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Posts posted by hogso

  1. Got 'Skyline' from LoveFilm the other day. Biggest pile of junk I have ever seen...

    :D What an ending that film has...

    I couldn't believe my eyes in all honesty. I was wondering what was going on. :D

    What? How does it end?

    What is it What is it What is it What is it What is it What is it What is it What is it What is it What is it What is it What is it What is it What is it ?

  2. I watched Nobody Knows last night, a film I have been intending to watch for a very, very long time. It's cute, up until the kid dies, they stick the rotting cadaver into a suitcase and bury it next to the airport. I give it 78/100 would recommend specifically to fans of Lilya 4-eva and other Japanese teen/adolescent drama like Lily Chou Chou

  3. Kongo's KO of Pat Berry was the 'damnedest' (as the Americans say) thing I have ever seen. The guy was practically unconcious but caught him perfectly :D I was pretty certain he was going to drop himself after he clocked him, but he just did that stoic walk around the octagon thumping his chest thing.



  4. I've just started Uncharted 2 on hard after having done a couple of normal runs when it first came out getting all the treasure and that. I'm actually quite surpised how easy it's been so far, haven't died in a fire fight yet, and I can say with some honesty as much as I like video games, I not actually very good at most of them D:

  5. Shiiiiiiit get both their albums, sensational stuff. A bit more ska and a bit less hardcore influenced than Capdown, and trumpets instead of a sax, but pretty similar bands. You shouldn't be disappointed.

  6. For Sonic Boom Six, I saw them a couple of times and thought they were really average, then saw them at a the Mighty Sounds Festival out in Czech Rep where they were awesome, seen them since and much better than the first times so worth giving another go.

    Maybe they improved after I lost interest in the scene (around '05), but my memory of them isn't a good one. I found it frustrating that they were still around when bands like Lightyear, Ye Wiles and King Prawn weren't. ESPECIALLY in the case of Lightyear though, the last song on the last album explaining why the only reason they were finishing was because they simply couldn't afford to live if they carried on playing and touring was horrible :( Such a good band. I would actually be more excited for them to do a reunion tour than Capdown...but better than nothing :D

  7. Well I was sat waiting for 10 minutes for a Team Deathmatch and never got into one, and then waiting another 10 minutes for a co-op game and didn't get into one of those either! So that's pretty shitty. I'll give it another try later.

    Some of the new gameplay videos are fantasic though, some above mentioned how would they be able to top some of the set pieces from no.2. Well, there's a full gameplay video, muct last about 10 mins, of Nate on a ship in a stormy ocean. The scenery is swaying, things are all over the deck, there's water everywhere...Nate makes his way through the ship and gets ambushed, and there's an explosion - naturally :lol: Then he proceeds to escape the ship while it floods in real time. The effect of the water rushing in to the ship is just glorious...look forward to it!

  8. I might even watch those gay spin off ones where they don't even pilot Eva's or whatever

    Good god, without Evas? So... it's just 30 minutes of Shinji being a pissant? :puke:

    My recollection is somewhat hazy, but there's a bit in end of Eva where Shinji either imagines or sees an alternate dimension, depending on your opinion, where he lives with his mum and dad and goes to school with all the same people, but every is happy and normal. I am lead to believe it's an entire series of that :lol: Then there's another one that's based on an Eva dating game, where Rei is Shinji's cousin or something but he still wants a piece cos it's awwwwwwwwriite~

  9. th_nosebleed_smiley.gif


    Oh ok yeh I see what you mean. I hadn't thought about that actually. They can end it however the **** they like as far as I'm concerned, I just wanna see Kaoru turn up in his new Eva, and see how gay they will make him act around Shinji. The bit when they have a shower in End of Eva is one of my favourite from ther whole thing, Shinji is like ":shock: christ mine isnt that big", and Kaoru is all "touch it shinji, you might like it :x"

    So yeh now I have to watch the whoel series again inc. directors cuts inc. original ending inc. Death/Rebirth & End of Eva. I might even watch those gay spin off ones where they don't even pilot Eva's or whatever

  10. how will it work with teams going through, i.e 6 groups? top 2 and best 2 runner up's?

