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Well, another respec!

I'm now 14 ele/0 enh/37 resto, so I suppose you'd describe me as "Overpowered Resto Shammy" now or something. Anyway to try it out I was the healer in a 5 man Scholo, and it went pretty well. Wiped a few times, but this was mainly due to bad pulling around the three rooms with the multiple mobs in. Thought we'd struggle with the Baron bloke and his two adds in the room before Gandling, due to not being able to shackle one, but we got through it OK, and Gandling himself went down really quickly.

Got Mana Tide Totem, which everybody seems to rave about, but I'm not sure it was worth gimping my elemental spec for (apart from the fact I HAVE to have it for MC etc). It chucks out 960 mana in 12 seconds, but has a 5 min cool down on it. I suppose in long boss fights this can mean a couple of extra spells for all the casters in a group though, it just means I do a lot less burst damage than before.

But you still have Frooooost Shoooock!

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Aye, and that's about all I'll have once everybody goes Nature Res mad, and my lightning, chain lightning and earth shock get resisted by every **** trying to get into AQ!

I really enjoyed healing last night, it takes a lot more thought than just spamming shocks and wading in and hitting stuff. [doffs hat to Tarj in overdue show of respect!]

Showed me why priests get pissed off with thoughtless players too. How hard is it to look at the blue bar under the healer's name to see how much mana they have before wading in?! And mages nuking before the tank's even got to the target! What's that about? It was a good group last night though, me, a mage called Izzl from the Dashers, a feral drood from malice, and a tank and lock from Precious (I think).

Any tips you'd care to share Tarj?

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Dunno really. Just take advices from people, who apparantly knows their stuff. Your only problem as a main-healer, will probably be the missing shackle, the shield and prayer of healing. Thats really where priests get the upperhand. Shammys and druids can heal well, but when AoE damage is **** up your group etc. you might have problems.

Regarding people charging when your oom, or over-nuking mages, just let em die and call em narrow minded, **** useless dumb arse, LEARN TO PLAY. Its amasing how a bit of planning and patience can make an instance fun and easy, and not shit @ wipealot

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5 man Scholo

I did a 5 man Baron on Tuesday night and it was **** ace. With a classrun I can put in a half arsed attempt and get away with it, but the 5 man run was testing and fun. Our MT was a bloke called Hackmed, from PE, who is by far the best Tank I've ever played with.

We even managed to fend off an accidental body pull of 4 elites after just pulling another 4! Thats because the Tank could hold off 4-5 mobs at a time! Because his HP went down so slowly, the priest after being oom, was able to stand there and suck up the mana totem, before healing him again. It was amazing.

Valor legs dropped twice that day. I remember doing Baron runs with Nayson when I first got 60, we did 1 per day, since then Ive done it loads more, and I've never seen the SC pants drop in 30 odd runs. I got the Baron's dagger though, which was nice....

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5 man instances are so much better than class runs, unless you just want to do it quickly for the drops. We had a strange group last night, but it just proved it doesn't really matter if everybody is good at their job.

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Flawless application, i'll be in touch shortly.

Thats a good sign, right?

Nays can you tell me from an outsiders POV what Malice are all about?

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That's a good sign Dan, nice one. I tried to log onto the Malice forum to say something nice about you, but only moderators are allowed to post replies there. I know a couple of people in Malice though, so I'll tell em to nag Serena to let you in!

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Ill have a word with Serena too.

Been good friends since we quested together in the Hinterlands at level 45 (ish). Talk most days. Dunno how much (if any) influence i have, but it cant do any harm, can it?

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You put in an ace application Dan. Now most of the big guilds are full, I think getting in is less about gear, and more about being the right sort of character. Look at my application to Dashers. A couple of other shammies applied, who were at least if not better equipped than me. They got turned down, and I'm in purely from being as friendly as possible.

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Cheers guys. Yes, the last thing I want is a bad rep with a guild because I messed them about. Admittedly waiting a week to get refused can be annoying, but I'm not in any real rush, Ive got my Baron runs and Bank runs to keep me occupied.

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They accepted riss due to him nagging and posting their heads in :lol:

Yep! And?!

Someone else like your guild manifesto Dan:

the observations were absolutely spot on. Tell your friend he is not only a great rogue, but a valuable asset to the comic relief of any guild.

Oh and that's from Gwynwar, a recruitment officer at Black Guard.....

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Black Guard aren't recruiting rogues ATM, like Precious. Admittedly Wowrush weren't recruiting Shamans either, there are always exceptions, but I started off by applying to guilds that actually had vacancies, which Malice did. If this falls through, I'll resort to applying to guilds which are full, which will most likely say no, on the off chance they like me. (I'll admit to ownership of the policy in my BG application for sure!)

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