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That's quite the funniest thing I've seen in ages!!

Anyway, this weekend I have mostly been killing bosses in ZG, and downing Onyxia! Being in a good guild is **** excellent! 100DKP now, soon be able to start bidding on the epixxxxxxxxx.

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Part of me wants to get to Rank 10, just for the PvP armour. It looks cool, and it has great stats, despite not being purple.


Getting in there with this PvP team now. I think we had 12 or 13 games tonight, and only lost one. Not all by such a convincing margin as this one (5-0 & 2000-20! Almost the perfect game!) but with the right tactics its easy to win 4-1 if everyone is on the same wavelength.


You split your 15 into three groups. Group 1 take the Lumbermill, Group 2 go for the Blacksmith, Group 3 go for the Mine. One of Group 2 stops off at the farm to get the flag, then joins the rest of his mates at the Blacksmith. Just run like **** at your target flag, first person to get there dismounts, caps the flag, mounts up and then you take a second to see what the state of play is.

Hopefully you should be first to four of the five flags. If there are No Alliance about at your target flag, leave one to watch, the other 4 people in your group can storm the stables.

One defender at each flag. No one defending the farm, because your line of Lumber, Blacksmith and Mine is enough to hold.

Then you just need good communication between the three flag defenders so the "loose" 12 players who are attacking the Stables can come back and help at any of the other flags as needed.

It might sound like something that works in theory but not in practace, but we had shitloads of success like it. Main reason? Just the fact that organised teams own pickup groups.

Got this Trinket on the back of rep with AB people too. Its nice. Its a little Power Word: Shield on a three minute cooldown. Very nice for casters who get **** by spell interupts!

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Jesus, I just spent 7 hours in Moltern Core doing bosses 1-9, by Ragnaros we were dead on our feet and there was another reason we couldn't do him, so we left it until Tuesday. I'm exhausted, I was getting judged the whole time, hopefully I impressed, I wanna do shit like that more often. Its hard to believe how much depth there is to this game.

You are an idiot, tra la la la la la la!

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Nays your link to the trinket shows the AB map again!


Have just been bookfarming with the guildies tonight. Won that green staff twice, so that was over 10G from the vendor, and that mind tap talisman.

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Right lads, im quite close to get This

but i need a bit more stuff first. Essence of water i can fix myself, but if any of you skinners could fix me 30 rugged leather, that would help. I still need a bit living essence too :| So if we could do DM East this week, i can get the cloak within 6-7 days.

Edit: Forgot about that cured hide too... deffo need some help with that.

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I can do you the rugged leather Tarj. I've got rugged hide too, but to cure it you need refined deeprock salt, which I don't have. Maybe see if there's any in the guild bank?

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1.10 means you can upgrade your blue classet into epixx:

Druid - Feralheart Raiment


Hunter - Beastmaster Armor


Mage - Sorcerer's Regalia


Paladin - Soulforge Armor


Priest - Vestments of the Virtuous


Rogue - Darkmantle Armor


Shaman - The Five Thunders


Warlock - Deathmist Raiment


Warrior - Battlegear of Heroism


This is what they look like. Exactly the same with different colours!

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This can't be right, surely people will just farm their Blue class gear now and ther'll be no need to bother with MC gear farming etc?

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This can't be right, surely people will just farm their Blue class gear now and ther'll be no need to bother with MC gear farming etc?

Well, no. Its entirely fair.

I doubt the upgraded stuff will be as good as PvP or Raiding Epixx, but it will still be very good. Now, just last week you were complaining you couldnt get into a guild, and without a good guild you have no chance of doing raids, or getting in good PvP squads or getting better gear. You had hit a brick wall on the game.

Now there are a lot of people on the game who will never do multiple MC/Onyixa/BWL/AQ runs after they have got their level 60 blues. Maybe its because they dont want to, maybe its because they are idiots or shit or just dont have time, or whatever. But they are still paying customers and they still want to have stuff to do once they reach endgame. This is one for them.

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Im sure there would be something on the WoW Priest Forum so login and ask. (use your game login)

Looks like they are **** with Devout in 1.10 too. Some guy on the test server has posted this:


Looks like youve lost your +spirit buff!

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I got the quests from Hydraxis you posted Dan, there are two to start with, the first you have to kill 15 ech of rumblers and dust stormers in Silithus, and the next you have to do something with elementals in Premier League, should be quite easy.

I think it progresses to having to kill 4 bosses in MC, and getting a certain amount of rep.

Going to havea go at the first bit tonight.

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I'm now friendly with his faction, thats what 7 hours of slaughtering in MC does it seems. I should be able to do the whole chain now.

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