    Top 2 and the 3rd place teams with the prettiest kits?

    Top 2 and the 3rd places teams with the biggest bribes?

    Top 2 and the 3rd place teams with most TV appeal?

    Top 2 and the 3rd place teams then all live together in one big house for a month, with viewers voting players out everyday. The team with the most players left in the house then qualify for the next round?

    Top 2 and then the 3rd place teams voted by Sepp Blatter and Henry Kissinger as the most deserving?

    I think they should let the teams through who are top of the fair play league

  11. Toned down in what way? For a start I can tell you that Rei has VISIBLE NIPS THIS TIME

    Man I really need a smilie having a nose bleed in there. I love that in anime. Sexual arousal = nose bleed hahaha. I especially like it when they have a nose bleed SO ENORMOUS it makes them fly into the air. Maybe that's why Japanese sexual practices are perceived as a bit odd - their first association with eroticism is BLOOD

  12. Anyone played the multi beta yet? I've got it on download, so will hopefully give it a go later. It ends July 14, so get it asap. The beta for 2 was a bunch of fun, I seem to remember

  13. I watched them both on blu-ray and they look and sound incredible. The next one hasn't even got a JP release date yet though, so it'll be a long way off for us. Then there's another one simply entitled FINAL which promises a completly new ending

  14. I watched You are (not) alone yesterday, the first Eva reboot movie. It was actually quality, although some of the voices have changed on the English dub. Far too much emotion in Rei's voice she is practically a robot ffs. There aren't many differences from the original series, although the introduction of Kaoru before Asuka is interesting. And the animation is just incredible. Think I've got the bug again

    Following on from this I watched the 2nd part last night, You can (not) Advance, and ... :shock:

    It is amazing.

    The story generally follows the same route as the series, except all the Angels and the battles have been re-designed, they expand on a lot of ideas from the series, and the whole plot flows fantastically well. I mentioned in that post above about there being too much emotion in Rei's voice - turns out this is totally purposeful and isn't simply a change of voice actor, her character has a slight, but significant, change in personality.

    Most interesting though is that they've added a new child from Europe, and made 2 HUUUUUUUUGE changes to the story from the series, and it works fantastically well. The preview for the next one looks just brilliant. ugh so many superlatives. Honestly if you like the series as much as I do (and I love it) you pretty much have to see it. 2 hours of constant nerdgasms...so much fan service...

  15. just to say, its tuesday night, im steaming drunk, and just seen queens of the stone age in bournemouth...i dont have enough superlatives to say how good it was.

    can anyone else beat this?

    Yeh, saw Kyuss (minus the ginger chappy obv) a while back :lol:

    Most significantly for me on the horizon, 2 bands I never thought I would see again; Leftover Crack, who are doing a few shows other than the festivals in the summer. I thought they had died (literally in the case of Stza) a couple of years back, and was quite surprised to hear of new dates inclusing Reading/Leeds. I was big time into them around 16/17, smoking crack, killing cops, what a blissful existence.

    Better than them though is Capdown, a band who did properly finish. I never ever thought I would see them again, one of my favourite bands ever, as they all grew up and went and had kids, etc. Doing a bunch of shows aswell as a few festivals. Skanking in the pit. Quality. Another throwback to my younger days, but unlike LoC the 'Down are actually really really good :D

    god capdown takes me back! they were qualty!

