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Can you elaborate a bit please Dan, so I can check what I need to do?

MC: Is that just attunment to the core Q in BRD? If so I think I have it half done, not sure.

BWL: Where do you get the q etc?

Onyxia is Drakefire isn't it, which I have.

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MC: Not sure its possible to do half, you get the q from the bloke by the BRD entrance and then enter BRD and find the MC entrance, click the portal there and that links the 2 portals, to allow quick entrance to MC. i did this in a stealth run I've no idea how many it takes to do normally.

Onyxia you have done.

BWL is a piece of piss, before you enter UBRS turn right and run down the corridor with some raid members, kill the bloke at the end (stood by an orb) and loot his letter that begins a Q. After you kill Drakki, touch the orb behind him, and that allows for quick entrance to BWL, again linking the orbs.

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Ok, just done another tribute.

Took 1hr 5mins. No wipes, no deaths (mage died in our good run last night, but only cos he leeroyed into an AOE area)

Group was:






Things learned:

You dont need sheep. Voidwalker can tank the Ogre casters quite happily if no one is stupid and pulls aggro off him. He cant tank melee classes.

Where there are 2 Doomguards, Warlock can take them both out of the fight with VW tank and banish while everyone else DPS on the ogres.

Someone always runs up the stairs an pulls the ogres after the Tanin fight while the casters are oom and we try to make the Ogre suit.

Rod of Ogre Magi never drops.

Shaman shit always drops.

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Speaking of BRD, do you want to farm Lord Incendius for his fire resistant bracers? He drops all 4 types of armour so its a 25% chance of you getting your mail. It can be done with a dmg dealer and a healer, I've done it 3 times with a Shammy, a Druid and Tarj. The Druid, like me, stealthed through the mobs, the Shammy relied on his mail to survive the battering, and Tarj relied on a well placed death and Nayson's soulstone to survive the mobs.

Us 2 should piss it.

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Unbuffed and wearing my fire resistance gear:

With felhunter summoned i have 136 fr, 3800 hp and 4900 mana, plus ill be soul linked to him for 3% damage buff, and 30% damage taken absorbed by him not me.

With imp its 4400hp 4900 mana and 76fr

Feel like im getting somewhere without gimping my other stats in the name of fire resistance. Fairly low mana pool compared to priests and mages, but they dont have lifetap (turns health into mana at 120% :D) for mana regen, so i can live with that.

Ive found Smokeys Drape to be a good FR cloak if (like me) you keep losing rolls on the one that drops in UBRS. Its a piece of piss to get, and perhaps +9sta and +10FR is better than +15 fr and no other stat anyway. Plus a +7 FR enchant on capes is cheap as ****. I got mine from within guild for less thn 2g.

Level 60 is better than levelling up. Just wish D1, Sie and Bicks were still about.

Anyway, if anyone wants a late show, ill be on after my shift, which will be at about 1am. Will you be around Dan?

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You probably will almost always have you imp up in MC nays, so that buff of yours is useless ;)

Anyway, ive been told to achieve 120 unbuffed fr gear... foook :shock:

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You only need 120 FR at the end where the big AOEs come in.

And for my Felhunter? Well, yes, i will have my imp summoned most of the time, but if im getting aggro and/or everyone else in my party of 5 is dead (and it happens) then im hitting Fel Domination > Summon Felhunter for an isntant demon summon and 60 extra FR.

This is on our guild website: ugly url or wot?

More for mages, but Locks and Priests can find it very handy too.

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I got the +15 Fire Res cloak in UBRS, with a rather splendfiferous roll of 97!

I'm on +74 fire res now. I can make Dragonscale breastplate that'll give me another +10, and I'm levelling up my leather working so I can make black dragonscale shoulders for another +10 I think. So if I can farm Incendius with Dan I should be there or thereabouts pretty soon. As far as I've read, my armor rating really doesn't matter that much in MC, so I don't mind gimping my other stats a bit.

Once I'm at 300 LW I can make red dragonscale armor, and that's uber MC gear.

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So how much FR do you need overall in MC? If you're starting with 120 and then getting potions and shammy totems, you must end up with well over 200 res.

What resistances will you need in AQ, as it might be worth getting the bits in readiness before the gates open and prices start shooting up!

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i actually got a Video of some mage i was giving the old WTFPWN to last night. Perhaps stopping to dance mid fight was taking the piss a bit much, but **** it, im gonna enjoy our uber mage killing abilities before they get nerfed

Anyway. Fire Res?

For our guild (and bearing in mind this is for Raggy, where FR is very important) the demands are:

Casters 120 Fire resist,

hunters 130~140

Rogue 150

Warriors 180

Im guessing Shamen can consider themselves somewhere in the Caster/Hunter range, so 120 should be enough.

AQ will be Nature Res i think. I know Limpid has a nice nature resist ring. Personally, if its going to be sold, wait for the gates of AQ to open, then slap the ring on AH for over inflated £££!

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Are those resses unbuffed? Druid Buff adds 27 fire res (for some reason, +20 on all resistances and 7 from somewhere else), and takes me over 150. I could get to 150 unbuffed, but that would make me less likely to do any real damage. I'm trying to find a balance between actually being able to achieve what I'm there for (damage dealing) and getting good fire res. But if a Guild gives me a minimum, I suppose I'll have to abide by that.

Risso let me know when you want to farm Incendius, and Nayson, I will be on late tonight....

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AQ will be nature. And Silithus quests gives gear with nature res. as rewards. This is ofc. to prepare people for AQ, even though some of the gear is shit.

Casters are required to have 120 unbuffed in Dashers. Regarding warriors, i think it might be over 200, but im not sure.

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Well, i already knew one of the officers of the guild and that helped quite a bit methinks. And when i stated that i was sick of playing with kids, and really wanted to join a server with more mature players, Lacroix said that that was the sort of player the guild needed. Guess that was it, maybe a bit lucky, but remember im still on trial and not a member yet. Imagine them kicking me out :wow: :( wouldnt i look like a moron then :mrgreen:

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I think you'd have to screw up big time to be kicked out now Tarj, especially being a priest. They're rare as rocking horse shit! I hope I've set the right tone with my application, and one officer has seen it now and didn't turn it down flat, which is a bit hopeful. I really hope I get in as it looks a good guild, but I'm expecting to be turned down then I won't be too disappointed! If I do get in, then there are two of us to try and back Dan if he reapplies!

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Aye, can only hope. The problem with Dan would be the amounts of rogues around. Only chance of Dan getting in im afraid is, beeing very quick with an application when a rogue spot opens.

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i actually got a Video of some mage i was giving the old WTFPWN to last night. Perhaps stopping to dance mid fight was taking the piss a bit much, but **** it, im gonna enjoy our uber mage killing abilities before they get nerfed

Anyway. Fire Res?

For our guild (and bearing in mind this is for Raggy, where FR is very important) the demands are:

Casters 120 Fire resist,

hunters 130~140

Rogue 150

Warriors 180

Im guessing Shamen can consider themselves somewhere in the Caster/Hunter range, so 120 should be enough.

AQ will be Nature Res i think. I know Limpid has a nice nature resist ring. Personally, if its going to be sold, wait for the gates of AQ to open, then slap the ring on AH for over inflated £££!

Do you even know german nays? :P

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