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Nah. Ive logged for the night.

Look for ED ( ingame: Evildan) or TRL (ingame: TRL)

And i do have to say, the Warrior is an overpopulated class. There are more warriors on the game than there are Rogues, and Rogues have problems with class saturation (ask Dan!) Might be a **** if you make it to 60.

Horde Races by the way.

Orcs. leaders of us i guess. Look like the incredible hulk. Dance like MC Hammer.

Trolls. have Jamacan accents and a voodoo fixation for some bizarre reason.

Tauren. 12 foot tall cows! Everyone loves a 12 foot tall cow, dont they?

Undeads. Zombies. With mad hair.

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If i wanted to start another toon id probably pick Druid. Actually, id be another Warlock (just such good fun to be!) but Druid looks so similar in that you are so flexable. ****, you can be a Warrior as a bear, a Rogue as a cat, a Priest and a Mage in Dr00d form. And you get to run and swim faster than everyone else. And everyone will love you at level 60!

I knocked up a video of us in WPL last night. Its rough as ****, but im still learning. Wanna do a proper one of us sooner or later. Anyway, ill upload it when i get in from work.

And whats Bob done Riss? He is in Surge, isnt he? Im certain i did a few instances like Maraudon and Sunken Temple with him while levelling up. He seemed like a cool guy if i remember..

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Did a last 15 man zerg through UBRS last night, and he was raid leader. We cleared to Rend in minutes, due to the fact there were a few well specced Dashers/Precious/Mist players present.

He INSISTED on keeping ML on the whole time, and had it set to blue. He then took 20 minutes to give out the rend/gyth loot, even though nobody needed anything. When everybody asked him to just have group loot on, he chucked a wobbler and said anybody who didn't like could **** off. A brilliant chromatic scale dropped and he tried to insist that we all pass so his mate could have it. Everybody just wanted to do everything as quick as possible, but he kept screaming at people to buff this, drop that totem, careful here etc, with the end result that it was about the slowest UBRS run I can remember, when it should have been done in under an hour!

A complete and utter **** twunt, he's on my ignore list now. Skaargfyll was there too, ask him!

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Sounds like he was enjoying his power trip too.

Why do people get like that? Do they think that people will give a flying **** what the guy with the crown thinks, just because the guy with the crown was the one who sent out the invites? Couldnt he pick up on the rest of the raid thinking he was a clearing in the woods?

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Sounds like he was enjoying his power trip too.

Why do people get like that? Do they think that people will give a flying **** what the guy with the crown thinks, just because the guy with the crown was the one who sent out the invites? Couldnt he pick up on the rest of the raid thinking he was a clearing in the woods?

Well I made sure he knew! Really, despite everybody having a go at him, he couldn't understand why Mist players in Tier 1 and 2 epics didn't want to hang around while he made people roll on green vendor trash!

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The patch is out, but I don't think the server is open until about 5PM our time....

EDOT - WTF? The patch came down in a couple of minutes? Surely there has to be more hard work then that.

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Alas poor Sentry Totem exploit, it was fun while it lasted. Sob.

Still, Blizzard HAVE given shammies a much needed overhaul and a buff.....

....apparently our lightning shield will no longer be set off by accidental collisions with bonfires etc!

Gee, thanks. No really, that's great.

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Your lightning thingameejig caused trouble with our saps too, apparently! I remember a wipe in DM where I was certain I sapped but something pulled him out of it......It was you!

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That tit Bob last night was a rogue by the way, not a tank. I made the point of accidentally on purpose desapping all his targets, and desheeping any mobs anywhere near him. He died about 6 times, nice big repair bill I hope!

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Any idea how the new armour sets work? Go here to see all the stats, 4/8 of the new set are epics. I just wonder what you have to do to upgrade once you have 8/8 of your blue class gear.

5 man Scholo and Strat runs tonight I reckon (for gear), or maybe a 10 ran Drakki run, who's up for it?

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If anyone fancies it, I need to go back to LBRS I'm afraid, as I want the Elements boots. The good news (if there is any concerning going back to LBRS) is that it's just after the spiders, so shouldn't take too long. The fight's quite hard though, wave after wave of ogres. I reckon we should manage it though, as I haven't tried it since I first dinged 60, and we're all much harder now than 3 months ago.

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I'm up for that, the worst thing about LBRS was taking 2 hours to get to Wyrm, who didn't drop the gem, before having to branch off and kill the other 2 bosses, which would take an equal amount of time. Christ that place was painful.

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Just found out they've moved the boots to drop off Omokk, which should be a lot easier.

I didn't mind LBRS, it was just the fact you had to go there so many times for the gems.

And those **** spiders....

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I hope theres a return of PUGS tonight, and by that I don't mean level 58s with greens LFM, I would imagine a successful 5 man run will require decent geared level 60s, who aren't nabs. I want to get my last 2 shadowcraft within a week or so, and I'd like to see what changes they've made to the instances too...

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They've made it all small and shitty! I love my shield now, I don't know of a better one that I could reasonably get.

I've done 5 man Scholo, Strat and Baron runs before, and as long as everybody sticks to their job they're not too bad.

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