    I know what you mean pal. First time I saw thm was nearly ten years ago, crazy! I used to use their forum, which boob used too, and got on the guest list for some of their shows. I felt so special. Turned up and every man and his dog was on the **** 'guest list' :lol:

    Here's the dates they have coming up;

    Friday 29 July 2011 - Capdown, Random Hand, Vanilla Pod @ Norwich Waterfront

    Saturday 30 July 2011 - Capdown, Chief, The JB Conspiracy @ Moho, Manchester

    Sunday 31 July 2011 - Capdown. Random Hand, The Junk @ Concorde 2, Brighton

    Thursday 4 August 2011 - Rebellion Festival 2011 @ Winter Gardens Blackpool

    Friday Aug 5 2011 - Capdown, Anti-Vigilante @ The Crauford Arms, Milton Keynes

    Aug 6/7 2011 - Hevy Music Festival 2011 @ Port Lympne Wild Animal Park, Hythe

    Thursday 25 August 2011 - Capdown, Anti Vigilante @ The Peel, Kingston Upon Thames

    Friday 26 August 2011 - Capdown @ Sub91, Leicester

    Saturday 27 August 2011 - Reading Festival 2011

    Sunday 28 August 2011 - Leeds Festival 2011

    Friday 21 October 2011 - Capdown, The JB Conspiracy, Dirty Revolution @ The Fleece, Bristol

    Monday 24 October 2011 - Capdown, Random Hand, Mouthwash @ O2 Academy 2, Liverpool

    Tuesday 25 October 2011 - Capdown, Mouthwash, Anti-Vigilante @ The Cockpit, Leeds

    Thursday 27 October 2011 - Capdown, Random Hand, Mouthwash Northumbria Uni, Newcastle

    Friday 28 October 2011 - Capdown, Random Hand, Mouthwash @ The Maze, Nottingham

    Saturday 29 October 2011 - Capdown, The JB Conspiracy, Anti Vigilant @ HMV Institute, Birmingham

    Sunday 6 November 2011 - Capdown, The Filaments, The Skints @ Koko, London

    If you were into the scene at the front end of the 00's you'll probably be familliar with alot of the support acts. Although I hear Mouthwash was very suddenly and explosively split-up, and cancelled all their upcoming shows, including Reading/Leeds!

    I hope to see them a few times - definately in Brum and Liverpool, and the Manc show looks fantastic with Cheif playing too (hopefully they can fill the L'Pool spot if Mouthwash aren't playing). And in November, Capdown AND The Filaments. Man oh man. JD Conspiracy are Duff Muffin btw, they changed their name and are now more popular than most anything in the scene, 'cept maybe Sonic Boom Sucks uh sorry Six

    I can not waaaaaaaait

  16. just to say, its tuesday night, im steaming drunk, and just seen queens of the stone age in bournemouth...i dont have enough superlatives to say how good it was.

    can anyone else beat this?

    Yeh, saw Kyuss (minus the ginger chappy obv) a while back :lol:

    Most significantly for me on the horizon, 2 bands I never thought I would see again; Leftover Crack, who are doing a few shows other than the festivals in the summer. I thought they had died (literally in the case of Stza) a couple of years back, and was quite surprised to hear of new dates inclusing Reading/Leeds. I was big time into them around 16/17, smoking crack, killing cops, what a blissful existence.

    Better than them though is Capdown, a band who did properly finish. I never ever thought I would see them again, one of my favourite bands ever, as they all grew up and went and had kids, etc. Doing a bunch of shows aswell as a few festivals. Skanking in the pit. Quality. Another throwback to my younger days, but unlike LoC the 'Down are actually really really good :D

  17. maybe even let him defend it on ROH although I can't see Vince doing that as it'd be acknowledging a rival, I'm surprised he even let it be mentioned

    Eh, they let ECW 'invade' when they were in trouble to financially to give them more exposure (in fact, wasn't it to coincide with the first PPV in an attempt to boost buys?), and it worked. Letting the titles go anywhere reeks of WCW though, as said above, he'd never do that.

