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Everything posted by The_Rev

  1. The chatter down the side should say enough, really.
  2. The left side. Cos thats where i used to stand.
  3. I just use the standard game one, plus a Warlock Specific one called Necrosis, which is for all the non combat skills we have (and belive me, there are a lot!) I really must get my combat interface sorted. I wouldnt mind sticking everything on the right hand numberpad actually.
  4. You should see what its like being a Warlock... (even Blizzards own website says its the "most involving" class to play as!) edit: some shots of me at level 46. I just bought the cowboy mask because it looks ace!
  5. And now i feel like a hero. Im riding through Ferelas to do a quest, and as Si will testify, its quite a twisty main path in points. I come around the corner to see an Alliance Warrior (level 44) wailing on a Horde Warlock (level 41) the Horde guy is just trying to run away, but the Alliance isnt having any of it, and charge stuns the warlock. I dont think he banked on me coming around the corner. I slapped on the curse of shadows while the Warrior was still trying to kill my mate, and then i start to cast the shadowbolt.... 2.5 second casting time, and every fraction of every second im saying to myself "please crit-please crit-please crit..." and as the shot is fired off, boom! 1052 crit! The warrior drops in one hit. And look at the honour points i get! PvP servers rule sometimes. They really do..
  6. then you can have it at a cost price of 8 gold sir.
  7. And for the attention of Mr Guest: i know you like the really big axe, but have you ever considered a really big sword instead? Ive done a bit of wheeling and dealing, and ive managed to get my grubby little mitts on this beauty... its Final Fantasy VII-tastic, isnt it? If you want it, you really have something to aim for to "will" you to level up (and you can be 47 by the weekend, i guess?) and then can have great fun skilling up by clubbing loads of little level 25 pigs to death down in the south barrens, collecting the wool they drop, and sticking the wool in the Auction House for a gold a stack. If you dont want the sword (though i cant see why not...) ill put it up in the AH for 20 gold. (you can have it for a lot less than 20 gold.)
  8. If si is there, let him pull. It means the aggro is on him straight away. As long as he remembers to "tag" everything else around him and taunt, he should hold the aggro so you lot can just concentrate on doing the damage or the healing. Im always tempted to pull, as my opening pulling shot can hit for well over 1000, and that makes it something of a fightwinner before we have even started. Thing is, i get a bit squishy due to the cloth armour, and its hard to get the aggro off me after a hit as big as that...
  9. Aggro Alert. Sits in the titan bar. A quick glance tells you who the aggro is on. Green name means its on someone in your group, red name means its you, grey "inactive" means its on no one. Good if you are tanking, and want the aggro, or if you are a cloth wearer, and dont want the aggro, or looking after the priest/warlock/mage and dont want them to have the aggro.
  10. Nayson's irrational hatred of all Paladins: Explained?
  11. Just so it will shut people up every time a dodgy goal happens.
  12. Oh, and i did that kill 20 owls thing earlier Si, its easy, but the type of owl you need is fairly rare. I found myslelf just killing the same three or four, and catching them again on the respawn, grinding on the dogs and other owls in the meantime. Oh, and THIS might interest you.
  13. Then Desolace is the place to go. Especially if you are a skinner. The joys of the Kodo graveyard (XP and Money tastic grinding) await you...
  14. Myself and Si had this debate when we were your level. There are Southshore/Tarren Mill raids pretty much every night on every server. Thats why i did all my questing at your level in either Thousand Needles (the shimmering flats end) or Desolace. But at the moment, there are high level PvP quests in the area, and it will be that way all week too. Ive actually done them, and they are good fun. But you lowbies have got no chance over that at the moment. Start group questing in Desolace.
  15. I was just out farming for wool, when some alliance ran by. I targeted one, hit him with the curse of shadows, and unleashed a shadowbolt.... boom! It says "absorbed" there, but what bit of it was absorbed, i dont know. It was goodnight from the Alliance though, but i did feel guilty about killing a fellow warlock with one hit..
  16. Its critline, the link is on page 34 of this thread.
  17. Where the **** is that?? Oh, and: Outbid!
  18. For Si. Damage dealing build suggestion Tanking Warriors forum
  19. I had about 90g at level 40, but i didnt level up XP wise anywhere near as quickly as you guys.
  20. A very nice little mod called critline which records all your best attacks, how often they crit, and what level they were against. Its good for satisfying curiosity, and also helps you decide what moves hurt best. Sits on the titan bar.
  21. And oh, yay, whoo! Hit level 44, got my new curse of shadows and smashed my crit record, hitting for over 1000! If i get my maths right, i should be able to crit for 1300+ on this level. Sweet!
  22. Its the GPU on a graphics card that makes the difference, not the memory. Like on your PC, the CPU, then the memory. [/pedantic]
  23. Its your PC. I never have any problem in Orgrimmar, other than having to wait a few seconds for the terrain to load and stuff if i logon in Orgrimmar. And i play the game with everything maxed graphically.
  24. Fantastic gaming last night, didnt really get anything in terms of XP or Cash, but more than made up for it in terms of fun. The Halloween special stuff is fantastic. Big dragon attacked the city of Orgimmar. Bastard thing needed 310 skinning, and im 300. There is now a big Wickerman burning outside of the Undercity too, for Halloween. Of course, the Alliance want to see it too, but cant get close because of the 4 big guards protecting it (3 level 60 elites, and a level 55) so they have to stand a safe distance away. Unfortuantely, horrible bastards like me will be forced to come up and kill them. And now im PvP flagged, cos i attacked the Priest, so its mate, a high level Paladin is being brave and trying to take me out. Im also feeling brave because of the guards surrounding me, but the Paladin runs through, has a swing, misses, and gets hit by the guards. He puts his big pussy bubble of invincibility up, and survives, the git. Two minutes later, he came back for another go, but i was ready for him. As he came running through, i had my Succubus (the strange female demon who wears bondage gear if you dont know what i mean) seduce him, so he had to just stand there while the guards ran over and filled him in. Comedy pumpkin in Undercity. And there was loads of crazy stuff going on in Hillsbrad. Much more than usual. We had quests where we had to throw stink bombs into their camp, and put rotten eggs into the beer kegs inside of the pub in their camp. They were both level 60 quests, and i managed to complete the rotten eggs one. I didnt get any kind of XP for is (about 1500) and i had to spend over 1g reparing my armour, but it was worth it just for the laugh we had trying to get inside a base that must have been protected by about 50 alliance players, plus another 20 computer guards. Oh, and the reward i got for completing it? Comedy costume. Sion, you want to have a crack at this tonight. Its great fun.
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