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Posts posted by hogso

  1. Well the subconsious psuedo reality aka. nightmares are basically a puzzle game. You climb a tower a block by block while the lowest levels slowly (or quickly at higher difficulties, I guess) fall away. You have to move blocks around to be able to keep climbing, and you're scored on how quickly/effiecently you do it. As I mentioned before though, the game introduces new mechanics as you go on it seems, so you're not just climbing a tower. There's sheep and pillows and uhm weird scenary. In the 2nd level of the demo there's this giant shadowy monster, which resembles Vincent's girlfriend. It has a fork, and if you climb too slow BLAMO. She squishes you into tiny bits with said fork, leaving your entails, etc. behind

    The rest of the game appears to be sort of Heavy Rain-esque, where you choose how to respond and what to do which changes the story. In the demo you get a text from Katherine and can reply all sweety sweety, not so sweety sweety, or ignore it completely. You don't get to see the repercussions of your choice in the demo though.

    Its similar to the Persona series in that during the day you do the social stuff and during the night you do the dungeon crawling. Although with Catherine™ it's a little different as he has nightmares when he day dreams during the day too.

  2. This is coming out on PS3 and Xbox in a week or so, in the US. There isn't an EU release date at the moment, though. I saw a few trailers a while ago and it looked like the oddest, weirdest, most intriguing game of this gen. It helps that it's the first venture into HD territory for the makers of one of my favourite game from last gen, Persona 4. So yes that basically means it is anime - the game, and looks theres so much fanservice uh I mean looks nice.

    Catherine™ is an erotic horror puzzle-platformer adventure video game developed and published by Atlus for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.

    Players will enter the life of Vincent Brooks, a 32-year-old man who finds himself caught by the irresistible attraction of the game's titular diversion. Vincent wakes up, hungover, next to a stunningly beautiful woman who isn't his girlfriend. This lands him in a predicament that occupies most men's dreams and nightmares. Did anything happen? Does he tell his longtime girlfriend, who's pressuring him to commit to her? Can he get away with stringing both women along? What will you choose to have Vincent do? Who will you choose to hurt? In life, cheating can ruin everything, but in the world of Catherine, it can also kill you.


    Vincent really likes his girlfriend. Katherine's pretty, smart, and successful. Trouble is, now she's sat Vincent down for "the talk," and Vincent's spent his entire life trying to avoid long-term commitment. Since romantic complications are the last thing he wants to deal with, Vincent meets his friends for their regular night of drinks. Little does he know that he's about to be blindsided by a drop-dead sexy freight train named Catherine. When the morning comes, he's hungover in bed next to the most beautiful woman he's ever seen, unable to recall the previous night's events. Was it just harmless fooling around, he wonders, or did something more serious happen between them? Should he tell Katherine? Will he ever see Catherine again? Vincent's about to discover that stumbling on the stairway of love can turn into a horrific, fatal plummet...

    Apart from that and a

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYv4yY7b6-g, thats all the info there was on it for awhile, as Atlus asked Japanese players not to post any gameplay videos online, so as to avoid story spoilers.

    The demo came out yesterday on the US PSN, and I played it today. It looks and sounds incredible, and the atmosphere acheived by the level of detail in the game is fantastic, very much like the Persona games. The main core of the gameplay revolves around you climing a tower during your nightmares, its a kind of puzzle that involves moving blocks around and the like. It appears to advance and introduce more gameplay mechanics as the game goes on though. The Japanese version had to have a patch released for 'super easy mode' as there were too many complaints that even 'easy' was too hard :lol:

    There is a special edition being released in the US entitled the 'Love is Over' editon. Take a look at this package;


    There's the game, the soundtrack, an art book, 2 posters, a pair of boxer shorts, a tshirt, a pillow case, and it all comes in a pizza box. The latter items are all featured in the game.

    I've put in a pre-order for import, and look forward to playing Catherine™, it looks like no other game so far this gen so, that much is for sure. For that reason alone my interest is highly piqued. It also gives an insight into what Persona 5 may potentially look like... which is :shock:

    Any other pervOOPS persons looking forward to this?

  3. Are the official coaches any good?

    Yes! And for ease of getting down there thats the best option. You could get in touch with your local supporters club as they might have coaches on too, as well as the ones that are on the OS.

