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How does that work, really? It's an honest question, but technically Howard still hasn't touched home plate (as far as I could see).

By Sabathia attempting to throw the runner out at second, the Yankees conceded the run (you'll note that the umpire didn't signal safe until Sabathia threw the ball). Had Sabathia stepped on home plate (unless Howard himself made an attempt to touch home plate, in which case Sabathia would have to tag Howard), then it would have been an out.

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Ta, Levi. I suppose that's quite logical.

Anyway, the Yankees add a couple to go 4-2 up. Could've/should've been at least one more though, with Tex and ARod flying out consecutively to end the inning, stranding two.

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If Sabathia made a move with the ball towards Howard and then threw to second, an appeal could still be lodged.

Cricket takes the idea further... a player isn't out in cricket until the fielding team appeals to the umpire and the umpire grants the appeal.

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Was going to post this in a certain thread in the main forum, but figured it might actually be more on-topic here (and isn't going to provoke howls of how dare you compare football with American sports, since I suspect that the non-baseball fans are by now just ignoring this thread)...

I think I actually prefer the direct, hoofball style of football to the pass it on the ground. It's like stereotypical American League style baseball as compared to the National League style of baseball, don't waste time building up to score, just hit the ball hard and hustle. Or it's like the American football that Bill Belichick has tended to use in New England (rely on defense and an offense that's just good enough to not lose games). Or the physical fast-break style that the Celtics have used with great success. Hell, even the Bruins have generally not played pretty hockey at any point in their history. The teams I like all have a tendency to win ugly.

(and I guess that may also explain why Liverpool are the most popular of the Sky 4 in Boston...)

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