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Posts posted by hogso

  1. I watched You are (not) alone yesterday, the first Eva reboot movie. It was actually quality, although some of the voices have changed on the English dub. Far too much emotion in Rei's voice she is practically a robot ffs. There aren't many differences from the original series, although the introduction of Kaoru before Asuka is interesting. And the animation is just incredible. Think I've got the bug again

  2. Just bought BC2, haven't played a Battlefield game in years and have been pretty much sticking to COD (I have no prefence over the whole IW vs. Treyarch thing, I enjoyed the MW's as much as BLOPs).

    What can I expect?

    Fun ! Try mastering heli-flight, taking people on suicide missions, and you will be everyones best friend.

    I can't compare COD to BFBC2 though, I only play the latter.

  3. Elfen lied is a really good series that I recently watched, i'd recommend that.

    Have you seen Higurashi? So **** up

    One of my favourite series' Gantz had a really messed ending too ugh. And the ending of Berserk which is also one of my favourites.

    I havent kept up with new series and that for a few years though, in fact the only anime I've seen in the last couple of years was Nadesco and Paranoia Agent.

    Still buy Sadamoto's Eva manga, as the Eng volumes have been slowly appearing over the last 8 or so years.

  4. Ah man those noisy cicada's. You might like RahXephon too, I seem to remember it being the closest thing I ever saw to Eva. Apparently the new new re-imagining movies are going to take quite a different take on the story to the original series, although 1.1 was just the same as the early episodes.

    My personal favourite interpretation of End of Eva was that it wasn't Asuka at all, but a representation of Shinji's ideal partner. Asuka's looks, but if I remember rightly the eye colour is wrong and is actually blue - the colour of Rei's eyes. I also really really liked the theory that Shinji's destrudo (opposite of libido) had by the end of series over taken his persona completly, so he chose to destroy the entire human race and start over again as 'adam' on a primordial Earth :D

    FLCL is my favourite anime ever though. Have we got a nerdy weeaboo japanophile thread? Sorry movie lovers!

  5. Never has there been a series where I've hated the protagonist as much as I've loved the show itself. Stop crying and get in the **** robot!

    imusntrunaway imusntrunaway imusntrunaway imusntrunaway ... *SPUNKS ON HAND* :cry: ASUKA !

    haha. Yeh it is great. I only ever got into Gantz and Berserk other than Eva as far as series go. I didn't ever get into the ultra ka-wa-ii stuff, nor the series that never ever ever end.

    OH YH I watched The Wrestler over the weekend. It was good. Didn't expect it to be as slow paced as it was, enjoyed it. Necro Butcher's acting was spot on, sir.

  6. Bunch of anime for sale on zavvi/the hut at the mo... Any recommendations?

    Big list here http://www.hotukdeals.com/deals/zavvi-manga-20th-anniversary-specials-dvd-blu-ray-from-3-85/960742

    Urotsukidoji. :)

    Beat you to it ! :P It is great though. Everyone should buy it. Tentacle rape for all.

    I did enjoy End of Eva too. Especially the bit when the Spear of Longinus goes up Rei/Giant Rei/Adam's muff.

    Was totally fascinated by that series for many years. Read up on a whole bunch of Kabala related things that are referenced in the show like the Tree of Sephiroth, etc. Needless to say I am quite happy I don't take much of an interest in Anime anymore. Do continue to collect the manga though, but as I mentioned previously the continued rehashes/re-edits/re-masters for Eva are way OTT.

  7. Just spent my Father's Day Amazon voucher on this.


    Where is Vivre sa Vie?? I have the 2 box sets simply entitled 'Godard' and then the ones that are missing in those from the '60s collection' - Masculin Feminine and 2 or 3 things I know about her. Love his films, especially everything with Anna Karina, so the absence of it from an 'ultimate collection' is a bit shitty. Still, the price is good for that

    Bunch of anime for sale on zavvi/the hut at the mo... Any recommendations?

    Big list here http://www.hotukdeals.com/deals/zavvi-manga-20th-anniversary-specials-dvd-blu-ray-from-3-85/960742

    5cm per second and Millenium Actress, maybe Eva but I'll always prefer my original AVD (not remastered, not platinum ed.) set to all the rehashes that keep appearing. It's worse than FFVII for that. Oh and Urotsukidoji too, it's a masterpiece, up there with the greatest works of our time for me

  8. Is this a sequel or related to that American McGee thing from years ago? I didn't ever play it, but did wonder who or what American McGee was, and always thought that the idea of a mature alice in wonderland type game thing looked a bit stupid really. But as I say, never played it, wasn't a PC gamer at the time

  9. liverpools 3rd -


    no european football so why addidas have introduced their own lettering style is beyond me because they cant use it

    skin tight! gonna be a lot of unflattering silhouettes around anfield this year :lol:

    They don't like it much cos of the blue I've heard. Its quite alright though

  10. cold-cave-press-main.jpg

    A must to anyone into 80s synth pop. Not that it's an 80s album, it was released this year. It is awfully trendy though, hence why it has been ripped into by certain people who came into the band via their members and their previous bands/projects - American Nightmare, Give Up the Ghost, Some Girls, Prurient, Mika Miko, Xiu Xiu...fans of those are in for a potentially nasty surprise. I actually quite like it though :bonk:

  11. At least he added a new element to his game this season. Going MENTAL; ie. Wigan (vs. ref) or Sunderland (shoving Hendersons face, red card (gosh what a horrible game that was...))

    His kid looked quality sticking those 2 goals away in front of the North Stand after the Lpool game though

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