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Everything posted by The_Rev

  1. Its not even 1 pint a week at Warwickshire prices Juju!
  2. Check out Ragefire Chasm in Orgrimmar. Its the first dungeon on the game. And you are about the right level to go in there now. Id take a group of five people in though.
  3. Did he ever actually wear it?
  4. And the password is the name of the finest centre half who ever wore the Claret and Blue.
  5. I set up a Villa Talk channel for chat. Type: /join VT to join it. Then /5 to put a message in. Means we dont have to be grouped to speak on the game.
  6. Its not. The game starts off with about three buttons to press, and grows from there as you get more ecxperienced, and more comfortable about what you are doing. The learning curve, interface wise, is beautifully balanced. Also bear in mind, that im playing as a Warlock, the most complicated class to play through the game as. I like this picture. This was a sweet, sweet moment in the game for me. Oh how myslef and Si laughed at this one... (and the specs are listed on page 2 of this very thread)
  7. And Bicks has just joined. Tauren Hunter.
  8. theres trouble brewin...
  9. You will love it Juju. And its not really the exclusive propery of D&D fans. Sure, there are Orcs in it, but they are breakdancing Orcs who can buy guns and then shoot squirrels with the guns. Tauren. Gun. Dead Ostrich.
  10. You're on the wrong server. Start again and come onto Deathwing, and look for any of us lot. You'll soon be back up to speed, as we can give you weapons and cash, and help you with quests so you level faster. Deathknell is a town within the game Risso. Where the undead spawn. In Tristfall Glades, near Brill and The Undercity. This is why all those low level quests you are hammering through at the moment are quests that myself and Si havent done. We did all of our early work in and around Deathknell. Guess this proves just how massive the game is!
  11. Bicks, the Manual thing, it wil confuse the **** out of you. Skim it to find out what the buttons do, then hide it. Dont look at it again until you are level 10. Then just keep it by your PC as and when. Best way to play the game. And if you arent sure on something, just ask someone. Im sure myself and Si know plenty of tricks by now too.
  12. Horde characters: Undead: myself and Si. I just wanted to be a zombie. And evil. And the undead are clearly both. Orcs: Dan and Risso. Have the best dance on the game. and the other two that no one has been. Trolls: All speak with strong Jamacan accents. Stay away from de Voodoo! Tauren: Are about twice as big as everything else. And they are basically giant cows. With fleas. They are impossibly cool, and i wish i had have picked now.
  13. Page 2 of this very thread Bicks...
  14. True. I picked a Warlock as my first character, and they are without a doubt the hardest (read "most involving") class to play as on the whole game, and it will take until about level 30, some 200 hours of play, before they really start to shine. Dont let that put you off if you want to be a Lock though, but if you are going to be questing with Dan and Risso a lot, perhaps a healer (priest) or a tank (warrior) will suit the group a lot more. Try a few characters, see which one you enjoy the most.
  15. Probably better off not being a Shaman if there is already one in the group. Get characters that compliment each other, to make a stronger group. Shamans are massively versatile, and dont really have any weaknesses, but that doesnt mean a group of several Shamen will be all powerful. If you are questing with Dan, who has picked a Rogue (massive damage dealer, probably along with the Mage the hardest hitter in the game) you might need someone who can take a bit of a kicking and come out smiling, like a Warrior, or an out and out healer, like a Priest (the most popular class on the game in terms of how other people playing will like you)
  16. Some word removed ruined the shot!
  17. And after the pics of me with Si, Risso and ED: Me with Steve Bruce.
  18. And note that Risso isnt dressed like a Pikey any more. I had to sort that out, and buy him some better clothes. Anyway, same shot, different angle: ED's (and Risso's) dance is the best. He gets to do a full on 80's b-boy style breakdance. Me and Si get a naff Air Guitar/Headbang combo, and that little minion thing of mine sets himself on fire, and does a somersault. Which isnt as spectacular as it sounds.
  19. And the same picture as Si, 30 seconds eariler.
  20. He looks like a tramp!
  21. Come over to Deathwing, and roll Horde. ED is on there, and myself and Si will be about to look after you too. Ill be on after 11pm tonight.
  22. I thought you were going to wear your hat..
  23. The cost? I got the game for £24 from ePlay in the Bullring. Might be a bit far for you to go, but thats indicative of the price. The first month is free, then its £9 per month after that (cheaper per month if you buy longer amounts of credit, i went for 3 months at £25, giving me a total of 4 months for £49. Given that i spend at least £40 a month on games as it is, WoW isnt expensive at all. You will probably get more minutes of gameplay out of this game per pound spent than anything else on the market. Im saying there is well over 1000 hours of gameplay per class type on the game, and there are 9 different class types, speread over Horde and Alliance. Some classes play entirely different to others. Myself (warlock) and D1 (warrior) are probably polar opposites, and are having massively different gameplay experiences. Ill probably pick some kind of melee based class as my next character (who will be called, imaginatively, "NaysonTwo") Id guess most people would want a high level character on both Horde and Alliance sides of the game too. I know i do.) Anyway: And Designer1, my good self, and some Welsh bird that follows me around a lot (who clearly doesnt want to be in the picture, she isnt waving and has cast an invisibility spell on herself)
  24. Nope. There are thousands and thousands of players. You never struggle to find people of your level to team up with.
  25. Are we playing screenshots? Check this: The game is so big, moving from one side of the map to the other by normal means would take forever, so there are various flying things to jump on, from bats and those things out of Jason and the Argonauts (with lions heads, wings and scorpions tails) for local* journies, and parping great zeppelins and ships for the bigger journies. There is even a short train route on the game, complete with a big issue seller at one of the stations. This map might give some idea of the mind boggling vastness of the game. To put it into perspective, i have some 200+ hours of play on the game now, and ive been to probably less than a third of it so far. Its all unlocked from the start of the game too, not like GTA! Oh, and the game plays in real time day/night cycles. So here is a picture of my good self, and D1 standing around on the top of a cliff in the dark. *term used very loosely indeed!
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