    As sad is it is though, I actually quite enjoy the trip to away grounds on the train, so have only used the coaches a few times . . . :oops:

  4. Well actually I'm asking for advice specifically for the tubes, but yeh for general tips on getting down there under your own steam

    I would be going by train, and I've done a journey planner thing. Train to Euston is fine, but I'm not very experienced with the tube, Not that I'm really intimidated by it or anything - although I was the first time I used it - I'm having a bit of trouble making out exactly what the planner is telling me.

    Basically, you can get 2 or 3 tubes from Euston to Putney Bridge, the closest underground to Craven Cottage.

    Euston Underground Station

    Take the Victoria Line towards Brixton Underground Station




    Green Park Underground Station

    Take the Piccadilly Line towards Northfields

    or Piccadilly Line towards Heathrow Terminal 4

    or Piccadilly Line towards Heathrow Terminal 5

    or Piccadilly Line towards Uxbridge




    Earl's Court Underground Station

    Take the District Line towards Wimbledon Underground Station




    Putney Bridge Underground Station

    -approx 31 mins


    Euston Underground Station

    Take the Victoria Line towards Brixton Underground Station




    Victoria Underground Station

    Take the District Line towards Wimbledon Underground Station




    Putney Bridge Underground Station

    -approx 33 mins

    That's fine and all, but it throws up these warning messages;

    NORTHERN LINE: Saturday 13 and Sunday 14 August, no service between Camden Town and Kennington via Bank. Click here to see more details about the Northern line upgrade plan. Reported: 05/06/11 13:35 Last Updated: 05/06/11

    DISTRICT LINE: Saturday 13 and Sunday 14 August, no service between Earl's Court and Edgware Road. See our upgrade plan for the District line. Reported: 29/04/11 15:33 Last Updated: 31/05/11 09:35

    EARL'S COURT: No step-free access to the Piccadilly line until March 2012 due to planned maintenance work. Use the District line to/from Hammersmith for alternative routes. Reported: 05/04/11 08:28 Last Updated: 09/05/11 01:11

    And errr...I have no idea if that'll affect the journey at all! I assume that if it meant you couldn't make do the above journey because of the closures mentioned there, then it wouldn't show you that it's available. Or I could be completely wrong :lol:

  5. iliketrains-progress-reform-2006.jpg

    Nowhere else can you hear the likes of an http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoHloQFJNvs, a

    sonically realised with such power and majesty.

    Or, as my missus put it; "a load of depressing tosh". :x

    Three Trapped Tigers are decent, but I can't stand by this awfully slow egotastic rubbish. Took a day to download aswell. You're losing your touch

    Is that iliketrains you're referring to as 'awfully slow'? Goodness. That is positively break neck speed compared to some. Slow is quality (not that fast isn't mind, I love speed). I listened to BATILLUS' new album yesterday, slow & heavy as **** is an understatement. Glorious!



    There's some flashes of old ATR in there, but it's not nearly as angry as the 90s stuff. It's very much like Alec Empire's solo work, which I like, but I was expecting a little more. And no Hanin Elias :(

  6. tell-no-one-ne-le-dis-a-personne-poster-0.jpg

    Saw it last night - fantastic! Best film I've seen in a while. The story is paced at a pretty incredible speed, twisting this way and that, and a very satisfying ending. Not that it wasn't without it's flaws (soundtrack was pretty dire (U2...)), but I enjoyed it immensely. It's kind of like a 6 part drama/mystery/crime thriller you might watch on TV squished into 2 hours.

  7. Back to the form he showed for Blackburn over a number of years and the form he showed for us during his first 6 months or so here, form that got him in to the England World Cup Squad, then he is obviously good enough for us.

    As for his character I wouldn't worry about that. Prior to working under Houllier in the 10 years previous ( time as a pro ) he had never been an ounce of trouble as far as I 'm aware. His attitude after being banished to train with the kids/play for the reserves was also exemplary apparently

    Right on. Clean slate for everyone, no exceptions. It would take a lot to change my opinion of Warnock, more so than Ireland for example, but I do recall the times he did do a good job for us. I'd hope he gets his head down and puts in a shift in the early season, as I too believe he can be good enough.

    As with so much Villa at the moment, only time will tell

  8. Succumbed and bought a ticket yesterday, didn't think I was going to make any pre-season games but didn't want to miss out. Also bought my train ticket - it is very easy, Walsall train from New Street, get off at the Bescott. Depends what direction you're coming from but yeh.

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