was his second fight in March) was more about giving him exposure than raising his ranking but I'm still curious. 

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Groves looked just as you would expect it was two rounds of him throwing whatever punches he wanted against someone who had nothing at all to give back so he looked pretty good but I recon I would have if I was put in with the bloke he was fighting.


I dont know what was up with Abraham he just didn't look like he wanted to be in there from the first bell, I dont know if he was just going to try and make Steiglitz punch himself out and then come on strong in the later rounds but was just utterly shocked by how much aggression Steiglitz came out with or if he just genuinely didn't want to be in there for some reason.


That said though it was a peach of a right hand that he collared Abraham with, his I blew up almost immediately didn't it

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Abraham is shot, he looked like shit in his previous two fights including the first fight with Stig that I felt AA lost. Time to hang them up, he was never a particularly good super middleweight, much better as a middleweight. Still great puncher, but limited at everything else.


Groves well, fought a bum, what's new?



Also, I'm really looking forward to Rios-Alvarado 2 next week, their first fight was a classic.


Here's a nice HBO promo for it:



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Boxing - Olympic boxing changes scoring, head guard rules


The International Boxing Association confirmed the rule

changes in what appears to be a move inspired by the success of pro-am

events such as the World Series of Boxing.

Though concerns over brain injuries caused by the sport continue to

rise, the Rio 2016 Olympics will see male boxers compete without their

head guards, which have been in place since before the 1984 Olympics

held in Los Angeles.

AIBA’s medical commission chairman Charles Butler feels there are

also numerous studies which show that fighting without head guards can

in fact decrease the risk of concussion.

''There's no evidence protective gear shows a reduction in incidence of concussion,'' Butler said.

''In 1982, when the American Medical Association moved to ban boxing,

everybody panicked and put headgear on the boxers, but nobody ever

looked to see what the headgear did.''

The sport moved to a punch-counting system after infamous results in Seoul, including Roy Jones Jr.'s loss.

But the computer system has been highly subjective, often turning the

sport into a sparring session that emphasizes punch volume over

technique and ring generalship.

''Boxing isn't bean-counting,'' Butler said. '

'The thing that makes (the computer system) dangerous is if you're a

boxer, you know you're not going to get a point for a body shot, so what

are you going to do except punch the head?

“There were no points given for combinations. You might get one point. If a kid was a counterpuncher, you'd lose.''


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Hopefully Guerrero is able to make the fight as I'm looking forward to it, he has however exposed himself as a stupid word removed, taking a gun to an airport!? in NEW YORK!? What an incredible moron.


I didn't realise that Peterson is going to be fighting Matthysse on the undercard of Alexander-Brook, really looking forward to that fight.


Also Rios-Alvarado 2 tomorrow, can't wait.


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Hopefully Guerrero is able to make the fight as I'm looking forward to it, he has however exposed himself as a stupid word removed, taking a gun to an airport!? in NEW YORK!? What an incredible moron.

The only stupid part is that it was in New York.

You can check guns as baggage in most states, as long as you declare it (which he did) it's all fine. It just has to be in a locked case (which it was) which has to be opened for the TSA to inspect. He's probably flew with it previously and had no issues, so didn't really think about it this time either. New York is just uptight about guns in public. In pretty much any other state this would have been a non-issue.

Bellew fighting tonight, should be a good one.

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Yep, Bloomberg is very anti-gun, surely someone from his team would be in tune with basic politics?


Bellew could well lose tonight, Chilemba is a good boxer with a decent skill set. That said he was dropped twice by Vlasov (still managed to win) which could indicate some vulnerability to power.


Will be a good fight and I take my hat off to Bellew for going in there against a top 10 opponent, unlike that chump Nathan Cleverly.


That said, it's all about Rios-Alvarado tonight. Also I believe Golovkin is fighting against Ishida, the guy famous for destroying the 'prospect' James Kirkland inside a round.

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I think it's all over bar the shouting.  Chilemba conceded too many rounds early on and already needs a knockout he doesn't appear to have the power to conjure up. I'm not impressed with him at all. 

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