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Ask Dan, he is quite good at that :lol:

Think its /g quite or something but not sure. Easier to type "O" go on the guild menu, then right click on yourself and quit.

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Its /gquit to leave a guild.

Walking around in Orgrimmar at level 60 and guildless is a nightmare though. You get offers and whispers to join all kinds of shitty guilds about every 30 seconds!

Ive decided i want Stone Guard next week. Went from 60% Snr Sgt to 55% first Sgt just by hammering Alliance Pickup Groups in Warsong Gulch for two days. I just think officer status will be cool.

PvP gear is also great, but to get to the real good stuff, you are talking serious time, arent you?

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Aye. I didnt pvp at all last week, and my rank only dropped from around 70 % stone guard to 40 % stone guard.

As a little pin-point, i think you need around 110000 honor points to move from stone guard to blood guard. Ive had 80000 points in 2 weeks and stopped at ca. 80 %

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Four or five more WSG wins in a row tonight, and i think i have found the Warlocks true role in PvP.

A punchbag for the Alliance.

But then there is a reason why this is a very very good thing. Being that bastard who will just not go away. Its amazing how much hurt fear can do to alliance pickup groups who are so angry at me for spamming fear, aoe fear, silence, and dots all over them that they all come for me. Soul Link, Healthstone and Warsong Gulch health pot means that the five or six who are swarming me just cant kill me. Staying power is all important to the punchbag. The Alliance have forgotten about the priest who is spamming flash heal on me because they are so pissed off at me for all the fears that they just want me dead.

And more importantly, they have forgotten about the Druid or Shaman who has just ran off with the flag in travel form.

Is that 3-0?

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Just thinking about some of the places I haven't set foot in, in months:

Thousand Needles. Probably my favourite levelling up area, as spent an awful lot of time in there with Bicks, Dan and Tarj.

Tarren Mill/Hillsbrad. Couldn't move in there without getting ganked back then, last time I was there, there was just nobody around whatsoever!

Ashenvale. Best music in the game. Had a quick journey through a week or two ago, but that's it.

Um Bongo Crater. My favourite later levels levelling up spot. I think Bicks is still in there somewhere, like a lost tribe!

It's a shame that all the end game instances are basically either in Premier League/WPL or Blackrock.

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Still no word on my Dashers guild application. A couple of the officers have asked for more information, and they haven't actually said no yet, so there's still hope. My fire res is 102 now, hope to have it over the magic 120 mark by the weekend.

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The Dashers are in a golden age at the moment. This is good new for us, but not so good news for applicants. I'm sorry to say, it means we're in a position where we're only able to accept exceptional applications.

You havent done the MC Attunement yet, or reached their fire res minimum, the best you can hope for is consideration once you have achieved these. Even then, you have to be "exceptional" :shock:

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Did a WSG with Leto, GM of Mist last night. The only thing he had equipped that wasnt epic (and by epic i mean high end epic too!) was his Guild Tabard.

Just had some fun and games with a 49 Nelf Hunter who tried to gank me in Azhshara while i had half health, half mana, and an add. The clearing in the woods opened with a Hunters Mark which gave me time to Deathcoil and kill him. Luckily i still had my Fel Domination cooldown (15 mins) so i could instantly summon a voidwalker for his 2500 shield, which pretty much saved my ass.

The Hunter on the other hand, from thinking about telling his mates about the time he dropped a ?? Warlock is probably now complaining to his mates that he got camped for about 20 mins by a ?? Warlock.

For the Whores!

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Yeah I really like the Earthfury gear Dan. It looks awesome too, black with a sort of lava design on it. I've got the same problem as you though.

Maybe we should start our own guild! We could call it "Sorry we're not priests, but we'd still quite like to try MC!"

And I bet we'd get Zabusak and Ikails applying before long!

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The latest on my guild application, their recuitment officer said:

This is a very good application, and if it was handed in one month ago I'm sure you'd been accepted rather quickly. However as we're now trying to get our current troops coordinated and we're kinda full on shamans, I can't promise you anything Sir. We'll get back to you when we've made a decition. Meanwhile, feel free to add more info, ask questions and basically feel like home.

So they still haven't actually said no! Haven't said yes of course either.....

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Just keep chatting to them in game. As long as they see you are a good bloke, you shoud get in sooner or later.

If you and Tarj get in there, then you have to let me know if a Warlock spot comes up. I like it a lot in Precious, we have some good players here. We can kill Onyxia, have done all bosses in Moltern Core except for Raggy, and will be starting BWL this weekend. We have some kickass PvP squads, including a guy who should get the High Warlord rank 14 next week, and we own Warsong Gulch. It would take me a lot to leave, but then as we enter the part of the game which is more and more guild dependent, id rather be in one with my friends.

Anyway, im away to work. Hopefully i can sneak away a bit early tonight and get on before 1am. Cya!

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Yeah I really like the Earthfury gear Dan. It looks awesome too, black with a sort of lava design on it. I've got the same problem as you though.

Maybe we should start our own guild! We could call it "Sorry we're not priests, but we'd still quite like to try MC!"

And I bet we'd get Zabusak and Ikails applying before long!

Not a bad idea, it cost alot back in the day to make VTV, but its nothing now to us, a few sigatures and we won't get n00bs inviting us to Guilds, and it would save us having to party up! Also our guild name could be any message we want people to see!

I'm still waiting on my Dark Guard application, I've had whispers in game asking me to link me fire res gear, and I've been told to expect a response soon. DG are at Ragnaros ATM, and will down him soon. Bradd from there has helped support my application.

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That Bradd seems OK. He came all the way over to Scholo once to help me on a (failed) attempt to get my epic helm. Recently though he seems to have taken to standing around in orgri playing those stoopid games like "1G to the first person to find me" sort of thing.

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