    And as for giving him a push after this - he is a multi-time world champion, right? The fact that they have the guy as heel when he is straight edge says it all for me. Wouldn't promoting a drug free way of life be a wonderful thing to do for the kids watching at home? Yeah, but what they actually do is make him the bad guy and if anything actually poke fun it. He'll go for awhile, Jericho will come back I hear, then maybe a few months down the line Punk will get a face turn on his return

  18. Of course it's a work, Vince knows exactly what the internet fans will make of it, the guy is a genius.

    Punk is quality though, I don't see it often but I did see an episode a few months ago when he quoted a line from a Fugazi song :D Did he ever do the Pepsi Plunge after he left the indie circuit? That was around the time I lost interest in wrestling in general, but it was thought he'd never use not only due to the name, but mostly due to the fact it makes HHH's finisher real weak.

    I just watched it too. Anyone remember when The Dudleyz left ECW and were tag champs, they cut a 'shoot' in which they said they were taking the titles and laying them at the feet of Vince. It was great. Naturally, they lost the titles and they didn't go anywhere :D I think a similar thing happened when Taz left too? The lack of a mention of TNA in the 'shoot' makes me believe more than anything that it's a work. Vince would never ever allow them to be mentioned, but the others are fair game

  19. I watched the movie "Frozen" last night. It's about 3 people who get stuck on a ski lift, at night, and everyone goes home, and the ski resort is closed for the whole next week. Oh and there is a snow storm and wolves running around on the mountain below them. Basically I think someone saw that bit in Dumb n Dumber where the guy gets his tongue stuck to the ski lift, and thought 'that would make an excellent feature length film'. I was expecting it to be completely terrible, but it wasn't quite as bad as that. Lost it's way in the last half an hour, and you could skip the first half an hour, which leaves you will half an hour that is alright.

    I think i was bigging this film up about 6 months ago.

    Nothing special but a decent film, its main asset was at least trying to do something different, its not really a genre specific film.

    It did well in the fact that (given it was about 3 people stuck on a ski lift) it didn't seem completely far fetched and had that air of 'based on a true story' about it. The sense of unrelenting hopelessness after all the lights on the mountain were turned off was very effectively acheived though. I mentioned the good half an hour - luckily this was the middle portion of the film.

    It's a film that uses an image on its promo material/cover that isn't actually in the film at all, which doesn't make any sense. It shows one of the guys hanging off the bottom of the car while the girl is still sitting there, and that never happens. Which, to the potential viewer, is cheating them really.

    We just wanted to watch something, anything, that sounded remotely interesting last night on Lovefilm player. So glad they've put it on PS3, I get no end of use out of it. Picking a movie based purely on the genre, name, and first line of the synopsis can have interesting results. On an average weekday night with nothing better to do though, you don't mind watching a really trashy film (not the Frozen was)

  20. I watched the movie "Frozen" last night. It's about 3 people who get stuck on a ski lift, at night, and everyone goes home, and the ski resort is closed for the whole next week. Oh and there is a snow storm and wolves running around on the mountain below them. Basically I think someone saw that bit in Dumb n Dumber where the guy gets his tongue stuck to the ski lift, and thought 'that would make an excellent feature length film'. I was expecting it to be completely terrible, but it wasn't quite as bad as that. Lost it's way in the last half an hour, and you could skip the first half an hour, which leaves you will half an hour that is alright.

  21. I think there's plenty of room to be able to enjoy anime and not be a total freak about it. Now J-Pop and 'visual kei', that IS something I can't get at all, because it is completely shit as far as I can tell. As for why I 'get' anime, well I really couldn't say. My introduction was through Japanese and anime styled videogames, most notably FF7. Eva was the first full series I watched, and well I suppose I just thought big robots fighting aliens was coooooool.

    Now though, save for Eva, I'm much more inclined to watch anime that isn't about space and robots and invading aliens and as for that cutesy stuff, no I can't get my head around those ones. Except for The Moomins ^_______^

    Chindie does that mean you didn't/don't like Shin Megami Tensei, specifially Persona? Quality games man.

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