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Yeah, need another CTRaid asap. The Dashers suggested a new thing called CTmod, which has all sorts of nice useful things on, just not the raid bit!

Finished the q's for 2nd and 3rd pieces of the 0.5 set, ie the epicccccc gloves and the belt. Just hope the 45 minute Baron Run isn't the next bit.

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45 min Baron run seems a bit unfair, its like punishing classes who dont have stealth, isnt it?

Get a group composed of Rogues and Druids, and you can just stealth half the instance. Druids can tank, heal, AOE, so even the bits that need other classes are covered.

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It hasn't been done in stealth runs AFAIK, you need someone who has done it before and knows the shortcuts and which mobs you can skip.

Riss has epic gloves now? Gratz, as sson as my Deck sells or Tarj pays me back I will be able to progress with my Quests.

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April Fool joke from Blizz, some random patch 1.11 notes...


* A simple check mechanic has been implemented which will prevent Hunters from rolling on items that are more optimal for another class in the party, when using the group loot system.

* Hunters can now be affected by their own traps. This should add a sense of danger, and increase the Hunter's need to strategize his decisions.

* Pets have a small chance to attack the Hunter when hungry. The chance increases with each passing moment that the pet isn't fed.

World Environment

* Due to the awkward look and feel of Taurens in the Undercity, guards will no longer permit their entry and have been flagged to kill on sight. Taurens, you've been warned.

* Entering the Barrens will now flag your character for PvP, regardless of your faction or realm type. This is being done to make the zone feel more alive.

My favourite:

* Above the corpse of Mankirk's wife, a large red arrow will now appear and be viewable for up to 500 yards. To ensure that the associated quest offers some challenge, typing the word 'Mankirk' 'wife' or 'anyone seen' in Barrens chat will now result in experience loss.

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Very good, but if thats Blizzards April Fools joke then those that thought Onyxia's bug and all the other 1.10 probs were Aprils Fools are going to be annoyed.

I successfully did UBRS tonight, after wiping on Drakki 3 times, we got him the 4th time, through way of a rogue Kite! (We had no hunter). So there, it is possible!

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Yeah, need another CTRaid asap. The Dashers suggested a new thing called CTmod, which has all sorts of nice useful things on, just not the raid bit!

Finished the q's for 2nd and 3rd pieces of the 0.5 set, ie the epicccccc gloves and the belt. Just hope the 45 minute Baron Run isn't the next bit.

The Ctraid the dashers have linked does work. You just have to activate it.

Problem is, it doesnt work with any other UI's

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For Tarj.

a working Discord Action Bars.

I love it. I really do. (as you can see by how pissed off i was when it got broken in 1.10. the breakage was down to some mana conserve feature within them that i didnt use, and i couldnt see why they **** the entire mod deliberately for a feature only healers would be using. Anyway, i digress.)

what do i like about them?

Well, they look good, but there is more to it than that. You can have the screen how you want it.

You can have mouse clicks where you want them, making it more natural and quicker.

You can have the cooldowns of all the buttons show on the buttons themselves.


You can have buttons change colour when you are out of range, or dont have enough mana (different colours for the different reasons a spell is unavailiable).

I dont really need to use it myself as most of my spells are either combat related, or involve summoning stuff that isnt on the screen, but you can have bars only appear when hostiles are targeted or when friendlies are targeted, which might be nice for when you are only healing in an area. I dont know whether you can assign the same button to different spells depending on the hostility/friendlyness of the target you have, but i cant see why it wouldnt be possible.

There are always things in the forum that give good advice .

Altogether its a fantastic inteface, miles better than the standard one. I really dont know why Blizzard dont include it (or similar) into the game "out of the box" for people to use. The classes people play and jobs they do are all so completely different, why is the interface expected to be the same?

If you dont like the Blizz one, and want to try something different, then id say have a real good look at this. It takes a bit of time to set up. Particularly the first time when its all new, but on the whole, its game changingly good.

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Well I've got the q for the 45 minute Baron Run, and I just can't see how on earth to it. I tried it twice last night, once with a bunch of idiots (Zabusak is still an arse Dan!) and then with a dead good group. Second time round we'd just got to the stitched horrors at 45 minutes, after what I thought was pretty good going.

You must have to miss out mobs, take potions instead of stopping to drink, etc etc. I'm sure someone will figure it out soon, it just doesn't seem very "casual" to me, and the new q's are not suppsed to be aimed at hardcore raiders.

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Well I was all for giving him a second chance but it seems little has changed. Regarding the "potion" bit, I think it (and most other instances) could be done in 20 minutes if we didnt have to sit and wait for hours at a time for the mana bitches!

Seriously, apparently you need the same group to do it over and over for about 6 hours in order to perfect it :shock:

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Have to say that hunters are **** useless in instances like Baron aren't they? I'd never do another 5 man run with a hunter, they just don't do anything! They can't use the pets most of the time, so they're just taking up a spot that would be better spent on just about any other class.

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They're still in demand in endgame raids though. If Bicks had stayed on he'd have found a guild quite easily as Hunter's ranged DPS makes them the top damage dealers on any Onyxia run for example. In Phase 2 I'm useless, except for killing a couple of whelps, my bow can't even reach her and even if it could it does very little damage. Hunters are the best at dealing damage from afar, and a good one can do as much DPS as a rogue, so in their defence (and I'm no fan of them at all) they could replace a rogue in a 5 man group.

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I can't afford it TBH, I don't mind stuff that rewards skill but paying 120 Gold for that ghost thing, for example is just ridiculous. We don't all make hundreds of gold a week unlike some.... At least it means that there won't be nabs out there with "free epixx" I'd much rather keep doing MC runs. I might get myself the gloves and belt but thats it.

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I agree Dan. I've got the gloves and belt, and they just about cleaned me out, but about 180G (give or take) for epic gloves and an excellent blue belt (plus set bonus) is worth it I reckon. Some of the q (like getting the ectoplasm) was actually quite a good laugh too.

The next step, is just plain bonkers, and I don't have the boots or pants yet anyway, to trade in. Can't see past that 45 min Baron run either, impossible.

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